TheHumanHydra Falls Behind [Spoilers]
Harry, I have played t32, so this is what the situation looks like now:
![]() (1t warrior in Tall Poppy, whip granary in Greener Grass; Tall Poppy worker to copper, one High Point worker finishes road, other moves 1S of city & cottages.) Also my sandbox is four beakers ahead for whatever reason, if it matters. Based on Pindicator's crop yield I now believe Commodore is choking him (note Pindicator's borders to the southwest). Also Hinduism has fallen (Stonehenge too a couple turns ago).
I had a quick go, I didn't get the cities settled as fast as you, but I got the gold hooked earlier to allow the others to grow bigger. I think I worked three or four unimproved tiles in the first ten turns or so and I liked my roads
![]() T33 mine copper, finish cottage: settler, warrior, granary T34 mine 2/5, cot 1/3, move to forest: whip settler, worker, granary T35 mine 3/5, cot 2/3, road 1/2: granary, warrior, granary T36 mine 4/5, cot 3/3, road 2/2: granary, whip worker, granary T37 mine 5/5, move to hill, move to gold, move to Guangzhou: Granary, Worker, Granary, Granary T38 Road the deer, mine 1/3, road 1/2, move to forest chop 1/3: Warrior, Worker, Granary, Granary T39 Road 2/2, mine 2/3, road 2/2, move to gold mine 1/3: work boat, Worker, Settler, Granary T40 road the copper 1/2, mine 3/3, mine 2/3, mine 3/3: whip WB, Worker, Library, Granary T41 road 2/2, cot 1/3, chop 2/3, chop 3/3: Settler, Warrior, Library, Granary T42 road 1/2, cot 2/3, move to pigs, move to forest, move to forest: Settler, Spear, Lib, Granary I got bored with writing at this point and just played. I guess your version is better because of the earlier cities, but I hope you can steal some ideas from this run to further improve it... - Settling for the Ivory earlier would probably be a good idea - I slow-built the Library in Guang to let it grow faster - Whenever you want to chop a forest you should mine or cottage because it saves a turn in the long run - I didn't bother with scouting, but you need to figure out your dot map in the south
Completed: RB Demogame - Gillette, PBEM46, Pitboss 13, Pitboss 18, Pitboss 30, Pitboss 31, Pitboss 38, Pitboss 42, Pitboss 46, Pitboss 52 (Pindicator's game), Pitboss 57
In progress: Rimworld
Harry, thanks very much for the run-through; now I feel I can actually make legitimate comparisons between courses of action rather than making assessments in a vacuum. I like what you did with the roads and I'm going to see what can be done in that respect.
(September 25th, 2014, 09:31)Old Harry Wrote: I had a quick go, I didn't get the cities settled as fast as you, but I got the gold hooked earlier to allow the others to grow bigger. I think I worked three or four unimproved tiles in the first ten turns or so and I liked my roads I think the main thing I did was build a settler, not a worker, in city no. 2 after whipping the granary, chopping it out instead of cottaging. (As a note I also settled the deer/pigs and pigs/pigs/gold cities in the opposite order; the founding-date for the fourth city is the same, but this gets you the northern pigs in borders and improved by the time you found the gold city.) Old Harry Wrote:I guess your version is better because of the earlier cities, but I hope you can steal some ideas from this run to further improve it... That is ... actually the last thing I was expecting to hear, for better or for worse ![]() Old Harry Wrote:- Settling for the Ivory earlier would probably be a good idea I do want to get cities down there fast, so someone (Ichabod?) doesn't sneak up on me, but I feel locking down the border with dazed is more urgent. Also, that last site (fish/wheat) is much closer to the city producing the settler (Guangzhou/High Point) than a site in the south would be. Old Harry Wrote:- I slow-built the Library in Guang to let it grow faster Fair enough; triple-whipping it at the end of my sim wasn't really necessary; I just did it 'cause I could and it was the end of the sim. ![]() Old Harry Wrote:- Whenever you want to chop a forest you should mine or cottage because it saves a turn in the long run Noted; I did know this, but re-emphasizing it will help me actually put it into practice. ![]() Old Harry Wrote:- I didn't bother with scouting, but you need to figure out your dot map in the south Scout is heading there now. I can't say my scouting has been particularly good; it's been adequate, but I've herped around a bit in the north with inefficient moves. One other, somewhat important note: I realized this morning on the way to work I'd forgotten to add the recently-revealed horses into the sim. They can be worked by my city no. 5, so I'll have to do another run-through and see how they can be worked in - while also trying to incorporate some of your thoughts above. Thanks again for the run-through, Harry. I'll try to keep working on it. Fintourist, if you had any thoughts on all this, I'd be glad to hear them, too (but not if you're busy or don't have anything to say; I don't want to be a bother ![]() ![]() T33: Tall Poppy starts on a settler, to be whipped next turn. Greener Grass dumps its whip overflow into a settler before growing on a warrior the next couple turns. The new worker from Tall Poppy starts chop/mining the copper. High Point, having just grown, picks up the cottage just finished by the other two workers. New map info is revealed by the scout in the east! Thoughts on dazed: what do you think the odds are of him queueing a war chariot t41, the turn he sees my new borders from city no. 5 up against his border city's, whipping it t42, moving it in t43, and taking my city no. 5 t44, two turns before a spear can reach it in my present micro-plan? Or worse, building a war chariot before then regardless and wandering it in my direction to poke at my micro? Should I slow down my civ's snowball to guard against one or both of these possibilities?
I'd save enough cash for an upgrade and keep a close eye on the demos...
Completed: RB Demogame - Gillette, PBEM46, Pitboss 13, Pitboss 18, Pitboss 30, Pitboss 31, Pitboss 38, Pitboss 42, Pitboss 46, Pitboss 52 (Pindicator's game), Pitboss 57
In progress: Rimworld ![]() And so the game is over before it really began. Worst case: that war chariot comes down and disrupts my copper- and horse-hooking, then takes my capital. Best case: that war chariot comes down and disrupts my copper- and horse-hooking, takes my capital, then is joined by a couple more and takes the rest of my cities and causes me not to have to play out the rest of this wretched game. I should have just stayed a lurker. ![]() Edit: What would you do, lurkers and dedlurkers? (Not looking for in-game advice, looking for mindset advice.) |
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |