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[SPOILERS] JR4 tries his luck in PB 37

Graphs and demos: The last turns haven`t been kind to Dark Savant. He`s behind us in crop yield now. He really got hit at a bad time (not having enough military).

We`re 6th in crop yield, mfg and population. Actually we have a higher mfg than Krill and are not far behind dtay for the time being so it can`t be too bad. Also, Krill doesn`t have any gpt available for trading. Maybe we could offer him something like 100 gold for marble (implying that he can borrow it for 10 turns) but I doubt he`ll accept that.

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(September 14th, 2017, 07:05)JR4 Wrote: Also, Krill doesn`t have any gpt available for trading. Maybe we could offer him something like 100 gold for marble (implying that he can borrow it for 10 turns) but I doubt he`ll accept that.

Probably worth asking anyway if the interface allows it. I didn't think it was possible to ask for lump sums in exchange for resources or gpt even in MP, but it's been too long since I played MP for me to remember for sure.

Note that LBs (and Archers) assigned as hill city defenders are usually better off taking Guerilla promotions than CG promotions. Exceptions include units that might be reassigned to flatland cities later, dedicated city defenders that nevertheless can get three promos, and PRO units like GJ's (since they start with CG1 already). Since he's Pro/Cha and he has an RtR Colosseum in State of Zijin, he can build CG3 + D1 archery units right out of the gate in that city, which will obviously be tough nuts to crack.

More later...

TURN 140

And that`s the second turn of the day. A fairly uneventful turn. Take a look at the event log. We completed a chop, and that`s it! Btw, I now appreciate more the value of chops in order to get filler cities up to speed. Shkodai will be a decent city once it completes its Lighthouse.

Next turn, Vulcania will finally come out of revolt. It`s a nice addition to our fledgling empire. Note the Longbow/Missionary pair on its way to the city. Bayan Khutugh keeps making culture buildings. It`ll expand borders in 4 turns time. Nambui will make at least one Longbow for itself and another for the banana city E of it (I think we`re settling that next).

Oghul Qaimish now has a G2 Longbow! I never gave much thought to promotions on archery units, they automatically got CG when I played SP civ. It`s good to know that the guerrilla promotion is better (I guess it`s because the G2 promotion actually gives +30%). Anyway, the city should be safe for the time being. Joey getting multipromo Longbows in State of Zijin is not good but we can`t do much about that yet. Joey`s Worker continued building the farm. A Longbow that finished in Borte is now 2W of the city. It could help defend one of our vulnerable coastal cities (it`s probably going NW). D-mishi`s Longbow was whipped so now we should hold the city easily.

Our Workers have now started a few watermills. They are expensive but will be worth the investment once completed. The Worker E of Oghul Qaimish started a watermill. Also, one worker is starting a windmill on one of the mines in Toregene`s bfc as it`s a bit low on food and could use a bit commerce.

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Graphs and demos: It looks like our mfg surpassed dtay`s this turn! Well, I guess he must be sacrificing something to have such a high crop yield.

Also, 100 gold for marble were offered  to Krill (He still didn`t have any gpt to trade). Heh, taking the money and immediately declaring war is probably the fastest way of destroying my reputation here at RB! Not gonna do that, of course.

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Heh, indeed. Partly for that reason, I dunno if Krill will take the offer, but even if he doesn't, he might counter-offer for the marble now that he knows we're willing to sell it for gold. (On his turn, of course, he can go to max gold, send an offer, and then switch back to max science if he so wishes.)

Another note that I forgot to mention a couple turns ago: Back when you accepted white peace from Gavagai, you said something that I didn't understand at the time, but that now makes sense in light of your peace offers to Dark Savant:

Quote:Gavagai offered peace! I accepted straight away. Actually, there was an empty second trade window right behind. Oh well, we can`t complain about that.

For what it's worth long after the fact, there's nothing to second-guess yourself about there anyway: There is absolutely no way Gav was offering a "sweetener" as a follow-up under the then-prevailing circumstances. I'm almost certain he sent a peace offer followed by a cease-fire offer.

TURN 141

I forgot to take a screenshot of the event log, but Gavagai started a Golden Age. Our Missionary tried to spread the faith to Vulcania. 

Success! The city started a Monument that will be whipped shortly. We need culture badly. Note that we got research visibility on Dark Savant this turn. He`s actually going for Engineering! I can understand him, it`s surely hard to play defense when a lot of other players are trying to vulture a part of his lands. Pikemen and Castles will be hard to break through. We now have a Longbow in place in Vulcania. Radnashiri will get one before the peace treaty is up as well.

Krill rejected our trade offer and didn`t offer anything back. Oh well, maybe he doesn`t like a gold for marble deal.. Next turn we can turn research on. Guilds is 3 turns away. I really like having a massive EP advantage. Those Courthouses are paying off nicely. Oghul Qaimish is finishing another one eot. I think we need to plan our first Golden Age now, so Oghul Qaimish hired 2 Priests and an Engineer. Next turn we can hire 2 more GPs I think. Our second GP will finish in about 11 turns.

D-mishi is finishing a Barracks this turn. It could need more infrastructure, but we`re not endangering the city itself. It should build yet another good defender soon.

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Graphs and demos: Krill seems to be doing way better in crop yield now for some reason. He was quite a ways off and then suddenly his crop yield just exploded. I`m happy that we`re well above average in military, we really can`t afford to stop building units any time soon.

Also, you`re probably right that Gavagai offered a Cease Fire behind the Peace offer. It wouldn`t make any sense to offer us gold when we were clearly on the back foot.

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I took a few screenshots of Dark Savant`s lands. That information was hidden for us for a long time.

EDIT: Look at that, Tulearean Forest and Mist are pretty vulnerable. I didn`t even notice that until now. If we can conquer Mist, it`ll be a wonderful city for us down the line.

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First thought: We have two cities capable of making 10-xp mounted units. Of these, one is building a Settler, and the other is building a Monastery. Formation Wellies (and various L4 Keshiks) are pretty good units to have around. Perhaps more importantly though, if we're actually going to do something with Knights, we need to prepare for them the way dtay did: Maximize our Knight window by getting as many as possible ASAP after Guilds completes. At Muqa and Bulugan, I'd like to get two knights from each on the first two turns when we have Guilds, and I'd like to get at least one knight on the first turn from many of our other cities. I of course should have made a plan for this further in advance than this, but ... you know, time. The general idea: If possible, I would get a Keshik as close to 49h as possible without going over in any city that can make decent production. (If you want me to try to form a more detailed plan, another view of the F1 city screen might help - or mouse-over information for any city that you think could produce a Knight.) I would want to delay that Settler in Bulugan and then whip it into a "keshik" that would (also be whipped and) complete as a knight, hoping to get enough overflow to 1-turn another knight afterward, but I don't know if this is actually feasible because I don't know how many hammers we have in the Settler or the amount of food and/or hammers Bulugan is making. As for Muqa ... it depends on how many of those 51h (34 base hammers) comes from overflow, and how many more hammers we could get there by working a forest (or stealing tiles from Chubei) or even priests instead of coast - and how low the single-turn base production can go by lending tiles to Chubei. My instinct is to start a Wellie there instead of the monastery, but I'm not sure about the numbers yet.

There's of course also an argument for putting coloseums in other cities (notably Borte, which might want the happiness too). If you like, I can look into that.

Another option of course is to not go all-in on a knight attack as soon as we get Guilds. We could just use knights defensively and/or roleplay AI Mansa by getting Grocers everywhere as soon as Guilds comes in. One problem with an all-out attack on State of Zijin is that it doesn't actually put us much further ahead: It improves Oghul Qaimish and cuts into GJ's lead a little and significantly reduces the ease with which he can attack our core, all of which is very important, but unless he's sleeping at the wheel and we somehow manage to move on to Seven Mysteries, we're not going to gain a lot of actual useful territory. (Some, but not a lot.)

I do favor trying it, for what it's worth, given what I know now. I really don't like State of Zijin, and if we have a window at Guilds, it will probably be the last we get.

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