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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

When we don't have an RB premade team, I usually play ARAM instead of soloqueue at the moment, its less serious and a decent way to level the playing field.

Going on from what draagdlejk posted, sometimes revive and teleport are also banned or ta least frowned upon. I haven't seen any rule about dying to towers before though, I mean if you want to buy and the other team isn't around ot get credit for killing you, there's no problem with hitting the tower a few times and dying from all the games I've played.

Some champions are a lot stronger/weaker with this variant, a healer is usually a must, and having a lot of ranged poke is important. ARAM is different enough to change several champion builds, AP Master Yi is extremely good at harassing\farming\pushing and can heal himself an incredible amount. Sivir being a great pusher is also very strong.

Most players take heal + clarity for spells because without them the other team can win the war of attrition which ARAM is upto level 6. Flash and ignite have their uses, most other spells less so.

The main problems with ARAM are

1. Queue dodging - People often dodge when they don't like their champion or team composition. Sometimes you have to sit through 2-3 dodges before a game can start.

2. Team composition - OK there's a reason why people dodge sometimes. Typically melee heavy teams are weak and no healers can hurt. If you think back to those times your team was laying siege to a team's turret without engaging in normal games, that kind of situation happens every ARAM game. Having better poke than the other team gives you a significant edge.

3. Snowballing - Just like in normal games, if one team gets ahead early by a lot then the game is virtually over. The game we played yesterday my team was almost at this point but then the other team was able to play a bit smarter afterwards and narrowly won

4. Unfamiliarity - Sometimes you'll have to play a champion you're weak with or simply don't know how to play. It's bad in terms of winning the game you're playing, however learning how more champs work is never a bad thing.

5. Longer games - You won't see the nexus going down in 25 mins, ARAM games usually take 40-50 mins.

Anyway its a fun variant and if there's something I'd like to see us doing more its trying more variants
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Another drawback of ARAM is that often you have one idiot in the game that breaks the rules, so after losing a tower someone runs up and farms top lane, essentially ending the ARAM game. It would be cool if Riot introduced this variant as a real game mode (maybe locked off top/bottom lanes ? Shouldn't be that hard to do....).


Re the map they already have this map but it is unavailable to public play. The tutorial map is only 1 lane they would only need to consider the fountian but it would already be an improvement.

Although i definitely couldn't replicated it against level 30 guys, like all you chaps, Caitlyn definitely rocks my socks at solo queue for my level:

[Image: caitlyn.jpg]

Ignore the couple of custom games, i was toying with the abilities and trying different strategies.

Build is a bit funky in the normal game but made sense considering my opponents. Nobody was lower than level 9 (i'm 10).

Very nice score ! thumbsup

However, the general consensus on top player stream so far seems to be that she is underpowered. alright
I bought her with the skin bundle, because I am a big sniper-character fan and I must say I am disappointed. I was really looking forward to the Ult, but the way it works right now, it's really bad, especially on lower ranks. When an opponent runs from me, I do more damage with q + autoattacking than channeling the ult (which might even get intercepted). cry

It would be so cool if the Ult had a higher range, maybe even the whole map with a higher CD. Right now, if you want to snipe someone Lux is a better champion choice...
Of course it's still quite early to judge her, but without buffs I don't think she will get anywhere near Ashe, Sivir or MF in terms of ranking.


I was watching bigfatjiji play her last night, and with her base 650 range(I think thats what he said), play her as a kiting champion. Get red buff, and kite all day long. Have a nid to spam her heal on? Kite even better/more. She's also probably one of the most fun champions they've released in a long time IMO.

Probably not anywhere even remotely great or any way OP, but pretty balanced IMO.

Caitlin has no attack damage or attack speed steroids and her ult sucks. She's pretty bad and definitely not playable when considering the other good ranged carries like Sivir, MF, Ashe, Corki, Tristana, etc. But if she's fun, all the power to you (in non-ranked games)! She'll probably be buffed soon as well, since there has been so much forum QQ.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

First time I saw Caitlyn's ult I just laughed at how little damage it actually did, surely the worst ultimate in the entire game in its current state.

uberfish Wrote:First time I saw Caitlyn's ult I just laughed at how little damage it actually did, surely the worst ultimate in the entire game in its current state.

In non-ranked I think the majority of Tristana ults hurt her team, so I'd probably disagree wink

Yeah, I agree with Gustaran that she is pretty underpowered right now mainly because her ult is a joke. The range is far less than I was expecting from a sniper champ (I was expecting Lux range at least if not map wide) and the damage is laughable. It does far less than Karthus' ult but is channeled for the same amount of time, only hits one target, and can be blocked easily.

Her traps too are underwhelming. She's limited to having only two in existence at any time and they are visible are so easily dodged. It's very odd to me that Riot made these decisions when Teemo can have infinite, stealthed mushrooms and Nidalee can also have a lot of traps that are barely visible. I guess the fact that it's a stun rather than slow makes some difference, but it wouldn't be OP to allow her at least 5 at a time or make them less visible.

I was going to buy the Caitlyn bundle too as soon as she was released, but changed my mind after I saw the spotlight and her laughable ult. She does look very fun to play though so let's hope she gets buffed appropriately (Riot has already confirmed a buff for her in the next patch).

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