So, I decided to give up the two fish spot for now and moved my settler accordingly. If Dazed wants to he can settle there. His settler is on the way so was finished EOT18. I thought that he would be able to do that but was not exactly sure. Now, after going through the demo-data again, I would guess he camped the ivory and therefore has a 2/3/1 tile available, together with a 2/3/1 city tile by discovering BW. At least that is for me the only explanation how he can have 10 food and 6 hammer yield with 2 citizens (mined grasshill and corn would give 9 and 6 as it is the case for me right now after I whipped my settler).
I think I have produced more then he has since the start (partially due to being imp and exp and also by whipping) but I am not sure how much I used that to my advantage till now. Is seems to be pretty exactly 55 hammers plus being in Slavery already minus having chopped one forest. So probably it's ok to say I am nearly 50 hammers ahead.
In techs he has Hunting on me and I have Fishing on him, so pretty equal I would say (though he camped his ivory and I will only now net my fish).
In worker turns, he finished his worker one turn later due to not being exp at EOT6. He then moved to the corn for one turn (now is also the time to apologize by Krill: I was wrong with saying I could not use my fast workers due to forest placement because I could immediately start the corn after finishing the worker whereas all others had to move 1 round except for TT who could have put 1 turn of a road down, but I am not sure if he did) and started farming it turn 8. He finished turn 11. Then moved on turn 12 to the ivory. Started camping turn 13 and finished 15. Moved turn 16. I do not know where to, but I assume on the grass hill 1W,1NW of the cap and mining it. That would be finished turn 19 able to move turn 20 (the turn we are on right now) to start chopping something.
Ok, enough of that. Let me rather tell you why I am doing this: I have produced a WB-file with the land layout exactly as I know it. I used Tilted-Axis map and I put down the rivers as I have seen them between Dazed, TT and me. Now, doing that for the whole height of the map and assuming that there is one tile more if you are next to a cre civ would give:
9 tiles
10 tiles
10 tiles
10 tiles
10 Tiles
That is a total of 54 tiles and on the map I have I miss two tiles. I think I read somewhere that you have to have a multiple of 4 (?) for your tile-height and -width. If that is true then 54 is not possible - it has to be 52 or 56. 56 would mean that somewhere is even more space between the civs and that I cannot believe. So 52 it has to be. That could mean (bolded what I know for sure)
9 tiles
10 tiles
9 tiles
10 tiles
9 tiles
= 52
I can also be that there is less space between scooter and Sleeping and more between Sleeping and TT, but I again would think it would be unfair for scooter to be between to cre-civs and stuck with the least amount of tiles between those two. Maybe I ask him for that info.
Anyway, back to the WB-file. I have set it up as written above and will try to reproduce exactly what everyone was doing. With the demos and at that point in time, I should be setup quite fine to do that - and that should in return give me not only a better understanding what everyone is doing but also why somebody had a GNP of 30 one or two turns before.
And now go tell me that I am not much too obsessed from this game
I think I have produced more then he has since the start (partially due to being imp and exp and also by whipping) but I am not sure how much I used that to my advantage till now. Is seems to be pretty exactly 55 hammers plus being in Slavery already minus having chopped one forest. So probably it's ok to say I am nearly 50 hammers ahead.
In techs he has Hunting on me and I have Fishing on him, so pretty equal I would say (though he camped his ivory and I will only now net my fish).
In worker turns, he finished his worker one turn later due to not being exp at EOT6. He then moved to the corn for one turn (now is also the time to apologize by Krill: I was wrong with saying I could not use my fast workers due to forest placement because I could immediately start the corn after finishing the worker whereas all others had to move 1 round except for TT who could have put 1 turn of a road down, but I am not sure if he did) and started farming it turn 8. He finished turn 11. Then moved on turn 12 to the ivory. Started camping turn 13 and finished 15. Moved turn 16. I do not know where to, but I assume on the grass hill 1W,1NW of the cap and mining it. That would be finished turn 19 able to move turn 20 (the turn we are on right now) to start chopping something.
Ok, enough of that. Let me rather tell you why I am doing this: I have produced a WB-file with the land layout exactly as I know it. I used Tilted-Axis map and I put down the rivers as I have seen them between Dazed, TT and me. Now, doing that for the whole height of the map and assuming that there is one tile more if you are next to a cre civ would give:
9 tiles
10 tiles
10 tiles
10 tiles
10 Tiles
That is a total of 54 tiles and on the map I have I miss two tiles. I think I read somewhere that you have to have a multiple of 4 (?) for your tile-height and -width. If that is true then 54 is not possible - it has to be 52 or 56. 56 would mean that somewhere is even more space between the civs and that I cannot believe. So 52 it has to be. That could mean (bolded what I know for sure)
9 tiles
10 tiles
9 tiles
10 tiles
9 tiles
= 52
I can also be that there is less space between scooter and Sleeping and more between Sleeping and TT, but I again would think it would be unfair for scooter to be between to cre-civs and stuck with the least amount of tiles between those two. Maybe I ask him for that info.
Anyway, back to the WB-file. I have set it up as written above and will try to reproduce exactly what everyone was doing. With the demos and at that point in time, I should be setup quite fine to do that - and that should in return give me not only a better understanding what everyone is doing but also why somebody had a GNP of 30 one or two turns before.
And now go tell me that I am not much too obsessed from this game