When we don't have an RB premade team, I usually play ARAM instead of soloqueue at the moment, its less serious and a decent way to level the playing field.
Going on from what draagdlejk posted, sometimes revive and teleport are also banned or ta least frowned upon. I haven't seen any rule about dying to towers before though, I mean if you want to buy and the other team isn't around ot get credit for killing you, there's no problem with hitting the tower a few times and dying from all the games I've played.
Some champions are a lot stronger/weaker with this variant, a healer is usually a must, and having a lot of ranged poke is important. ARAM is different enough to change several champion builds, AP Master Yi is extremely good at harassing\farming\pushing and can heal himself an incredible amount. Sivir being a great pusher is also very strong.
Most players take heal + clarity for spells because without them the other team can win the war of attrition which ARAM is upto level 6. Flash and ignite have their uses, most other spells less so.
The main problems with ARAM are
1. Queue dodging - People often dodge when they don't like their champion or team composition. Sometimes you have to sit through 2-3 dodges before a game can start.
2. Team composition - OK there's a reason why people dodge sometimes. Typically melee heavy teams are weak and no healers can hurt. If you think back to those times your team was laying siege to a team's turret without engaging in normal games, that kind of situation happens every ARAM game. Having better poke than the other team gives you a significant edge.
3. Snowballing - Just like in normal games, if one team gets ahead early by a lot then the game is virtually over. The game we played yesterday my team was almost at this point but then the other team was able to play a bit smarter afterwards and narrowly won
4. Unfamiliarity - Sometimes you'll have to play a champion you're weak with or simply don't know how to play. It's bad in terms of winning the game you're playing, however learning how more champs work is never a bad thing.
5. Longer games - You won't see the nexus going down in 25 mins, ARAM games usually take 40-50 mins.
Anyway its a fun variant and if there's something I'd like to see us doing more its trying more variants
Going on from what draagdlejk posted, sometimes revive and teleport are also banned or ta least frowned upon. I haven't seen any rule about dying to towers before though, I mean if you want to buy and the other team isn't around ot get credit for killing you, there's no problem with hitting the tower a few times and dying from all the games I've played.
Some champions are a lot stronger/weaker with this variant, a healer is usually a must, and having a lot of ranged poke is important. ARAM is different enough to change several champion builds, AP Master Yi is extremely good at harassing\farming\pushing and can heal himself an incredible amount. Sivir being a great pusher is also very strong.
Most players take heal + clarity for spells because without them the other team can win the war of attrition which ARAM is upto level 6. Flash and ignite have their uses, most other spells less so.
The main problems with ARAM are
1. Queue dodging - People often dodge when they don't like their champion or team composition. Sometimes you have to sit through 2-3 dodges before a game can start.
2. Team composition - OK there's a reason why people dodge sometimes. Typically melee heavy teams are weak and no healers can hurt. If you think back to those times your team was laying siege to a team's turret without engaging in normal games, that kind of situation happens every ARAM game. Having better poke than the other team gives you a significant edge.
3. Snowballing - Just like in normal games, if one team gets ahead early by a lot then the game is virtually over. The game we played yesterday my team was almost at this point but then the other team was able to play a bit smarter afterwards and narrowly won
4. Unfamiliarity - Sometimes you'll have to play a champion you're weak with or simply don't know how to play. It's bad in terms of winning the game you're playing, however learning how more champs work is never a bad thing.
5. Longer games - You won't see the nexus going down in 25 mins, ARAM games usually take 40-50 mins.
Anyway its a fun variant and if there's something I'd like to see us doing more its trying more variants
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