Some overview shots.
Firstly, our military.
The two axes east of NFD are heading SE-E/SE and S-SE respectively, along the forest lines. A spear completed in Speed Limit end of turn. Can't whip the lighthouse in Sailboats yet - I didn't check when we can do it, but it will be soon.
Secondly, our non-military.
The two workers south of Speed Limit are cottaging a floodplain that can be used by either city. The other worker continues to camp the ivory (due soon) - it can then road to Speed Limit to connect the happiness.
The northern Kojak worker completed the mine, and the other I moved to farm the riverside grassland. In time we can irrigate down the western side from DMH, but for now I figured we could do with the extra food in that city, plus as soon as we get CS the rice will become risotto.
The other workers completed roads and a cottage respectively, or moved to the forests near Gut Shot as I mentioned.
Finally, our impressive demographics at 100% research.
DMH is fast building a barracks right now because it has no other developed tiles - it needs worker assistance. The worker below it can possibly chop the forested hill or grassland forest to speed up a worker or settler build after the barracks.
As I mentioned, Big Slick grows next turn. I'll let you decide what to do with it after that.
You can take the next turn to re-optimise our progress...