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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Krill Wrote:Question for Speaker: When should Rylais and Frozen mallet be used, IYO?

It is not question of "when" but "who"- though generally Rylais has more usefulness than Frozen Mallet.

Rylais is godly (must have) on Kenna and Vlad, is usable ok on Akali and Kat (if you build her AP), you could put it on any other caster, but the problem is that there is a ton of other better items on the other casters.

Frozen Mallet is godly only on Xin, it is ok on Yi (though you want other items first), Temo, maybe Tryn. It is an ok 6th item on most DPS/melee in a game that goes 60+ minutes and you got tons of $$
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

Sullla Wrote:Me, I'm learning to jungle with Rammus, so that we don't lose Baron due to missed Smites. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Somehow, I just felt underappreciated now. :neenernee
Am I really that bad at jungling/tanking? :3

Deceptus Wrote:Somehow, I just felt underappreciated now. :neenernee
Am I really that bad at jungling/tanking? :3

I'm hoping it means he's forgotten my Warwick, rather than remembering it.

I'm sure it's not directed at anyone in particular, everyone tends to forget to smite in the chaos of fights breaking out, I've done it

Right, I'm not thinking of anyone in particular or trying to call someone out; I hope you don't think I'm that petty. lol But if you're the team's jungler, you should *NEVER* forget to Smite Baron/Dragon, because that's literally why the team takes a jungler in the first place. Always keep that in mind.
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It's time to introduce JUNGLE KARTHUS !!! lol


Deceptus Wrote:Somehow, I just felt underappreciated now. :neenernee
Am I really that bad at jungling/tanking? :3

Sullla and uberfish respond above, but I'll add one more thing:

You might really be that bad at smiting, but that doesn't make you a bad tank or wholly bad jungler. Maybe you're excellent at counter-jungling, ganking, warding, etc. So even if it was directed at you, which it wasn't, remember there's always a constructive side to criticism.

In my own case when I play in the lanes, I think I do a pretty good job at playing safe and not feeding as well as calling out MIAs. What I do a bad job at is knowing when to follow MIAs and help middle and top. A few posts up in this thread you'll find me asking for tips on doing that better. It doesn't mean I'm a bad "laner or support player" but rather that I have good and bad areas of my game and try to improve the ones that need work.

This game intrigues me. Might have to give it a go.

Last hitting neutral buff creeps isn't really the main reason to have a jungler (even if you had 2-1-2 lanes someone on the team could take smite for this), but it's the main reason why someone like Warwick should take smite even if they can clear the jungle without it.

I only forget to smite as Rammus because I'm constantly watching the map for the enemy team since he has to taunt them. When I'm playing Eve it's easier to focus on baron/dragon's hp, since either it would be someone else's job to initiate if the enemy team turns up or I'm the one stealing lol

uberfish Wrote:Last hitting neutral buff creeps isn't really the main reason to have a jungler

We can argue semantics on whether it's the main reason or not, but it's the single most important job that a jungler has. Anytime you're playing a jungler, you absolutely have to Smite the Baron/Dragon anytime your team goes for it. This takes priority over everything else. Let the rest of the team watch the minimap - if you are the jungler, you watch Baron, and you Smite it at the proper time to make sure that your team gets it.

I'm not trying to harp on this issue guys, but I want to instill in you how important this is if you're trying to improve at League of Legends. Entire games are won or lost based on Baron Smites. Practice this any time you're jungling; if Baron is uncontested, use it as a practice run for a pressure situation in another game. Always, always, always Smite. Always. Have I said always enough? lol

I have even seen teams in high-level premades take 2 Smites sometimes, with one person laning with Smite, just so that they can double-Smite Dragon or Baron and ensure that they get it. Please do take the responsibility seriously if you're going to play a jungler.
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