September 14th, 2011, 15:57
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Error in above count w/ Injera on both TT & Zak
Twinkletoes (5): Zakalwe, Sareln, Scooter, Meiz, Ichabod
Zakalwe (4.1): Serdoa, Catwalk, Twinkletoes, Injera
Scooter (1): Gaspar
Not voting: JKaen, Roland
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September 14th, 2011, 15:57
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It's been a very quiet day in terms of voting. For most of the day, everybody has seemed content with the state of the tally. I could see both Serdoa and Catwalk as misguided villagers, and if they are, then there has essentially been zero opposition from the wolves against lynching TT.
I'm willing to give it a spin, although I'm sure it will be held against me.
If you know what I mean.
September 14th, 2011, 15:58
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Twinkletoes (5): Zakalwe, Sareln, scooter, Meiz, Ichabod
Zakalwe (4.1): Serdoa, Catwalk, Twinkletoes, Injera
scooter (1): Gaspar
Not voting: JKaen, Roland
September 14th, 2011, 16:00
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Four tallies shortly behind each other and still always wrong or outdated  Lets try it again.
Zakalwe (4.1): Serdoa, Catwalk, Twinkletoes, Injera
Twinkletoes (4): Sareln, scooter, Meiz, Ichabod
scooter (1): Gaspar, zakalwe
Not voting: JKaen, Roland
September 14th, 2011, 16:01
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Oh, fuck, that tally still has a (slight) error, as it shows 1 behind scooters name, should be 2 of course...
September 14th, 2011, 16:03
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Is Roland going to vote today?
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September 14th, 2011, 16:04
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Injera Wrote:Oh, didn't see your post Gaspar (you can tell how long I was contemplating pressing "submit" ).
Do you think it would even be possible to get enough votes on scooter to matter, especially with Meiz having gone to bed?
Who knows but it seemed silly not to try for the same reson you switched to zak.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
September 14th, 2011, 16:05
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Sareln Wrote:Is Roland going to vote today? 
At the last second, perhaps?
If you know what I mean.
September 14th, 2011, 16:05
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Work is too crazy right now, so I'm doing this piecemeal when I have time. Trying to get this out there before the end of the Day. Will be able to discuss later on after lynch - probably sometime tomorrow (more family gathering tonight). Sorry Injera for borrowing your list, but I don't have time to write a novel right now, and your list gave me the best easily-accessible basis to go off of.
Injera Wrote:Okay, here's my take on all the players in the game.
The Uber Three:
zakalwe - Been consistently at or near the top of my Villager list despite some hiccups along the way. Starting to wonder, given the lack of other options, if I've been mistaken this whole time. Suspicions rising - will come back to this.
Catwalk - Way too erratic to get a good handle on, but still inclined to think new / odd Villager more than obnoxiously cocky 'Wolf.
TT - Read enough emotion in his last few posts to recognize him for what he is: Villager.
The Absentees:
JKaen - Almost certainly a 'Wolf. No sense voting - probably going to get modkilled.
Sareln - Probably my #2 'Wolf suspect after JKaen. Convinced others of his innocence, but hasn't done so for me.
The Suspicious Veterans
Serdoa - Among the top of my list of innocents. No way he's a 'Wolf.
Meiz - Not as sure as Serdoa, but would be highly surprised if he's a 'Wolf. Safe in Villager camp.
scooter - Wavered up and down all game. Can't clear - possible suspect.
The Deepwolves:
Gaspar - Strong Villager vibes, despite some suspicion early on. If he's a 'Wolf, he's very deep indeed.
Ichabod - Right beside Serdoa. Absolute Villager.
Roland - Love me or hate me (or just don't care), I'm a Villager, and I know it. 'Nuff said.
So how does that stack up?
#1 - JKaen
#2 - Sareln
#3 - scooter
#4 - zakalwe
Jkaen isn't worth voting for, as I said already. So that brings me to my #2 suspect, Sareln.
Serdoa Wrote:And 7 votes on TT the next time I look... again more then half the village being on the target zak choose. God, sometimes I understand why seveal (now unfortunately dead) villagers scream at you guys.
Well, lets hope that you are right and I am wrong and that TT is a wolf who got abandonded to provide deep cover for the others. 
I couldn't agree more. I'm tempted to join you on zakalwe just to prove a point, but I'm going to wait to see how today plays out. If Twinkletoes is indeed innocent like I believe, I think tomorrow I'll give your suspicions towards zakalwe my fullest attention.
zakalwe Wrote:The reason MNG gave for voting Roland at the start of day 2 was not very convincing. The way I read it was: I think he is innocent, so he must be guilty.
Unless I'm completely mistaken, this isn't the first game Mr. Nice Guy has done this in (and probably not the first time he's done it to me, specifically). I know Mr. Nice Guy very well, and I really got a laugh out of both his opening post (voting me Mayor and to lynch me - what a riot!), and the post you reference (he felt if he was so sure I was innocent, then I must actually be a 'Wolf). That is, literally, just how Mr. Nice Guy plays. He never takes the game too seriously, but he does actually care about the game - he just likes to kid around. Some might call this poor Villager play. I just call it trying to be the Village Jester (note the word I used). He tries to bring levity and enjoyment to the game in his own special way, and he never fails to elicit at least a few laughs from me. I'm still surprised that he was the Baner, and even moreso that the 'Wolves picked up on it (unless they really did just get lucky with a scry), but then I've never been good at picking out power roles - on either side. C'est la vie.
Anyway, to tie this bit in with what came just before - I never understood why you felt so suspicious about Mr. Nice Guy based on that. Was it really that hard to understand? You read him exactly as he was being, and yet that wasn't good enough for you? Taking him at face value was so strange for you that you felt he might be a 'Wolf because of it?
That's not even the only odd thing about your play that's stuck in my mind throughout the game, despite how you've led me to believe in your innocence throughout almost 3 full Day cycles. The suspicions against Erebus just seemed to be making a mountain out of a mole hill, as well - similar to Sareln's "I think you're trying to frame me" bit, which - while excessive - is at least somewhat understandable from a defensive position. You just couldn't get past his whole "Fake Edit" bit (which I absolutely agree was odd, but I never felt it was worth lynching him over), nor his comments about the Vigilante and why it might be worthwhile to discuss it (did it never occur to you that maybe he was just a newbie, and didn't understand that trying to pinpoint one of our power roles, regardless of him having used up his power, might be helping the 'Wolves narrow down the likely Baner suspects? Did you ever think maybe he was trying to narrow down our 'Wolf suspects by flushing out a confirmed Villager with a power role that's sole use right now is to prove innocence?). I've seen this behavior from you in the past, zakalwe, but I thought by now you'd have learned how to get past it. You always see the most sinister intentions in the most innocuous of comments and actions, and were it anyone BUT you I'd say they were a 'Wolf trying to pick off Villagers and stir up chaos. Instead, I let it slide with you because it's been what I've come to expect from you, but maybe Serdoa's right. Maybe that's one of the biggest problems we're facing right now, in addition to having such quiet 'Wolves. Maybe you really are a 'Wolf in Shepherd's clothing, and I truly have been too wrapped up in my own personal bias about you to notice it - or, to accept it even if I had noticed it.
I don't know anymore zakalwe. I really don't. I see some of the arguments against you, and I agree they're bullshit. I'm not listening to them, though. I'm not looking at the misconstrued "facts" put forth to support what amounts to an excuse to crucify you. I'm looking at all the little things I've picked up on about you and your play during this game, and finally doing my best to look at them all with open eyes - minus my Villager glasses. The more I look, the more I see maybe I've been misled this whole time - by no one other than myself. If so, bravo. Not only have you survived this far, and not let a single one of your brethren perish, but you've even managed to lynch one more innocent Villager with a landslide victory, despite you yourself being the second name on the list. If you live through today, I think you'll have a much harder time avoiding the noose tomorrow - but by then it may already be too late for the Village anyway. Too little, too late.
zakalwe Wrote:[quote=zakalwe]For those who think Scooter is innocent; if he is, then my actions at the end of day 2 aren't very incriminating. If I were a wolf, don't you think I would allow myself to be persuaded to vote for Scooter, if he is innocent? That would still leave Erebus as a severely untrusted villager, for a possible second mislynch today (or later). What do you think about this argument, Scooter? You haven't mentioned it, even though you restated some suspicion towards me after I made it.
As I recall, I don't think you were even online in time to do anything about trying to kill scooter, but I'm not certain about that. The only thing I remember is a distinct lack of your presence during that whirlwind of activity. Let me make it clear: in no way do I think that makes you suspicious. I only bring it up because you're trying to use it as a defense right now, and I don't think it's a very plausible one - unless I'm mistaken. People are free to check for themselves, as best they can.
And since Sareln isn't getting any traction, and the only other alternative is Twinkletoes, I guess I'm going to have to reverse my plans and vote zakalwe.
September 14th, 2011, 16:05
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One more for Scooter. My reasoning for voting TT over scooter is moot now, let me go dig up that post.
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