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Werewolf 7 game thread

List of Remaining Players (Alphabetical)
  • Catwalk
  • Gaspar
  • Ichabod
  • Injera
  • Meiz
  • Roland
  • Sareln
  • Scooter
  • Serdoa (Mayor)
  • Twinkletoes
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Going over past days two things stick out of the data. I'm not sure if they're significant, but here they are.
  1. Catwalk has voted with the majority on every vote (including mayor vote)
  2. Twinkletoes has voted with Serdoa (the mayor) on every vote, and also voted Serdoa mayor.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Well, that sucks. I'm a little surprised the zakalwe vote gained traction right after I went to bed, after everybody spent all day telling me I'm crazy, wolf or both. Seems I have a talent for identifying zakalwe as wolf when he's a villager smile

zakalwe Wrote:What, I'm a villager?? I must have misread my role PM.

You surely played like you have :neenernee And you were right that I feel rather silly now

Scooter and TT....

Scooter and TT....

Scooter and TT...

The rest, no fricking idea lol

Sareln Wrote:Going over past days two things stick out of the data. I'm not sure if they're significant, but here they are.
  1. Catwalk has voted with the majority on every vote (including mayor vote)
I was about to dismiss this as yet another attack on the crazy villager, but I got a different idea. Everybody seems to agree I'm either a crazy villager or a wolf. How come then that most have agreed with my lynch choices? Most of which I've been very vocal about, rather than jumping on. I'm getting a suspicion that I have a pack of wolves (or possibly crazy villagers) following my tail... And no, I don't have a secret "get yourself lynched" role :neenernee

Third has to be Roland. Senses uber and Erebus as villagers with mad emotion reading skills and turnaround against Zak was unreal.

And finally Sareln. Hey guys, found them all!

First it's a matter of removing "must be a villagers", that is: Serdoa, Ichabod, Gaspar

Then remove "probable villagers": Catwalk (honestly, too crazy to be a wolf), Injera

Roland is in the suspect list because he made the killing blow on Zakalwe (who saw that one coming?) and his "I sense the villager" abilities. Sareln gets there, because of his invisible play in the beginning of the game and he made a switch from TT to Scooter, while Roland then voted Zak, which made the lynch:

zakalwe (5.1): Serdoa, Catwalk, Twinkletoes, Injera, Roland
Twinkletoes (3): scooter, Meiz, Ichabod
scooter(3):Gaspar, zakalwe, Sareln

Even if Zak and Gaspar both moved to TT or scooter, Zak would have been killed. The only people who could have saved him were me and Ichabod, and we were both sleeping (sorry I didn't count you here scooter) frown

Also more on this fourpack theory:

Day 2 and 15 minutes before the deadline the situation was:

Erebus (7): Zak, Catwalk, Gaspar, scooter, Sareln, Ichabod
Catwalk(4): Roland, Injera, MNG, TT
scooter(3): Meiz, Erebus, Serdoa

TT made changed his vote 4 minutes before deadline and Roland 1 minute before the deadline, making it:

Erebus (7): Zak, Catwalk, Gaspar, scooter, Sareln, Ichabod
scooter(5): Meiz, Erebus, Serdoa, TT, Roland
Catwalk(2): Injera, MNG

Not possible to get scooter lynched, but looks so damn good if/when we find scooter guilty. Especially Roland's last minute vote without any chance to change the outcome is so out of character.

It's amazing how I manage to find these clues just by trimming my wolf glasses a bit (allthough I like to call them wolfhunting classes!) lol

Meiz Wrote:Even if Zak and Gaspar both moved to TT or scooter, Zak would have been killed.

Remove "or scooter" part please.

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