State of the empire
Since I have too much spare time, as Spaceman never tires to point out, and it might be a while until we see the save again, I put together a report on the State of the Empire (euphemism for Picture Dump).
Pocket Bullets
Our capital is still far from its happy cap, so will just keep working cottages until it reaches it. A great person is due in 7 turns, hopefully a prophet that can bulb Civil Service to make our capital even more awesome.
Big Slick
Picture taken after ending turn, so the governor is working the forest. We will switch it to the forested hill to complete the library. At size 6 Big Slick will work an engineer and two scientists to get a second great person out shortly after the prophet from Pocket Bullets.
Nut Flush Draw
A good city that would have been even better if it wasn't for barb attacks, gold mine duty, and lending the sheep to Sailboats. Top Kicker will soon take over the gold mine, letting this city grow faster onto a bunch of riverside cottages.
Dead Man's Hand
Completed a worker this turn which is why it's configured for max hammers. Will work the flood plains next turn and grow on to size 4 while completing the barracks. DMH is a pure production city, it will get our Heroic Epic eventually.
Speed Limit
Just an awesome city. Has had three dedicated workers since the granary was chopped at size 1, and has grown every second turn since then.
Meh city founded for the gems and silver. Will be okay though with some grassland farms and some cottages on the dry grass. Governor is misbehaving here too, Kojak will borrow the grassland hill mine from Dead Man's Hand.
Is our only port city to the northern sea, and is also working on the Great Lighthouse. Once it reaches size 5 it will double-whip the Galley with lots of overflow into TGL. Then repeat the trick with a forge, then chop the silks, and hopefully the great lighthouse will be complete. After that it might be on to the Colossus. The galley produced here will ship our most experienced Axemen over to the northern continent.
Gut Shot
Borders expanded at end of turn, a work boat is ready to net the fish. The city will get a lighthouse, a forge and some mines, and will build the Moai statues. There are better Moai locations, but sooner is better than later, and this city will be able to produce it pretty quickly. As such this will be a hybrid production/commerce city.
Top Kicker
Our newest city. Will grow to size 2 and receive two chops to complete the granary. At size 3 it should be able to take over the gold mine from Nut Flush Draw. This will be a good city, and it will have quite a few forests, so if we have a location-agnostic wonder to be built, this could be the place to do it.
I have to run.