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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Wow, that is sad in a glorious light brigade sort of way. I hope you cast it or at least put up the short:D
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Sullla Wrote:To add some context to that post, we got backdoored by the enemy team (two out of three base turrets destroyed earlier), lost all three inhibitors. We killed 3 champs in our base, then had to push mid and win the game right there. We killed their two nexus turrets, and were seconds away from killing the nexus... only their inhibitor respawned, turning their nexus invincible, and then the rest of their team revived, and we lost the game. alright Needed about two more seconds to win the game - talk about unlucky!

T'was a great game though regardless. Not too often your team starts out 0 kills 8 deaths and comes back to (nearly) win!

That sounds like an exciting game, I hope there will be a cast alright
Though I would like to mention that if you actually depend on such an all out attack because you already lost 3 inhibitors, the reason for your loss is not really an unlucky respawning inhibitor, but earlier gameplay mistakes. I lost a 60 minute game the other day where we lost very closely at the end, but basically we threw away several chances to win at minute 40 (scored ace and people ported back/pushed unimportant lanes instead of killing inhibitors...).


To be honest, I've been the greatest feeder in that early game stage. Then I flied into a rage when I decided that my 0/4/0 score is no good anymore, especially since I'm the damn Rammus.

No, seriously, I don't remember the last time I powerballed from across the map (WITH ghost) yelling obscenities over the microphone, just to kill that damn Master Yaoi who kept killing our d00ds. And succeeded.

There was one moment where I chased down one of their members and Sullla, who was with me in that lane, was like: "NO, DON'T CHASE", then I hear "You have slain an enemy", and back away safely. I'm like "REALLY? REALLY??". Felt glorious when I heavily surpassed my death ratio with kills and assists in a span of minutes. lol

It seems that when I'm in rage or drunk, I'm playing my best. lol

Gustaran Wrote:That sounds like an exciting game, I hope there will be a cast alright
Though I would like to mention that if you actually depend on such an all out attack because you already lost 3 inhibitors, the reason for your loss is not really an unlucky respawning inhibitor, but earlier gameplay mistakes. I lost a 60 minute game the other day where we lost very closely at the end, but basically we threw away several chances to win at minute 40 (scored ace and people ported back/pushed unimportant lanes instead of killing inhibitors...).

To put a little more story behind the post, we played against another premade(well I'm assuming since what happened next), and we fought a lvl 1 fight at our blue, except 4v5(one of our guys at bot didn't go, w/e). The end result is that two of us died, and they took our blue, screwing up our jungler(ram is somewhat dependent on blue imo).

Over the next 15 minutes, we feed to the point of 11-0. Then, in the preceding half hour we turned it around so that we were ahead in barons 3-0, leading in kills, slightly behind in dragons, and down our 3 base towers, but same in inbhis.

While we pushed with baron down mid, Master Yi, MF, and Singed just ran in, and took down all three empty inhibs, we blue pilled back, killed 3, and after pushing back the lanes, pushed straight down mid. Really, we should have lost that game. Honestly, though, past the 20 minute mark, we DID play better. But yeah our early game sucked. lol

Honestly the really close games like the inhibitor fiasco are fun even if you lose.

but other highlights from yesterday's games:

As Eve, killing the enemy team's jungling Tryndamere 3 times in 10 minutes at his lizard (third kill thanks to Seyruun somehow having warded it from the opposite side of the map)

Another game, while I'm mid the enemy team's mid leaves to try to push the bottom tower, their two top laners then take turns to pick a 1v1 fight with me in the middle of the map with a 4 level disadvantage and end up feeding me 3 kills. They decide to give up on this, go back top and kill our pickup Cassopeia in top lane. Cass blames the team for not calling MIA... everyone on the team goes "wtf" simultaneously.

Something humorous for the start of the year. And we won, too! :D

Thanks for all of the games yesterday. The final one, over the new year switchover (I'm old now and with a kid, so no fancy parties for me) was my single best-ever LoL game, which I credit to New Year Magic.

Man I love playing with you guys, but I'm getting really sick of the broken matchmaking that happens almost every time we form a premade team.

The other day a few of us played a game with super good Sulla and super experienced Speaker and just got spanked by a very good, experienced team that at least 3 out of the 5 of us have no experience playing against yet which just makes us look like even worse players in the eyes of those we want to impress the most (Sulla, Speaker, Mookie, Atlas, etc). It's very frustrating and happens a lot and almost makes me wish the "pros" didn't give up their time every now and then to play games with us "noobs" because nothing feels worse than playing like shit in front of players you respect, and knowing that they're thinking, "God damn what a bunch of idiots. Madred's on MF? Jesus wtf." I hate that feeling.

But yesterday; Sunrise, Terror, Ub3rfish, myself and Seyruun (all roughly equivalent in terms of skill I think) fired up a couple games and though 3 of those 5 guys aren't even level 30 yet, we got matched up against 2 premade teams of players where most of them had over 550 wins and the least experienced player we went against still had 250 wins (roughly 3 times the experience of any of us). Naturally we got raped both times.

I hope the ranked matchmaking is a little more balanced because right now, it seems almost impossible to get a proper match in normal queue with a premade team which really sucks because I love playing with all of you guys.

Pandajuice Wrote:which just makes us look like even worse players in the eyes of those we want to impress the most (Sulla, Speaker, Mookie, Atlas, etc). It's very frustrating and happens a lot and almost makes me wish the "pros" didn't give up their time every now and then to play games with us "noobs" because nothing feels worse than playing like shit in front of players you respect, and knowing that they're thinking, "God damn what a bunch of idiots. Madred's on MF? Jesus wtf." I hate that feeling.

I think that's a strange attitude. Nobody is forced to play with lower level players, and while the players you named may be much better than the average player, they are still not perfect either. Actually I believe it's good if you do something wrong in these games, because then a better player on your team can point out things you need to change and you won't make the same mistake again in future games - thereby improving your game.

About the matchmaking: If you have a level 30 team you could try to play ranked. I don't know if it's true or not, but I have read on the forums that the skill level in low ranked mode is actually below the normal game play level.


The matchmaking is a bit screwy but sometimes you do get very good games which makes the whole thing worth it. I think the system just doesn't really know how to evaluate the strength of a team with large internal differences in skill levels (a legitimately difficult problem) which leads to a lot of bad mismatches one way or the other with the 5v5 premades.

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