As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Cheerful Cat Crew Have No Clue (Sury of France)

Actually a third civic switch might well add a turn of anarchy on these settings and with your number of cities.
I have to run.

(March 6th, 2013, 13:52)novice Wrote: Actually a third civic switch might well add a turn of anarchy on these settings and with your number of cities.
He was in golden age.
But i dont think he needs that bad slavery aniway.

(March 6th, 2013, 13:52)novice Wrote: Actually a third civic switch might well add a turn of anarchy on these settings and with your number of cities.

Oh man, I really hope you are wrong here Novice. I've got too many low production cities to stick with caste so I am going to have to bite the bullet regardless.

After worried googling I found an artice by T-Hawk on the subject-

The (simplified) formula is:

(1 + Civics + [Cities × MapFactor / 100]) × SpeedFactor × 0.5

For our settings Mapfactor =6 (Huge)
Speedfactor= 1 (normal)
The 0.5 assumes an ancient start.

The limit I have is 16 cities as inputting the variables comes to 1.48 which will round down to 1. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure my city count when I switch again will be 16 cities. Phew.

Still rantcryrantcryrantcryrantcry error of mine though.

Original Article

(March 6th, 2013, 14:06)mackoti Wrote:
(March 6th, 2013, 13:52)novice Wrote: Actually a third civic switch might well add a turn of anarchy on these settings and with your number of cities.
He was in golden age.
But i dont think he needs that bad slavery aniway.

I've been thinking about that myself. I do have the number one production in the game. But I have a fair few cities who have very little production. They're the more far flung cities and my concern is building things like courthouses. Additionally, everything in my empire is effectively island based, means everything is spread out and it's difficult to reinforce anywhere quickly barring a whip.

Having calmed down I had a further look. I can get all of my new cities up to at least 8 base hpt with judicious application of workshops. Of course I'd have to grow them up a couple of sizes to allow them to do that. Forgetting about growth; once new cities are at 8 base hammers per turn going granary->forge->lighthouse->courthouse will finish their construction in 35 turns, throwing OR into that will be 27 turns if OR is present from the start. Growth will happen fairly quickly, because frankly my empire is obscenely food rich so I'd estimate each place will take about 35 turns to set up in that manner. Transport time will be about 15 turns, because without slavery pretty much everything will have to be sent from my main island. I will have some chops I can use as well. Effectively this means that my new cities will have proper infrastructure in about 50 turns.

It currently takes me 26 turns to research Astronomy + Guilds at 100% in a golden age. With numerous turns needed to stockpile gold and the golden age effect I imagine I won't be at astronomy for another 40 or so turns. Just before my new cities are ready to use it.

Caste also brings advantages in other regions, it'll vastly increase my Great Person generation rate, and my science rate in my sushi rich but 2,2 coast dependant cities. I think I may well stick with caste actually.

If anyone asks that was my plan all along, and wasn't a big error shhh

Moai + damned expensive costs


Worryingly enough the top MFG is Plako. He is in a golden age but....


Is anyone still a golden age?

Also, how are those islands developing?

Ok update time.

Of the four people I know, nobody is still in a golden age. Ours passed a while ago actually. Thinking back on it I could have timed it better, ah well. The final fruit of the GA is about to ripen. Next turn my floating camel will stroll into Technotitlan and grab me some pretty good dough.

The timing worked out quite neatly as my capital grows to size 15 next turn. My research carrier will continue building infrastructure from here on out. Market->Lighthouse->Monastery->temple->etcetcetc

Pall Mall is also developing nicely. The city is also currently on an infrastructure kick. the market will be worth +3 happiness when I eventually connect silks and whales, and the commerce produced by the city isn't bad.

I'm also pleased with Fleet street. The place is growing quickly and will be a very useful northern military production centre/plako buffer.

Speaking of Plako I traded him furs + stone for his dyes. Throwing in the stone was primarily so he'd lose interest in attacking the isolated bow street. I'll hook up a second stone over on the new islands before I need the resource.

The highlighted galley is carrying the settler for my 17th city, and has just dropped off a missionary for Coventry street. I'm going to found the city where the archer is stood, and pop borders quickly with caste artists. Due to the recent tech thread revelations about research bonuses (25% the whole game) and the expense of technologies the city is going to become a hybrid. Cottages on the grassland, workshops on the plains. It'll be just lovely when it gets going. I have a third settler on the way who'll found a city on the C sign 1W of copper.

I've recently finished machinery and will start on optics ASAP. I have the option of building macemen and crossbows and will have caravels soon if Plako (or pindooter) decide to get frisky.

The next settler I build will head down to the silver site. More places have forges than markets and +2happy in my higher population cities can only be a good thing.


Unfortunately, I don't have any incredibly kickass plans at the moment. Keep expanding until I've finally researched to astronomy and hope to be able to roll over pindooter. My big current wonderplans involve getting 5 more courthouses so I can erect the forbidden palace in my new colony. Probably in the wheat/copper site.

So, how is it going?

(April 5th, 2013, 11:49)Ozzee Wrote: So, how is it going?

Hey there, just here to try to encourage more reporting. You're one of the big 4. Its going to suck if you win this but nobody got to see how it happened. protest

Just saying,...noidea

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