It's your lucky day! 
Chapter 8x:
We've taken the city and the castle, what next?
![[Image: 1ePGIH1.png]](
Treasure hunting. Only one problem, bandits have taken the cave. Time for a PURGE.
![[Image: czgQxPt.png]](
What we've got here is a very straightforward map when we don't have any fliers in our team. Follow the only route, kill the boss, seize the throne.
On the left we have our own Lilina training grounds. She will kill all 7 units on that side.
Oh yeah, there are some tiles that'll hurt you if you stand on them when they erupt with lava.
Let's get right to it.
![[Image: nTBLytz.png]](
The three horseback units can just reach and kill both bandits.
Roy and Dieck head north. We'll need Roy to seize the throne, and Dieck to kill the boss (more on that when we get there).
We set up Chad to dodge a hit and counter the swordsman, so that next turn Lilina can kill it.
![[Image: 1y9Qnn3.png]](
We use an Elfire charge here, looking very far into the future. Wait for it..
![[Image: 5wdcfVm.png]](
Dieck kills the archer on the way. Zealot misses his second hit so Marcus finishes off the mage.
![[Image: nHt2Yyj.png]](
We're baiting the mage to attack Lilina who can counter him. The swordsman would kill Lilina, except he has a juicier target: the defenseless caravan.
The caravan (Merlinus) is an exception to the permanent death rule. He will only flee the current battle, so we can afford to sacrifice him.
![[Image: wDRPFjZ.png]](
Zealot levels up while countering. He wiped out all the bandits on the way, four in total.
![[Image: YoXCMMu.png]](
Chad and Lilina then killed the swordsman. Only the mage is in range, no problemo.
Zealot and Marcus will rescue Dieck and Roy this turn. The ride begins.
First though, we complete our first support:
![[Image: E2Lp7c3.png]](
Did someone say.. soft?
![[Image: SdEVowH.png]](
Zealot is equipped with a Steel Sword and will kill two axes. The third one has a hand-axe.
The swordsman is one of the strange units on this map.. It will not move.
![[Image: Wo3VXfd.png]](
Same deal as before, the two axes will die to sword counters.
![[Image: 6EgBm6A.png]](
Chad attacks the swordsman and Lilina finishes the job. She gets her first level up.
We're all set now. Those axes are no problem, they are too inaccurate to hit Chad.
Previously I used Treck to help out, but I forgot my old route, and in the new one he'd just stand around doing nothing.
So instead of that, I now send him with the paladins where he'll kill off the enemies who are left behind.
![[Image: xtkozEE.png]](
We stayed 1 tile back with Zealot as to not aggro the far swordsman. He's the only unit of the four that will move. We don't want him to block the way.
![[Image: R9fvPov.png]](
Treck killed the stationary swordsman and leveled up.
![[Image: MihPISC.png]](
Oh yeah, all the bandits also attack Chad over Lilina because Chad can't counter them. Otherwise she'd be very dead.
![[Image: yDtt2Aq.png]](
They both level up, Chad just for weakening the enemy for Lilina. It's surprising how much combat Chad is seeing in this playthrough despite being absolutely terrible at it.
![[Image: gCOhlbE.png]](
Marcus can 1-hit the mage with his Silver Lance, clearing the way for Zealot so he doesn't have to go around.
In the end, Marcus and Zealot are both at the exact tiles they need to be for the boss strats to work.
![[Image: iZnLyoV.png]](
Zealot drops Dieck next to the boss. Dieck has a Killing Edge equipped. Zealot has a Light's Brand to make the boss attack Dieck over Zealot.
This boss has high stats and unlike every other boss so far, we don't have a weapon that is super-effective against him. What we do is we rely on crits.
The Killing Edge I only looted because it was on the way becomes a weapon that will save turns. Killing Edge is a weapon that enhances your crit rate.
We need to crit the boss at least once to kill him next turn.
Marcus dropped Roy just far enough that he can reach the throne next turn and seize it.
The two axes in the throne room got killed in counters by Dieck and Zealot.
Before we kill the boss and seize the throne..
![[Image: IQVyyJF.png]](
![[Image: qsTMfpq.png]](
![[Image: Vd3nDUs.png]](
Treck, Lilina and Marcus all level up.
Remember that Elfire charge we used? It was for this very last turn of the map.
It takes two Elfire attacks for Lilina to kill the mage. First one was as a counter between T1 and T2, the second one was on T8.
Treck is already Level 10 and can be promoted to a Paladin. That'd be my third Paladin, and we'll even have one more to recruit!
I'll keep Treck as a cavalier for now unless I absolutely need the +1 movement.
Dieck was someone who I considered promoting to have an easier time with the boss, but I managed to get through without having to do that.
![[Image: wrPGthH.png]](
Dieck kills the boss and levels up.
![[Image: exUpTNa.png]](
Roy seizes the throne.
The one enemy left standing is a swordsman equipped with a Killing Edge of his own. Didn't want any of that.
I'm personally looking forward to Fenn's report. He drafted Thany. Thany can just fly over the lava, carrying someone with her.
I'm curious at how many turns that will save. El Grillo will probably use the same strats as me, except with Rutger as his crit machine.
![[Image: wzGlRNH.png]](
Lilina plz. We got the Durandal. It's a legendary weapon that can kill dragons. I'm hoping we can actually use it in combat.
![[Image: irwz21u.png]](
Lilina might have been right to not have confidence in us.
![[Image: 1vC4cIr.png]](
We're saved by the Etrurian Army. We meet Percival and Cecilia for the first time.
Percival will join our team one day AND THE PROPHECY WILL BE FULFILLED!

![[Image: bupPmo9.png]](
Be afraid Narcian, be very afraid!

Chapter 8x:
We've taken the city and the castle, what next?
![[Image: 1ePGIH1.png]](
Treasure hunting. Only one problem, bandits have taken the cave. Time for a PURGE.
![[Image: czgQxPt.png]](
What we've got here is a very straightforward map when we don't have any fliers in our team. Follow the only route, kill the boss, seize the throne.
On the left we have our own Lilina training grounds. She will kill all 7 units on that side.
Oh yeah, there are some tiles that'll hurt you if you stand on them when they erupt with lava.
Let's get right to it.
![[Image: vFysm6S.png]](
![[Image: nTBLytz.png]](
The three horseback units can just reach and kill both bandits.
Roy and Dieck head north. We'll need Roy to seize the throne, and Dieck to kill the boss (more on that when we get there).
We set up Chad to dodge a hit and counter the swordsman, so that next turn Lilina can kill it.
![[Image: 1y9Qnn3.png]](
We use an Elfire charge here, looking very far into the future. Wait for it..
![[Image: V1Ox5O4.png]](
![[Image: 5wdcfVm.png]](
Dieck kills the archer on the way. Zealot misses his second hit so Marcus finishes off the mage.
![[Image: PDEG1F1.png]](
![[Image: nHt2Yyj.png]](
We're baiting the mage to attack Lilina who can counter him. The swordsman would kill Lilina, except he has a juicier target: the defenseless caravan.
The caravan (Merlinus) is an exception to the permanent death rule. He will only flee the current battle, so we can afford to sacrifice him.
![[Image: wDRPFjZ.png]](
Zealot levels up while countering. He wiped out all the bandits on the way, four in total.
![[Image: MQ6KdGP.png]](
![[Image: YoXCMMu.png]](
Chad and Lilina then killed the swordsman. Only the mage is in range, no problemo.
![[Image: QJgt3ew.png]](
Zealot and Marcus will rescue Dieck and Roy this turn. The ride begins.
First though, we complete our first support:
![[Image: zG9ZZIk.png]](
![[Image: E2Lp7c3.png]](
Did someone say.. soft?
![[Image: SdEVowH.png]](
Zealot is equipped with a Steel Sword and will kill two axes. The third one has a hand-axe.
The swordsman is one of the strange units on this map.. It will not move.
![[Image: ipopDhM.png]](
![[Image: Wo3VXfd.png]](
Same deal as before, the two axes will die to sword counters.
![[Image: RZ2Lla5.png]](
![[Image: 6EgBm6A.png]](
Chad attacks the swordsman and Lilina finishes the job. She gets her first level up.
We're all set now. Those axes are no problem, they are too inaccurate to hit Chad.
Previously I used Treck to help out, but I forgot my old route, and in the new one he'd just stand around doing nothing.
So instead of that, I now send him with the paladins where he'll kill off the enemies who are left behind.
![[Image: MhRFpGf.png]](
![[Image: xtkozEE.png]](
We stayed 1 tile back with Zealot as to not aggro the far swordsman. He's the only unit of the four that will move. We don't want him to block the way.
![[Image: R9fvPov.png]](
Treck killed the stationary swordsman and leveled up.
![[Image: MihPISC.png]](
Oh yeah, all the bandits also attack Chad over Lilina because Chad can't counter them. Otherwise she'd be very dead.
![[Image: HtUIOrX.png]](
![[Image: yDtt2Aq.png]](
They both level up, Chad just for weakening the enemy for Lilina. It's surprising how much combat Chad is seeing in this playthrough despite being absolutely terrible at it.
![[Image: Ce7Dbwo.png]](
![[Image: gCOhlbE.png]](
Marcus can 1-hit the mage with his Silver Lance, clearing the way for Zealot so he doesn't have to go around.
In the end, Marcus and Zealot are both at the exact tiles they need to be for the boss strats to work.
![[Image: kR0Zjcs.png]](
![[Image: iZnLyoV.png]](
Zealot drops Dieck next to the boss. Dieck has a Killing Edge equipped. Zealot has a Light's Brand to make the boss attack Dieck over Zealot.
This boss has high stats and unlike every other boss so far, we don't have a weapon that is super-effective against him. What we do is we rely on crits.
The Killing Edge I only looted because it was on the way becomes a weapon that will save turns. Killing Edge is a weapon that enhances your crit rate.
We need to crit the boss at least once to kill him next turn.
Marcus dropped Roy just far enough that he can reach the throne next turn and seize it.
![[Image: SlDrsVN.png]](
The two axes in the throne room got killed in counters by Dieck and Zealot.
Before we kill the boss and seize the throne..
![[Image: IQVyyJF.png]](
![[Image: qsTMfpq.png]](
![[Image: Vd3nDUs.png]](
Treck, Lilina and Marcus all level up.
Remember that Elfire charge we used? It was for this very last turn of the map.
It takes two Elfire attacks for Lilina to kill the mage. First one was as a counter between T1 and T2, the second one was on T8.
Treck is already Level 10 and can be promoted to a Paladin. That'd be my third Paladin, and we'll even have one more to recruit!
I'll keep Treck as a cavalier for now unless I absolutely need the +1 movement.
Dieck was someone who I considered promoting to have an easier time with the boss, but I managed to get through without having to do that.
![[Image: 0wBtUq3.png]](
![[Image: wrPGthH.png]](
Dieck kills the boss and levels up.
![[Image: exUpTNa.png]](
Roy seizes the throne.
The one enemy left standing is a swordsman equipped with a Killing Edge of his own. Didn't want any of that.
I'm personally looking forward to Fenn's report. He drafted Thany. Thany can just fly over the lava, carrying someone with her.
I'm curious at how many turns that will save. El Grillo will probably use the same strats as me, except with Rutger as his crit machine.
![[Image: LD330BD.png]](
![[Image: wzGlRNH.png]](
Lilina plz. We got the Durandal. It's a legendary weapon that can kill dragons. I'm hoping we can actually use it in combat.
![[Image: gmM1oaZ.png]](
![[Image: irwz21u.png]](
Lilina might have been right to not have confidence in us.
![[Image: oyvYS22.png]](
![[Image: 1vC4cIr.png]](
We're saved by the Etrurian Army. We meet Percival and Cecilia for the first time.
Percival will join our team one day AND THE PROPHECY WILL BE FULFILLED!

![[Image: bupPmo9.png]](
Be afraid Narcian, be very afraid!