0.6 is available for download!
Highlights :
-New fleeing system based on relative movement speed of fleeing unit and fastest enemy
-Fixed some dispel bugs
-Center of city now has a +3 wall bonus again (only if you have the wall built!)
-Disenchant Area is overland only. To use this effect in combat you need Disenchant True (no 3x bonus in combat, only in overland) or you can use Dispel Magic if you want to remove unit spells.
-Dungeon monster placement problems fixed : the editor I used didn't save monster costs in magic.exe, only wizards.exe, now it's correctly applied.
-Minor balancing to some unit stats
Highlights :
-New fleeing system based on relative movement speed of fleeing unit and fastest enemy
-Fixed some dispel bugs
-Center of city now has a +3 wall bonus again (only if you have the wall built!)
-Disenchant Area is overland only. To use this effect in combat you need Disenchant True (no 3x bonus in combat, only in overland) or you can use Dispel Magic if you want to remove unit spells.
-Dungeon monster placement problems fixed : the editor I used didn't save monster costs in magic.exe, only wizards.exe, now it's correctly applied.
-Minor balancing to some unit stats
-Undid the surveyor change as it prevented terrain specials from being displayed at all, instead of the intended effect. Unfortunately fixing the corruption disabling dungeon display isn't that simple as I thought.
-Ghouls now move 2.
-Fixed Aether Binding's casting cost not being 300.
-Fixed weakness still having -8 resistance penalty instead of -7
-Disenchant Area is now overland only. If you want to remove unit spells, use Dispel Magic. For global combat enchantments, you need Disenchant True.
-Disenchant True no longer has triple power in combat.
-The Golden One hero now has a staff/sword slot instead of only sword.
-Dungeon generation now uses the intended new values of monsters instead of the default. (I didn't realize the editor only updates this data in wizards.exe where it does nothing and ignores magic.exe, I actually had to make my own editor to do this.)
-As a side effect to the above, werewolves will appear now as normal. Having the same cost as Night Stalkers prevented them from being chosen.
-As a side effect to the above, extremely overpowered secondary monsters won't appear with weak primary ones anymore. (no more 6* ghouls, 1x death knights as secondary)
In general, Sky Drakes, Arch Angels, Death Knights and Demon Lords and other high end monsters are 50-100% more expensive so you'll find fewer of them with better treasure. Other changes worth noting are Demons (80->350), Phantom Warriors (20->60).
-Towers now have a random amount of monsters between 650-3050 instead of 650-1200. This should make games more varied, in some, contact with the other plane is easy, in others, much more difficult.
-New FLEEING system :
Your unit's speed <= fastest enemy unit's speed -2 : Your units dies.
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed -1 : 50% chance to flee
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed : 50% chance to flee
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed +1 : 66% chance to flee
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed +2 : 75% chance to flee
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed +3 or more : chance to die is 1/(2+the difference).
This system will provide the deafult 75% fleeing chance to heroes against base movement normal units due to heroes having 4 movement, so they aren' treated as exceptions.
“speed” refers to the maximum (overland) movement the units has per turn.
-Middle town section now grants +3 defense again like insecticide if City Wall is present. However, ONLY if city wall is present, the other bug remains fixed.
-Reduced the movement speed of ships : Trireme 3, Galley 3, Warship 4. These new values should be more reasonable both for actual movement purposes and the new fleeing mechanics. Warships will still be able to 100% kill move 2 units carried by the enemy ships.
-Floating Islands now move 3 instead of 2 because they shouldn't be inferior even to the most basic ships.
-AI combat dispel magic priority : code completely rewritten. Priority is now 7*number of enchantments on the unit with the most enchantments. Unit curses count as priority 16 regardless of amount. True version has +21 priority over normal version. AI will now only count enchantments worth dispelling, and ignores some of the weak ro combat irrelevant stuff like Water Walking, Wind Walking, Holy Weapon etc.
Note that this is only used for deciding which spell to cast, not for selecting the actual target of the dispel.
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Shatter is now worth 20 priority instead of 10
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Unit combat value now has ¼ the weight of the original, so the actual types and amount of enchantments will be more relevant.
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Iron Skin is now worth 40 priority instead of 20
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Invisibility is now worth 50 priority instead of 10
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Magic Immunity is now worth 50 priority instead of 25
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Lionheart is now worth 40 priority instead of 30
-High Men Cavalry has 1 more resistance (3 instead of 2)
-High Men Pikemen has 2 more resistance (4 instead of 2)
-Nomad Pikemen has 1 more resistance (5 instead of 4)
-The procedure that applies stats and ability gains from effects now resets byte 18h,19h and 1Ah (Immunity, Abilities) to the unit's base values before adding any gains.
This fixes the bug : dispelling enchantments that grant abilities in those bytes has no effect (granted ability remains on unit without the enchantment)
This should fix dispelling the following enchantments :
Magic Immunity, True Sight, Guardian Wind, Immolation, Cloak of Fear.
Enchantments that grant attack properties (holy, eldritch weapon) are not fixed, dispelling those will still only remove the remaining parts of the effect, if there are any (Flame Blade).
As this fix entirely reapplies those abilities from the base values every time a unit's stats are evaluated, this might have unforseen side effects, although unlikely as it was supposed to do this, and worked this way for most other stats like attack, defense, resistance originally. I assume they forgot to include the immunities and abilities in the function. If any such side effect is discovered, please report, I haven't found any yet.
-Undid the surveyor change as it prevented terrain specials from being displayed at all, instead of the intended effect. Unfortunately fixing the corruption disabling dungeon display isn't that simple as I thought.
-Ghouls now move 2.
-Fixed Aether Binding's casting cost not being 300.
-Fixed weakness still having -8 resistance penalty instead of -7
-Disenchant Area is now overland only. If you want to remove unit spells, use Dispel Magic. For global combat enchantments, you need Disenchant True.
-Disenchant True no longer has triple power in combat.
-The Golden One hero now has a staff/sword slot instead of only sword.
-Dungeon generation now uses the intended new values of monsters instead of the default. (I didn't realize the editor only updates this data in wizards.exe where it does nothing and ignores magic.exe, I actually had to make my own editor to do this.)
-As a side effect to the above, werewolves will appear now as normal. Having the same cost as Night Stalkers prevented them from being chosen.
-As a side effect to the above, extremely overpowered secondary monsters won't appear with weak primary ones anymore. (no more 6* ghouls, 1x death knights as secondary)
In general, Sky Drakes, Arch Angels, Death Knights and Demon Lords and other high end monsters are 50-100% more expensive so you'll find fewer of them with better treasure. Other changes worth noting are Demons (80->350), Phantom Warriors (20->60).
-Towers now have a random amount of monsters between 650-3050 instead of 650-1200. This should make games more varied, in some, contact with the other plane is easy, in others, much more difficult.
-New FLEEING system :
Your unit's speed <= fastest enemy unit's speed -2 : Your units dies.
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed -1 : 50% chance to flee
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed : 50% chance to flee
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed +1 : 66% chance to flee
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed +2 : 75% chance to flee
Your unit's speed = fastest enemy unit's speed +3 or more : chance to die is 1/(2+the difference).
This system will provide the deafult 75% fleeing chance to heroes against base movement normal units due to heroes having 4 movement, so they aren' treated as exceptions.
“speed” refers to the maximum (overland) movement the units has per turn.
-Middle town section now grants +3 defense again like insecticide if City Wall is present. However, ONLY if city wall is present, the other bug remains fixed.
-Reduced the movement speed of ships : Trireme 3, Galley 3, Warship 4. These new values should be more reasonable both for actual movement purposes and the new fleeing mechanics. Warships will still be able to 100% kill move 2 units carried by the enemy ships.
-Floating Islands now move 3 instead of 2 because they shouldn't be inferior even to the most basic ships.
-AI combat dispel magic priority : code completely rewritten. Priority is now 7*number of enchantments on the unit with the most enchantments. Unit curses count as priority 16 regardless of amount. True version has +21 priority over normal version. AI will now only count enchantments worth dispelling, and ignores some of the weak ro combat irrelevant stuff like Water Walking, Wind Walking, Holy Weapon etc.
Note that this is only used for deciding which spell to cast, not for selecting the actual target of the dispel.
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Shatter is now worth 20 priority instead of 10
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Unit combat value now has ¼ the weight of the original, so the actual types and amount of enchantments will be more relevant.
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Iron Skin is now worth 40 priority instead of 20
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Invisibility is now worth 50 priority instead of 10
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Magic Immunity is now worth 50 priority instead of 25
-AI combat dispel magic targeting priority : Lionheart is now worth 40 priority instead of 30
-High Men Cavalry has 1 more resistance (3 instead of 2)
-High Men Pikemen has 2 more resistance (4 instead of 2)
-Nomad Pikemen has 1 more resistance (5 instead of 4)
-The procedure that applies stats and ability gains from effects now resets byte 18h,19h and 1Ah (Immunity, Abilities) to the unit's base values before adding any gains.
This fixes the bug : dispelling enchantments that grant abilities in those bytes has no effect (granted ability remains on unit without the enchantment)
This should fix dispelling the following enchantments :
Magic Immunity, True Sight, Guardian Wind, Immolation, Cloak of Fear.
Enchantments that grant attack properties (holy, eldritch weapon) are not fixed, dispelling those will still only remove the remaining parts of the effect, if there are any (Flame Blade).
As this fix entirely reapplies those abilities from the base values every time a unit's stats are evaluated, this might have unforseen side effects, although unlikely as it was supposed to do this, and worked this way for most other stats like attack, defense, resistance originally. I assume they forgot to include the immunities and abilities in the function. If any such side effect is discovered, please report, I haven't found any yet.