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Master of Magic unofficial patch (latest version)

I have run into a bug -- if I have the spell "True Light" active, I can't cast "Mass Healing". When I try the game says: "That combat enchantment is already in effect"

The bug seems to be easy to reproduce and is still present in 1.40m.

Other people seem to have hit this bug as well. For example, it's mentioned here (along with a bunch of other bugs):

I'm new here so Hello to all!
I've read all fixes mentioned in the patch and this topic has not been mentioned so excuse me if I'm repeating something mentioned elsewhere!

There is a painful problem I've hated in MoM for nearly a decade now and it has to do with magic attack types.

In MoM magic attack obviously does have type modifier which is something I like a lot however it is poorly implemented. I'm speaking mainly of heroes since they are the important subjects, but this may apply to some units if a fix can be created.

I'll try to explain by mentioning several different cases:
1) I consider heroes with arcane attack to be the base. I.e. supposedly no bonuses or penalties. This seems to be the case from my experience.

2) flaming attack seems to be a little better than arcane, also works on fire monsters which it shoud but not in full force.

2) Lightning attack by WARRAX and YRAMRAG both have armor piercing in my experience and this attacks work ok.

3) Zaldron's attack(not sure how to call it maybe sorcery) seems to have better to hit than the fire based and arcane attacks in all cases. If someone has better insight please share.

4) JAER's "air" attack seems to have higher to hit against death creatures and at long range. I'm speculating here but I've seen some great hits from Jaer.

5) Elana/Serens's Life magic attack seems to work ok, though there seem to be some penalties with life creatures which is ok. I think a bonus against death may be in order.

6) Problem 1 Aerie cant kill a Phantom warrior. Illusion staff(AFAIR) had the same effect regardless of the hero's actual type of attack.

7) Problem 2 Ravashack can't kill a Skeleton. Same happens if you add "death" to a staff.

I think that the logic for ranged attacks should be fixed and I'm hoping the brave creators of this patch would be up to the task.

I'm proposing the following logic to be implemented if possible:
Magic attack should be able to do damage from an "arcane" component always. The other types of attacks should act like bonuses.

My suggestion for an algorithm to calculate magic ranged(melee may benefit too) damage is the following:
1) roll all attacks(all modifiers from items too) like death,life,fire,illusion etc.
2) sort them by damage.
3) get 75% from the first and add 25% from the second biggest.

That's a simplistic approach but it's a whole level better than the current one as far as I've seen for 10 years of playing this game.

In the case with Aerie and Ravashack I mentioned above this will lead to 75% damage which is logical.
The other attack types may be reviewed too and fixed if needed.

Thank you for reading and I hope I've explained the problem properly. With the current game if you give a death staff to Malleus he can't kill a skeleton too. That's ridiculous!

P.S. Thank you for developing a patch for MoM! bow I love this game!

I don't know if this effects the game itself, but I'll mention it. I just installed the latest patch (1.40m) and started the game. When I go to the load screen from the main menu it correctly says that the game version is 1.40m. However, if I go to the load screen while in a game, it says the version is 1.40l. Does this mean anything?

May be, you have two files named "wizards.exe" but different versions . It is possible. So, the first time you load the right version , then the second,old patch.
I personally use Death.exe (this is my patch) instead of wizards.exe. Its work before i quit the game then continue. After that the original (1.31) wizards.exe start work.

Just found you guys after all this time! I decided to visit Dragonsword to see if they ever got it up and running again and found a post directing me here. I'm so glad to know you're at it again kyrub - I'd love to try the new patch, but I wasn't sure if I needed to apply each new patch in succession or if the latest has all the changes. My last patch I have is either e or f. I know I at least downloaded f but I don't think I ever changed from e. Sorry for the reply, but apparently I can't make a new thread.


Each patch is self sufficient. Simply unzip the latest patch into your MoM directory.

Drax Wrote:In the case with Aerie and Ravashack I mentioned above this will lead to 75% damage which is logical.
The other attack types may be reviewed too and fixed if needed.
The logical approach is :disable staff attack if a target have immunity of this form attack,(like staff +death vs unit with death immunity). And disable the wizard's range attack if the target have this immunity (like aerie vs phantom warriors), but the damage from artifact's still count.
This mean, the elana's chaos (life?) attack become the death attack,if she uses the staff with death attack...
If you deside the hero may choose its form of attack depend on target and artifact's damage type Then yes, it must be fixed. If you deside the hero always use all items and he uses only own magic power,and artifacts increases his/her ability only - then no...It must not be changed. If anyone uses artifact with extra ability he may pay for this ability by the chance of the target's immunity.
Resume:This behaviour is discutable. I think it must not be fixed as a patch. It may be fixed as a mod.

The current realise: the each itempower has the table of immunity, like phantasmal is canceled by illusion immunity. Then all immunities from heroes and artifacts gather together , and , if target have this immunity it gets 50 shield from ranged attack or 10 shield from melee atacks. Ilusion immunity units gain shields, instead of gain of block by shield an illusionary attack. -its a reason aerie can't kill phantom warriors. And yes, its a bug. Or an disparity with help.

I just found this excellent patch after all these years of playing MoM. Great job! This certainly makes the game more enjoyable! I had a quick question, though. I find that if I give my archer (Shuri) a bow enchanted with haste, she ends up with only 4 shots per battle instead of 8. In the original (1.31) game, she still had 8 shots, but was able to shoot twice per turn. Is this an intended change?

Asfex Wrote:May be, you have two files named "wizards.exe" but different versions . It is possible. So, the first time you load the right version , then the second,old patch.

Thousand times this ! I fell for this once more. Filenames on Linux are case-sensitive, and Insecticide archives contain lowercase exe files. You should rename them manually.

I just wanted to say thank you so very, very much for this patch. I have been playing MoM for YEARS! Thank you for updating this gem and fixing/adding to it. You are true heroes in my book. No. Champions.

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