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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Can anyone else play a Cop vs AI game I don't care if they are good i just want to know if it is possible since i can't enter them.

Fire&Ice' Wrote:Can anyone else play a Coop vs AI game I don't care if they are good i just want to know if it is possible since i can't enter them

Don't think they've enabled it yet, they said they weren't releasing it same day as the patch so exactly when they will is uncertain.

Cull Wrote:Falling back in love with Ashe. <3

How do people build her around here? I go boots+pots/doran shield-boots-brutazlier-lvl2 boots of some kind-bf sword item(ie, cleaver, bthrister)-lw. I don't know if the brutazlier is worth it on Ashe. I've also seen cdr boots, which I'm conflicted about. WHAT DOES RB THINK?

Typically I'm buying bloodthirster as my first major item on ranged carries at the moment (not in ARAM though), the extra damage it adds to volleys is really nice + always helpful after a fight to heal off minions. Then I'm looking at some attack speed item, been trying out sword of the divine recently and its gone well, I.Edge should be in the build somewhere and LW lategame.

As for boots, I'm not sure CDR boots are really needed on Ashe IMO. Would rathe have merc treads or boots of swiftness. If getting kills is easy you can get berserker greaves I guess
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Cull Wrote:Falling back in love with Ashe. <3

How do people build her around here? I go boots+pots/doran shield-boots-brutazlier-lvl2 boots of some kind-bf sword item(ie, cleaver, bthrister)-lw. I don't know if the brutazlier is worth it on Ashe. I've also seen cdr boots, which I'm conflicted about. WHAT DOES RB THINK?

OK, Ashe is my main, and I have fairly strong opinions about how to play her. As I think I've finally become good enough at the game and have a good enough understanding of how to play Ashe, I'll post what I think. My advice goes against the grain of what others seem to think, so feel free to point and laugh. lol

As Ashe you should aim for crits. My reasoning for this is simple: Ashe's passive means that rushing an IE first is the obvious thing to do. Going into a fight knowing that your first hit is going to do 400 damage against squishies is just a huge bonus, when you have it by the 20 minute mark. Having gone IE first, it then makes sense to make the most of its passive by maximizing crit damage. I've taken this to the extreme of taking crit runes (marks) on Ashe, for an innate 10% crit chance.

Doing some very back-of-the-envelope calculations on the benefits of this:
Take base damage to be 190 with IE, crit damage 475.

The benefit in damage terms of an item with 15% crit chance is (475-190)*0.15 = 42.75
So an item like Executioner's Calling, for example, gives, in effect, 43 average damage per hit, and gives 18% lifesteal.

Compare this with the Bloodthirster, which gives 60 damage, actually gives less lifesteal to begin with and costs over twice as much. You can charge the Bloodthirster up, but of course, you might die. Executioner's Calling has a useful active, too, if you happen to be fighting healers.

So my build is as follows:
  • Doran's Blade/Shield (depending on who I'm likely to lane against -- if I know it'll be a caster, I'll go Blade, if it's a physical, I'll go Shield)
  • Boots of Swiftness or Berserker's Greaves, depending on whether or not I'm having a tough time. If it's an easy lane, I go Greaves, if not, Swiftness
  • Infinity Edge -- BF Sword first, then Pickaxe, then Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer -- Zeal, then Cloak
  • Executioner's Calling -- it acts as a poor man's Bloodthirster, but gives around 70% of its effectiveness for less than half the cost
  • defensive item -- usually Banshee's Veil. BV gives health as well as MR, which Ashe badly needs.

If the game goes very late, then Bloodthirster/Black Cleaver/Last Whisper, depending on enemy team comp (if they're building tanky, go LW; if they all have one defensive item each, go BC; if they're squishy, go BT)

By the end of this build you have everything Ashe needs as a glass cannon:

- approx 60-70% crit chance (which means that whenever she's out of a fight for more than 6 seconds, you're guaranteed a crit)
- 200 base damage (topped off with pots if you can
- 430ish move speed (which she really needs, as she's so squishy - you should have Ghost and Flash too)
- 18-21% lifesteal
- 1.5ish attack speed, which is more than enough

That's my core build at least. Skilling order is R>W>Q>E (except for one E at 4)

CDR boots -- no no no no. You don't buy CDR when only one of your spells will use it (even if it is an Ashe arrow). You don't really want defensive boots, as you shouldn't be getting hit as Ashe.

I'll post a bit more later on, but in the meantime, ridicule away. smile

Terror Wrote:As Ashe you should aim for crits. My reasoning for this is simple: Ashe's passive means that rushing an IE first is the obvious thing to do. Going into a fight knowing that your first hit is going to do 400 damage against squishies is just a huge bonus

While it is nice to have a very high to 100% crit chance on this first hit, in a somewhat organized fight you can't just hit their squishies straight away without running right into the middle yourself. Focus firing their easy to kill champs is ideal but sometimes you have to hit their tanks just to contribute as much as you can. That means after the first attack you'll be outputting less damage unless you're lucky with crits than someone who rushed a bloodthirster first.

As for first item, I really dislike dorans blade even more than I did before since you couldn't buy a HP pot too. There really isn't a good reason IMO to take the blade, the item really needs a small buff because the shield is just superior.

Executioners calling just strikes me as an incredibly weak item, not Tiamat weak but a very situational item. If I'm playing ARAM (a game where bloodthirster is a dumb buy), I'll get Starks after I.Edge.

Oh and about not getting defensive boots.......really? Oh c'mon as great as it sounds the enemy will not always leave you alone and the extra MR and CC reduction can be a lifesaver when caught. They should definitely not be discarded as a sub-optimal purchase on Ashe
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Dantski Wrote:While it is nice to have a very high to 100% crit chance on this first hit, in a somewhat organized fight you can't just hit their squishies straight away without running right into the middle yourself. Focus firing their easy to kill champs is ideal but sometimes you have to hit their tanks just to contribute as much as you can.

Often that's true; certainly in organised fights it is. But in a little skirmish or whatever (usually someone who's overextended), the damage is devastating. But that's not really the issue, as you get 100% crit if you've been out of a fight for a bit whether you have IE or not.

Quote:That means after the first attack you'll be outputting less damage unless you're lucky with crits than someone who rushed a bloodthirster first.

No no -- with IE, crit damage masteries and crit runes, I have to be particularly unlucky not to output more damage than a straight Bloodthirster build. Once I have Phantom Dancer, I have 60% base crit.

Quote:As for first item, I really dislike dorans blade even more than I did before since you couldn't buy a HP pot too. There really isn't a good reason IMO to take the blade, the item really needs a small buff because the shield is just superior.

That's true -- generally the blade is weaker than the shield. However, if you're facing a caster the armour really doesn't help you at all, and the only thing the shield has over the blade is the regen. You get some of the regen with the blade assuming you're attacking, and the 9 damage really makes a difference in the very early game (increasing overall attack by 15% or so). So it's situational, I think.

Quote:Executioners calling just strikes me as an incredibly weak item, not Tiamat weak but a very situational item. If I'm playing ARAM (a game where bloodthirster is a dumb buy), I'll get Starks after I.Edge.

I don't disagree it's weak, but it's also very cheap. smile 1350 gold is half a Phantom Dancer, 40% of a BT, a third of an IE. By point of comparison, I think it's about 70% as effective as a Bloodthirster in terms of pure damage output.

It's also a utility item -- as Ashe, you need lifesteal. If I felt I needed lifesteal before I can get this item, I'll often even just slot a Vampiric Scepter into a build halfway.

Quote:Oh and about not getting defensive boots.......really? Oh c'mon as great as it sounds the enemy will not always leave you alone and the extra MR and CC reduction can be a lifesaver when caught. They should definitely not be discarded as a sub-optimal purchase on Ashe

If you get CCed as Ashe, you probably die with boots or without. You just shouldn't be in that situation. It has to be very situational to be optimal -- maybe against a team with 3 AP carries with some CC Merc Treads are a reasonable purchase, I don't know. I'd rather have either the extra move speed or the extra attack speed.

The only real argument, personally, that I can see for not going crit on Ashe is if you're doing the majority of your damage in poke-fests with volley (crit chance doesn't affect volley, of course). But most of your pure damage will be with your right-click.

After losing interest in Civ4 a couple of years ago, I kind of stopped coming to RB. Last year, I picked up a new game, League of Legends. After reading Sulla's discussion of Civ5, which confirmed my pre-release impressions that Civ5 was going all the wrong design directions, I started playing some Civ4 for old time's sake, wandered back here, and discovered that many of y'all had found League of Legends, too. I'm trying to work on my skills, which seem to be terrible judging from my inability to escape awful Elo in solo queue, and looking for people to play with who aren't, well, jerks.

On ashe I like to stack armour penetration:

red/purple armour penetration, yellow/blue MP5
doran's shield / boots + 3 pot (good for dodging skillshots)
I used to go 11/0/19 for the armour penetration mastery but really that's not needed with the itemization and runes. So 9/0/21

Situational boots
Black Cleaver
Phantom Dancer
Banshee Veil

After IE I generally just buy whatever I feel I need at the time. do the buy a vamp scepter when I have spare gold thing too.

Iainuki Wrote:After losing interest in Civ4 a couple of years ago, I kind of stopped coming to RB. Last year, I picked up a new game, League of Legends. After reading Sulla's discussion of Civ5, which confirmed my pre-release impressions that Civ5 was going all the wrong design directions, I started playing some Civ4 for old time's sake, wandered back here, and discovered that many of y'all had found League of Legends, too. I'm trying to work on my skills, which seem to be terrible judging from my inability to escape awful Elo in solo queue, and looking for people to play with who aren't, well, jerks.

You are welcome to play with us, take a look at Sullla's youtube channel if you have not already seen it, his commentary should be helpful

ps. the jerks never go away no matter your elo, but that is just the internet
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

I stopped playing lol after they changed solo experience exp, so I haven't kept up with everything they've nerfed, but in general this is what I did with Ashe.

Runes and Masteries should be thought of like leader traits. The best ones are the ones that help you in the early/mid game. You want to be as powerful as possible early so you can potentially snowball faster than the other carries.

I usually used a 21/0/9 set up
Red: Armor Pen or Flat Damage
Blue: MP 5/lvl
Yellow: MP 5/lvl
Quints: Armor Pen, Flat Damage, or Flat HP

Flat damage helps more with getting more last hits. Armor pen is better in the mid game. MP 5/lvl basically makes mana a non-issue for most of the game.

I use to always say Doren's Blade + HP Pot, but since they nerfed that I'd suggest Doren's Shield or Red Pot + tons of HP Pots. If you go the latter, save the red pot when you're fighting. Don't use it immediately because your opponent will immediately run away. Try to make them commit then fake them out with the extra hp and damage.

Summoner Spells: Ghost/Flash

These spells are what will keep you alive.


Starting Items
BF Sword
Lvl 2 Boots
Last Whisper/Phantom Dancer/Ghostblade/Maybe a New Item
Banshee's Veil

Generally Armor Pen is most effective against low armor targets than high armor which makes me less inclined to get more than Ghostblade/Last Whisper levels of armor penetration.

As Ashe your job is fairly simple. Stay with the group. Don't charge enemy ranks. Spam volley. Kite when needed. Initiate when appropriate. Target most vulnerable target. Stay with the group. Don't charge enemy ranks.


While I never played Civ 5, this game is like it to me. Alot of wasted potential and the developers being the major source its problem. Instead of creating more viable options they just nerf everything so any option works (i.e. there are no good options so pick anything). Just mention Anti-Fun and I'll probably rant.

DerWille Wrote:Runes and Masteries should be thought of like leader traits. The best ones are the ones that help you in the early/mid game. You want to be as powerful as possible early so you can potentially snowball faster than the other carries.

I agree with this 100%, and that's possibly the best short statement about League of Legends that I've ever read. (This is why I prefer flat Armor/Magic Resist runes to the ones that add per level; 20 MR at level 18 means little, while 10 MR at level 1 is enormous.) The rest of the post was really good as well.

I've also been growing more and more frustrated with League of Legends as more time passes. Adding more champs and more skins endlessly does very little to improve the core game. LoL has a tremendous amount of potential that's being wasted, as the developers continue to nerfbash all of the popular strategies and fail to generate new content in the form of maps, replays, game options, and so on. At this point, I'm mostly playing because it is a fun game with a full premade team (TERRIBLE game for solo queue, IMO) and there's nothing else out there right now. The minute Diablo 3 or a better MOBA game appears, I'll be gone.
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