What gave SM the lead: A peaceful early start where he pushed fast expansion, combining that with Hanging Gardens.
Beginning of the end: SleepingMoogle getting two cities from TT peacefully, one of which was a Holy City. This was much much more severe than Moogle capturing two cities. Look at Serdoa's capture of TT's cities as proof of this. This resulted in SM getting two mature cities with all buildings intact, which really gave him a clear-cut lead. Due to his buildup for war, I had nearly closed the gap due to spamming Great Lighthouse cities, and I was primed to take the lead while he went to war and (ideally) slogged out a war against a technological equal. This also meant that I needed to shift from an expansion footing (which was really starting to pay dividends) into building military because I was running lightly on military. This isn't even covering all the things that this gifting influenced, but I felt like in the span of a few hours I went from a co-favorite to a longshot, which was disappointing at the time.
Nail in the coffin: Signing a NAP with SleepingMoogle until T140 (Serdoa followed suit shortly afterwards). This was an inexcusable move on my part. Serdoa and I considered a 2v1 war right before this NAP was signed, and in retrospect that was our last chance for relevancy. Serdoa touched on this in his thoughts a few posts before mine... We very well could have lost, but I do think we at least had a chance there. Signing the NAP was signing away victory, as I underestimated just how much he would pull away during that time. Out of all three things, this annoys me the most - that I was so naive to think I could catch up economically. Ah well, live and learn.
Despite the fact that the above two paragraphs sound gloomy, this game was a total blast. It got kinda dull towards the end as we were all playing SimCity and SM was blowing us away, but I really enjoyed this game.
General thoughts on other players
SleepingMoogle - First, I think you somewhat overvalued my Great Lighthouse. Well, better put, I think you underestimated just how far behind I was after the Dazed war wrapped up. It really was pretty bleak, so the Lighthouse merely helped me catch up a little bit by letting me spam cities. Problem is, you start to hit diminishing returns eventually, as the routes became less valuable since there simply wasn't enough cities to get routes to. You closing routes hurt me more than I let on, and the destruction of TT's cities hurt me because those were some mature cities I had routes to. In the end I only had foreign routes with Serdoa, which combined with it's power fading as the game goes on, the Lighthouse merely kept me in the game for awhile rather than making me a big threat. You were still researching faster than me, which was pretty amazing in all honesty. Question for you - how nervous would you have been if myself and Serdoa dogpiled you back when we had the chance? Serdoa kind of wanted to and I stupidly talked him out of it. I'm just curious if you think it would have worked or not.
Serdoa - I guess there's not tons to say to you, since we kept in touch pretty well throughout the game. I guess I will say this - sorry for talking us out of the 2v1 on SM. That more or less ended the game, which was mostly my mistake. Haven't read your thread yet, so I'll probably have more to say when I do. I must confess to others that although I greatly tried to downplay my relations with Serdoa (even dropping hints that I didn't trust him), I was much closer to him than that. I'm sure you all suspected that anyways, but I thought I'd mention that here.
Twinkletoes - I definitely think you improved from PBEM3, but I still feel like you would have benefited from a more experienced player giving general advice. For instance, you knew war with SM was coming, but there was no power bump on your graph, it seemed like you built almost no military. 10 turns warning on Quick Speed is an eternity. My best guess is you were far too hesitant to use the whip, but I haven't looked at your thread yet, so maybe that'll explain more. You made some other comments which I'll address in a different post when I make comments on things other people have said.
Dazed - Not much else to add other than what I've written in your thread and things I've said in the past. To be honest, I found diplo with you to be the smoothest out of everyone and I felt you would've been the easiest player for me to ally with, but geography and my agreement with Serdoa trumped that. I'm really not sure what else you could have done differently though, I don't think you misplayed the diplo quite as bad as you make it sound. I do agree that it would have been a very different game if you weren't reduced to an OCC so early.
What gave SM the lead: A peaceful early start where he pushed fast expansion, combining that with Hanging Gardens.
Beginning of the end: SleepingMoogle getting two cities from TT peacefully, one of which was a Holy City. This was much much more severe than Moogle capturing two cities. Look at Serdoa's capture of TT's cities as proof of this. This resulted in SM getting two mature cities with all buildings intact, which really gave him a clear-cut lead. Due to his buildup for war, I had nearly closed the gap due to spamming Great Lighthouse cities, and I was primed to take the lead while he went to war and (ideally) slogged out a war against a technological equal. This also meant that I needed to shift from an expansion footing (which was really starting to pay dividends) into building military because I was running lightly on military. This isn't even covering all the things that this gifting influenced, but I felt like in the span of a few hours I went from a co-favorite to a longshot, which was disappointing at the time.
Nail in the coffin: Signing a NAP with SleepingMoogle until T140 (Serdoa followed suit shortly afterwards). This was an inexcusable move on my part. Serdoa and I considered a 2v1 war right before this NAP was signed, and in retrospect that was our last chance for relevancy. Serdoa touched on this in his thoughts a few posts before mine... We very well could have lost, but I do think we at least had a chance there. Signing the NAP was signing away victory, as I underestimated just how much he would pull away during that time. Out of all three things, this annoys me the most - that I was so naive to think I could catch up economically. Ah well, live and learn.
Despite the fact that the above two paragraphs sound gloomy, this game was a total blast. It got kinda dull towards the end as we were all playing SimCity and SM was blowing us away, but I really enjoyed this game.
General thoughts on other players
SleepingMoogle - First, I think you somewhat overvalued my Great Lighthouse. Well, better put, I think you underestimated just how far behind I was after the Dazed war wrapped up. It really was pretty bleak, so the Lighthouse merely helped me catch up a little bit by letting me spam cities. Problem is, you start to hit diminishing returns eventually, as the routes became less valuable since there simply wasn't enough cities to get routes to. You closing routes hurt me more than I let on, and the destruction of TT's cities hurt me because those were some mature cities I had routes to. In the end I only had foreign routes with Serdoa, which combined with it's power fading as the game goes on, the Lighthouse merely kept me in the game for awhile rather than making me a big threat. You were still researching faster than me, which was pretty amazing in all honesty. Question for you - how nervous would you have been if myself and Serdoa dogpiled you back when we had the chance? Serdoa kind of wanted to and I stupidly talked him out of it. I'm just curious if you think it would have worked or not.
Serdoa - I guess there's not tons to say to you, since we kept in touch pretty well throughout the game. I guess I will say this - sorry for talking us out of the 2v1 on SM. That more or less ended the game, which was mostly my mistake. Haven't read your thread yet, so I'll probably have more to say when I do. I must confess to others that although I greatly tried to downplay my relations with Serdoa (even dropping hints that I didn't trust him), I was much closer to him than that. I'm sure you all suspected that anyways, but I thought I'd mention that here.
Twinkletoes - I definitely think you improved from PBEM3, but I still feel like you would have benefited from a more experienced player giving general advice. For instance, you knew war with SM was coming, but there was no power bump on your graph, it seemed like you built almost no military. 10 turns warning on Quick Speed is an eternity. My best guess is you were far too hesitant to use the whip, but I haven't looked at your thread yet, so maybe that'll explain more. You made some other comments which I'll address in a different post when I make comments on things other people have said.
Dazed - Not much else to add other than what I've written in your thread and things I've said in the past. To be honest, I found diplo with you to be the smoothest out of everyone and I felt you would've been the easiest player for me to ally with, but geography and my agreement with Serdoa trumped that. I'm really not sure what else you could have done differently though, I don't think you misplayed the diplo quite as bad as you make it sound. I do agree that it would have been a very different game if you weren't reduced to an OCC so early.