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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Sullla Wrote:Overall, Riot just looks way too much at maximizing short term revenue.

You basically summed up what I was going to reply with. Also my friend who played LoL with me alot back in the day said the same thing about their PR. He thought they should fire their entire PR staff.

Deceptus - I'll play a bit of devil's advocate. Weren't those maps created by the Korean Starcraft leagues though? So it's not really a "community" map so much as it is another company's "professional" map.

DerWille Wrote:You basically summed up what I was going to reply with. Also my friend who played LoL with me alot back in the day said the same thing about their PR. He thought they should fire their entire PR staff.

Deceptus - I'll play a bit of devil's advocate. Weren't those maps created by the Korean Starcraft leagues though? So it's not really a "community" map so much as it is another company's "professional" map.

Yes, there are Koreans who are basically "professional" map creators and have basically build modern Starcraft map theory through a decade of trial and error. They are the ones that spin out the maps for the Starleagues and Proleague. More than anything they're the ones who have made Starcraft as balanced as it is. They are so good that they'll be able create maps that favor certain races (most notable for Protoss in leagues that start in the Fall to fullfill the "Legend of the Fall" tradition).

But they don't really get support from Blizzard (in fact the whole apparatus behind Korean Pro-Starcraft is getting sued by Blizzard) so in that respect, they are community maps.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Dantski Wrote:Well on the subject of new maps, Riot must have information about how much their last released map (Twisted Treeline) gets played. I don't think I've played a TT game in months and I imagine several others here are in rhe same boat.

If a new map comes out in will increase queue times with the players being further spread and if no-one really wants to play the new map a month after release, Riot will have wasted a bunch of time and effort which you suspect is how they feel about TT now. I'm not saying I don't want to see new maps though, far from it.

I think you have to look at the reason why Twisted Treeline is not played. It has nothing to do with the fact that people don't like new maps.
TT just feels like a "light" version of the real game. Several features like jungling and baron fights are basically removed and squishy characters don't seem to be a good pick either.
Add the big IP/XP malus to that and you can see why nobody plays it.

A solution to the queue problem would be to set the default matchmaking option to "random map" and just assign a map during champion select. This would keep queue times low while still providing some variety.


Sullla Wrote:It reminds me of Activision doing everything they could to exploit the Guitar Hero market by putting out three games per year. Well, that worked great for about 18 months, and then the market collapsed. Gigantic sales to dead market in just over three years. That's the business plan Riot is following at the moment. By doing nothing to add true additional content to their gameplay, they're setting themselves up to lose their whole customer base as soon as a real competitor comes along. As several others have said, I don't know if that will be DOTA2, but it will happen eventually.

That's a great analogy, especially when you look at the survivor of the "band game wars" Harmonix and how they did a lot of things right/better and thus, get to survive. Instead of just pumping out more games and more songs to make quick money, Rock Band is constantly pushing the envelope of new innovations, new ways to play, new game modes, as well as a huge catalogue of downloadable content. Riot is only focusing on downloadable content which is akin to what Activision did with Guitar Hero and why it has shut down.

The market for this genre is wide open right now for anyone who wants to step in and do it correctly. HoN is far too hardcore for most people and Bloodline Champions is just retarded.
Like you said before Sullla, as soon as a game in the same vein as Rock Band comes out, this Guitar Hero of Team Based Action RTS will lose a lot of customers.

And that's sad, because LoL does so many things right.

Pandajuice Wrote:That's a great analogy, especially when you look at the survivor of the "band game wars" Harmonix and how they did a lot of things right/better and thus, get to survive.

It's worth noting that Harmonix started the genre in the first place. Harmonix did Guitar Hero I and II. Then they wanted to branch out into Rock Band, but realized the Guitar Hero name held a lot of brand value, so sold the Guitar Hero franchise to Activision. IOW, the true succession really goes GH1-GH2-RB1-RB2-RB3, with GH3 and onwards as a separate inferior lineage.

It's just like how Alpha Centauri was the real next Civilization, while Civ Call to Power was a separate franchise. Gamers figured out where the real heritage was.

sorry guys, internet was down for 15-20 mins so couldn't reconnect.

Might have got my first leave rolleye
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

I don't think you get Leaves for Custom games... not 100% sure though.
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Nope, it'll say "leaver" on the score screen at the end of the game, but doesn't go on you're semi-permanent record on your name mouseover.

Currently venturing bravely into ranked, plunged down to 1150 almost immediately.
It's depressing to watch your teamates make all the mistakes you used to make when you first started.

Opinions on the best way to rise?
Currently I'm concentrating on playing junglers and tanks because that's what the team 90% of the time needs - they all autolock squishies and look to each other to fill the tank and jungle roles. Typically I have to cover both, but at least at these ELOs Trynd and Mordekaiser get banned over Shen quite often, so I get to romp around in the jungle with him.

Unfortunately that results in the crucial carry roles being assigned to the selfsame muppets that can only play their one squishy. Frequently it ends in disaster.
So I'm starting to pick a decent carry and insisting on mid, and then if things go well and my opposite on the team is a little lacking, I can drag the team (feeding Gangplank/AP Maokai/Yi/AP Ashe/the Pantheon that was once 1506 ELO and so this 0/7 score is totally a fluke and because you guys are not supporting me) over the line.

Opinions/past success stories welcome.

On the subject of Ashe, I direct you to this thread Terror, for the community's current opinion on Crit Ashe.

I understand that with crit runes it's undoubtedly viable, but their comments about a thornmail/armor having a magnified effect do sound right.
I'm still of the view that the first dmg item on Ashe apart from Doran's blades should be a BF sword -> Black Cleaver.
It's got everything you need, Dmg, AS and ArPen.

For today's funny troll thread, I direct you to here!
Make sure to read the hidden, downvoted comments too! lol

Best I can tell you pocketbeetle is to duo queue with someone you trust as a carry, not much more you can change.


Watched a new TreeEskimo stream- was an interesting game to watch, particularly after the game ended and he used the new replay software to slowmo the crucial turning point fight and was explaining point by point exactly what people were doing right/wrong, where they should have been/etc. Kinda cool to see the new replay system working despite being so jury rigged, and allowing people to do more then just "well people were out of position again".

Also heard in another of Eski's streams that aparently Roku is working on some sort of league system for LoL, could be good for the community if it works out.

Anyways, just nice to be able to say something positive, even if it's not all that sure. smile

Edit: And it looks like the new version of the replay software has added healthbars for all units across the map! (though doesn't update all the time)

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