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League of Legends General Discussion Thread


If you liked Zil you'd probably like Janna - good harrassment abilities, a shield/knockback to save people with, healing, good escape abilities, combines very well with Ashe who's extremely popular around RB

Or you could go for Taric who's a "paladin" type - stun, heal, a decent close range AOE, auras, quite tanky without being expected to be the main tank, works well with melee DPS types by stunning people

Don't know much about Kayle but her ultimate is annoying

Or just try the mages out for a few games and see if you like the style, mages seem to be relatively underrepresented around here too, and there appears to be lots of pro advice on Youtube.

Anyway, no need to get discouraged and give up on a champ just because of a bad game or two. I messed up quite a few games by terrible jungling, it just happens to be the most difficult early game role.

Deceptus Wrote:I have Ashe and Tristana (from Facebook), but I completely suck as a carry.

I suspect learning to not suck as Ashe would still be a good idea, but if that isn't fun right now, then it should wait.

I like the suggestion of Taric.

Another champ I would throw into the mix is Morgana. After watching a bunch of TreeEskimo vids, she's creeping up on my buy list.

We have a lot of Ashe players already though, I'd say she's probably the least "important" character to learn as it's pretty much guaranteed that in a 5v5 someone else can play her.

Yesterday games showed that I still know how to save the day (or at least one overextended or unlucky hero) as Zilean, so I might not need to learn another support champion after all. Maybe I should get a mage (Fiddlesticks?) or learn those carries?...

If you don't mind that I'm not going to jungle, I'd like to play more Zil in the future. :3

Yeah stick with Zilean or try Janna out. Soraka really isn't viable at all anymore as she's kind of a joke these days, and Kayle is almost as bad (some may disagree with me, but I still have yet to see a Kayle really do something that isn't done better by Morgana/Janna/Zilean or any other support).

Just try various mages when they're free and you may find one you enjoy.

IMO, Kayle needs farm hardcore to do anything at all. She needs 100+ CS to get enough items to make her do something. She's a lot more like Morgana, in terms of what they do. Morgana is built an ap caster who supports. Kayle is like that, in the terms that you build her hybrid ap/dmg, and has a semi-decent heal, and her life-saving ulti. You need to sit there, and get every last hit practically in the lane to use Kayle efficiently.

Janna is by far the best support even with her nerfs she got recently. Sona is still pretty good. Taric is probably weaker right now only because the teams aren't SUPER CARRY+support+support+tank+ap support/nuker 99% of the time, and his abilities do a lot less for your team, with his huge armor AoE buff. He's still really good though. I don't really like Morgana after she got nerfed 2-3 patches ago, only because she feels weaker than I remember her when I played her on a free week a long time ago. Plus, she required you to be able to land snares to be good. Lux and Soraka are pretty much meh right now, even though Lux is probably an ok support, maybe even decent with her shield not being nerfed iirc.

You should learn how to play Shen imo. He's a tank, with a flavor of support with his ulti, and life-saving taunt.

Well, if I look at Rokus games (1800+ Elo) Lux seem to be pretty viable and is even able to carry if you know how to play her.

Yeah, I've always loved Lux and adore that everyone else thinks she's terrible. In fact, I felt like I was the only one who liked her when she was first released so it's nice to see others start to realize her potential. There are few, if any, champs who can dominate the lane like Lux and it's always satisfying to laser-kill an enemy who thinks they are safe in their fog or next to their tower.

I love her because she's only as good as the player controlling her. There's no facerolling OP-ness here which makes her very fun to play if you're good at skillshots.

Lux is good. Is she good in premade 5v5 though, where the real competition is imo compared to other supports? Right now, its Janna is banned, Sona is picked, Taric is picked, sometimes Morgana is Sona/Taric is aslo banned. Nobody really picks Lux in a competitive premade 5v5 environment yet imo. She's highly viable in solo que, but I really think that compared to the other supports, from Janna's "hey AoE, say hi to cleanse+my ulti" to Sona's "imma harass you all day, and heal myself in the lane" even to Tarics "Hey, I have a great heal, a huge armor AoE buff, a 2sec max stun, and an ulti that lets me tank+give extra dmg". Lux has gotten better since she was released, receiving small buffs in the shape of never getting nerfed compared to the top supports. Also, I really don't feel that Lux "dominates" her lane compared to champions like Nidalee, Kassadin, Pant, and so forth. I've played her a little, and she's good in the lane, but not dominating.

EDIT: By premade 5v5, I mean the tournaments(Newegg, WCG, the EU ones, etc.) not Riot's ladder of 5v5, where queue times in anything over 1600 for it is apparently over 2 hours long, and has pretty much died off.

Don't see anything wrong with Lux, she has great harrassment ability in tower standoffs and would fit very well on a 4+1 split pushing team.

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