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(May 23rd, 2016, 19:29)Epoxy Wrote: How's your expansion plan going so far? Do you need more city names?
My expansion plan has been absent planning and accordingly very slow, to the point of irrelevance. I'm the kind of player that needs to sim to have a good result. This could also fairly be called just being a decently mediocre player. When I try hard, I sim. When I don't, I'll get eaten. Eventually. That said, if you have any preferences for city names feel free to pass them along. I've been using the Panama Papers wiki page for a list of people who have utilized Mossack Fonseca's particular services.
In a bold plan to boost expansion and hasten my exit from this game, because let's be honest here, that is exactly what is coming eventually, I took exception to a pretty ridiculous REM settlement.
This city gets him rice and marble. And marble is useless, he's better off workshopping the tile. Even with his reduced cost of producing settlers and cheaper maintenance, this city makes no sense to me. He just has two rifles in Kyoto and, interestingly, only one in Douglas which is accompanied by two airships. Even if he bombards me I should be able to raze Kyoto. I've left Sig vulnerable but REM has very few units in his coastal cities and I did not see any available shipping so I think Sig will be ok. Annoyingly, my only trade route to the rest of my empire goes over REM's seafood tile. I'm scrambling to build a fort with my two workers NE of Sig but if I had been smarter I would have put them on the plains workshop instead and saved myself having to build a road, which is another lost population point if we end up fighting that long.
The most likely outcome here is that I kill the city and REM, being a practical kind of guy, decides that it isn't to his advantage to try to conquer me at this point but that he'd be better served to swallow the pill, make peace, and come back for me later when OT4E/Dreylin invade me. Which they will surely do eventually. If REM opts for the long war then he'll win, but that should sew up the game for OT4E/Dreylin who I will have no means of stopping, worse than my current situation. They've got two civs' of land and have farmed everything. They aren't playing the long game, they're drafting to continue expansion through the weakest opponent. Most likely this is me. I'm fine with that.
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I'm not sure how I've double-moved REM here but I have not been closely tracking this. Last turn I logged in once, after REM finished his turn. He logged in again after me last turn for just under 15 minutes. On the current turn where I've declared war for his questionable new city I waited until he had seemingly played. He played 30 minutes, built his city, logged out. An hour later I logged in, declared, and have killed a couple units. Only one battle could potentially be problematic, I won a 78% fight. I'm not sure where I've double-moved in all of this. Also, the habit of logging in, out, back in again on the same turn when game politics and actions indicate a high probability of conflict is not a good practice IMO. I don't have a lot of time to stare at civstats. I play when I'm able to.
If you guys want to reload I'm fine with that but the cat is out of the bag now. If I see more than two rifles in theater (along with the reincarnated dead cav/explorer) then this really isn't a good situation. REM will know what forces I have available and can't help but play somewhat differently.
Just tell REM to reload, delete that stupid city, I'll delete an infantry and we can all play on like this never happened. <--Not a serious request.
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(May 27th, 2016, 08:54)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: Just tell REM to reload, delete that stupid city, I'll delete an infantry and we can all play on like this never happened. <--Not a serious request.
Oh I'm glad I can come to you and see serious solutions Boldly.
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Yeah. I know.
Since REM hasn't gone ahead and played yet I'm guessing there is still some hair-splitting going on. I am not terribly invested in this but I get where REM is coming from. I carelessly left a loaded galley that he could have possibly attacked last turn and he had a decision to chew over: hope for the best or declare, kill my boat and gird for real war. He didn't attack, and I went ahead and played this turn after he went half a day between founding his city and coming back for a later play session. If he had communicated that he needed more time I would understand, but absent any information at all I'm not sure what else could have been expected of me except to go ahead and play. Shrug. This is bound to happen in any game when folks log in and out multiple times during a turn at all times of the timer. If we could minimize that it would make things much easier.
As for allowing a double move back against me, that really isn't practical given naval movement. My boats are positioned to be out of range of his units. Two consecutive moves obviously is something that I can't have prepared for during war so that just won't work. I really don't see any practical solution except to reload or play on. Obvious preference is to play on for the sake of others who have fought during this turn.
My play window is rapidly dwindling. I have family coming into town in the next few hours for the holiday weekend and I need to start pounding down some alcohol to cope get ready. I don't want to hold things up so it would be nice to get back on track before too much longer.
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Xenu, you can play if you want to. I dog really care what you do.
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I guess we aren't at war with rem since he played again. He must oh have accepted my peace offer. So he'll be back in ten turns for revengence. Play and get ready for thst..
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Xenu! We're still alive. Still building cities. Still going to get rolled pretty soon. Still haven't seriously started building an army but I'm making good progress on a navy (that will get shredded by blimps and wrecked by wooden boats after but meh).
Log in and have a look around or do some reporting.
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password is boldtyrant if anyone needs to log in and end turn.
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I don't dare to hope that the big three (REM, Scooter, Dreylin) will mire themselves in war and let us consolidate our tenuous position. I've basically been spamming 2t settlers out of the capital for a while now and have the last two city locations ready to plant in a couple more turns. I have factories and coal plants chopped out of new cities pretty quickly. We just need time to grow and hope that the others have some attrition through the fighting. In another bright spot, Pindicator's apparent apathy toward this game (how is it possible to be less engaged than me?) has us catching or passing him in tech, food, and production pretty quickly. We're already ahead in power. The geopolitical situation is good right now too. REM is fighting Dreylin, apparently for real. Scooter is ganging up on Dreylin. This is good in that REM and Dreylin are busy, but it could be really bad if Dreylin collapses, which could happen depending on how things go. I'm not sure if his production model is sustainable if he starts taking big losses. He has lots of cities but, from what I've noticed quickly scanning the map, not as many workshops as REM and Scooter. If it looks like things are going to go badly for Dreylin I can try to open up a relief front by boating REM, or posturing to do so. I still have circumnav and I'm building up a big navy. Asymmetric warfare is my only hope. It's kind of a bluff, but I'm behind so that's really all I can do to try to get ahead. That and slowly move up the scoreboard as civs die. I'm not last and I'll outlive DZ at least, so there's something to say for the slowest expansion civ.
Xenu, seriously though, you're going to need to get into this game for a bit. After tomorrow I'll be in San Diego for the rest of the week.
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What are you doing in San Diego? Btw, I'm on the tail end of my own vacation right now, will be home really late Thursday night, so realistically I can't play until Friday after work. If you need a pause, you need a pause. Sorry about that.