I actually did play most of the first FfH adventure, before finally getting fed up with the AI's unutterable stupidity. I even took a screenshot (and promptly forgot to post it) because...
Okay, okay, so there are seven of 'em, and my highest-xp Illusionist isn't even included ... and I haven't even killed anybody! But my favorite part of the entire game was creating and naming these particular adepts. A share of my (likely-never-to-be-unrewarded) shadow bonus points to anyone who infers the reason!
Square Leg Wrote:And then let’s have a pic of your highly promoted adepts at the time you kill each good civ. (It is the one with the highest xp, not a sum of all) Bonus points for a cool name!Welllp, here's my very late entry for Shadow Bonus Points.
Okay, okay, so there are seven of 'em, and my highest-xp Illusionist isn't even included ... and I haven't even killed anybody! But my favorite part of the entire game was creating and naming these particular adepts. A share of my (likely-never-to-be-unrewarded) shadow bonus points to anyone who infers the reason!