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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

They get detected and they can only see one tile in this mod. If we don't get a GSpy then I think we'll use a couple of spies and keep our fingers crossed BGN doesn't realise they were ours when they get detected...

Sometimes the RNG in this game really makes you want to strangle it. On the other hand, especially when it comes to human players...they get screwed just as often as you do. smile

Turn 151

This turn we settled Juniper (for Incense) and Kipple (fishing village at the south pole). I think we can get PP in three turns with a few wealth builds, which will be more useful than geting compass. Dtay is Music, Nationalism, Mil Trad, Gunpowder and Rifling away from building Cavs. Any ideas what his plan is? He's having to keep large forces in a lot of border cities, which makes me happy. I offered Wetbandit and Nakor OBs and reassigned EPs to get tech visibility back on Krovice and Pindi and get it for Cynheard and plako. This is the trade screen comparison for before and after.

Fintourist got a quest when he logged in:
Quest15: Noble Knights Prereq: GUILDS and HORSEBACK_RIDING Obsolete: MILITARY_TRADITION or RIFLING or RAILROAD Active/Weight: 15/200 Aim: Build default number of players for this world size +1 Knights (8 for standard) Result: 1.All Knight Units gain the Flanking 1 promotion 2.IF Organized Religion civic AND State Religion: spread your state religion to 5 own cities 3.IF you control the Oracle get a free settled great priest in the Oracle city.
We need to have 12 Knights to get the prize - Hazelnut is working all hammers to make sure that happens this turn. We have 17 cities that need Hinduism. 8 already have a different religion, so getting five of them for free saves 150 hammers + something for failed spreads.

Flanking 1 on all our Knights enables Sentry and F2 (which in turn enables Mobility mischief) and gets us 10% odds of surviving battles that we'd lose (hmmm, is that really how it works?) Yuris got an event that sounds strangely similar last turn, but since we hadn't seen the quest at that point I don't think that means he beat us to it (I'm not sure how quests work in MP). If we'd get the promo on Cuirs and Cav too then I think its an obvious move, but if its just Knights then perhaps the religion is better for us?

All is quiet on the Mardoc front, I think BGN killed the northern Galley. Next turn we can put a stack of four Knights and a HA on the highlighted tile, which should be enough take out the 2 LB and 2 HA in Green. We could put a fifth Knight on the hill if we're happy to just leave one Mace in UV to defend against two HAs... The southern galley (marked with a sign) might want to pillage our nets so as a defensive measure I positioned our galley at the pinch point that he'll have to get through.

Demos and power


(October 24th, 2014, 18:25)Old Harry Wrote: Flanking 1 on all our Knights enables Sentry and F2 (which in turn enables Mobility mischief) and gets us 10% odds of surviving battles that we'd lose (hmmm, is that really how it works?) Yuris got an event that sounds strangely similar last turn, but since we hadn't seen the quest at that point I don't think that means he beat us to it (I'm not sure how quests work in MP). If we'd get the promo on Cuirs and Cav too then I think its an obvious move, but if its just Knights then perhaps the religion is better for us?

The promo only applies to any Knights you build. However, you can upgrade them to Cuirs and Cav and keep the automatic promo. New builds of Cuirs/Cavs won't have F1 by default, though. So it does have a limited shelf life.

Turn 152

We completed the Knights quest and given the choice between Flanking and five Hindu cities we went for the latter. We probably aren't using our Knights for more warring after Mardoc and Azza, we could build anywhere between twenty and fifty before they go obsolete, but if we're entering a farming phase the religion is more use. In other news Boldly took Liverpool from Agent234 this turn, we offered open borders as a sign of friendship. Oh and we got some beakers from an event.

Green now has three CG3 Longbows on a hill. Our Knights don't even get double-figures odds against them. So next turn our three heroic cats will trundle up to the walls and probably suicide to give our six Knights a chance.

Demos and power. We shouldn't take the farming thing too far, given Pindicator, BGN, Krovice and dtay are all ahead of us on power now. We just need to hope that our recent infrastructure splurge gives us a tech edge.


We got another event! I think it gives Alfie either:
- a settled military instructor
- a settled great merchant
- a settled great prophet

The Merchant is worth 1 food, 6 cash
The Prophet is worth 2 hammers, 5 cash

I'll go for the merchant unless I hear otherwise fairly soon...

Did you select our prize already? I guess this means that in the long run our options are:

great merchant + plains hill wind mill + 1 specialist (max size 22 IIRC)
great priest + plains hill mine (max size 21 IIRC)

Yeah, I think I like that merchant more as it speeds up our growth a bit, that one peace of food allows us to reach a higher size and specialists will be fairly strong once we have Oxford (and representation civic) in place.

I hope you haven't misinterpreted this, these would be great news! nod
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

I went for the merchant. I know how much you love food! The good news is that we'll have a size 20 capital working a windmill in three turns.

Some slightly annoying news is that Azza has a Chariot poised to hit Veggies next turn. Worse is that I moved a Knight two tiles out of range to help last turn duh. Our axe can hit it first at 80%, but who knows what that means in this game... Edit: actually if our axe loses we can block the Chariot with a worker. Azza probably can't burn the city but it'd be better not to risk it.

Probably a time to put a hammer into LB there as well.. mischief
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

80% is pretty good odds, I would risk it. I know the RNG can be a bitch sometimes, but sometimes you have to take calculated risks. What are the odds if the chariot attacks your axe? Better or worse? Does that axe have any terrain bonus to defense or anything like that? If so, that might make it worthwhile to wait instead.

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