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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Speaker Wrote:Why is that good? He couldn't start to attack the blue buff for 15 seconds after it spawned, and it required a tremendous amount of set up which could be disrupted. He then lived with just 28 hp left. Not to mention Nidalee is one of the strongest laners in the game, and shouldn't be taking ignite to begin with. And that you need a strong ganker out of the jungle with the current metagame, and with this setup, you wouldn't even have a smite.

So....why is this worth a watch?
I found this an interesting application for a character's skill, one which you wouldn't normally think of.
Shaco's boxes are well known, but it makes me wonder what other skills could be used in that manner.

Running through your points:
  • No more set up than Shaco requires.
  • Yes it was definitely close, but as can be seen at the end, with the blue buff Nidalee can easily and quickly heal back up.
  • Your second to last sentence makes no sense.
    Noone is suggesting Nidalee should be a dedicated jungler, but all too frequently in solo queue there is no jungler on your team. This seems like a good way of allowing you to harass more early game (plentiful mana) as well as denying the opposition jungler a free blue buff.
  • I see no problem with ignite on Nidalee.
    As you say, she's a strong laner with a vicious poke. Often a low health opponent will stay longer than they should in the lane, huddling underneath the tower. Ignite helps with that.
Overall, I don't play Nidalee - can't get to grips with her cougar form.
But if I did, I'd be interested in this video and would probably try it out (even though it may turn out to be utterly impractical).

If there's a Speaker worthiness rating that is required to be met before posting ontopic in this thread, by all means direct me to it and I'll subscribe.
Until then, a little less confrontational tone would be more... pleasant. smile

In other news, it was good to see Roland back online the other day.
I didn't realise how much I missed the "I am Shen, I am INVINCIBLE!" rants until they were gone. lol

Cull pointed out that over chat that Nidalee should really be soloing mid or top, which doesn't fit in with this Nidalee going bottom/ potentially missing a wave to get blue.
Agree there, point taken.

Seriously, that is one of the worst strategies I have ever seen for League of Legends. I will try to do this more politely, but it's absurdly stupid on every possible level. Let's go through why this is dumb:

1) Itemization: it requires Nidalee to take Cloth Armor and 5 health pots. These are very poor starting items for Nidalee. Since the strat requires drinking all 5 health pots, you're essentially spending your starting gold on 18 armor, which doesn't build into a single item that Nidalee would want. This is really, really stupid even before the jungling begins.

2) Speed: jungling is all about speed. The faster a jungler can grab red or blue, the faster they can gank other lanes. The difference between a jungle run that takes 60 seconds and one that takes 90 seconds is enormous. This Nidalee trap strat is unbelievably slow - 70 seconds just to clear blue!!! Rammus can clear blue + wolves + wraiths in the same time span. That's an extra level, 100 more gold, and closer to ganking lanes. A jungling strat as slow as the one in this video is too weak to be competitive.

3) Safety: jungling is also about safety. The video demonstrates perfect conditions (not a single enemy champ) and still nearly dies despite Dodge procs. The traps would be unbelievably easy to disrupt, since they do less damage than Shaco boxes. One Clairvoyance or a level 1 teamfight, and this whole plan falls by the wayside. Or the Nidalee could take blue, falling to 20 HP in the process, and then get ganked and killed by a counter-jungler. A competent team would stop this with extreme ease.

4) Overall strategy: Nidalee is a very strong laner, and a very poor jungler. The whole idea doesn't make sense at a macro level. It would be like sending Amumu off into a lane while Annie goes to clear the jungle. Stupid stuff. Furthermore, if Nidalee wants to jungle anyway, why not just take Smite?! It's a very good Summoner skill to have, for use in grabbing Dragon/Baron. Taking Ignite for use on Igniting a jungle minion is just awful. (Nidalee should take some combination of Ghost/Flash/Exhaust anyway...)

5) Even if it succeeds, what have you gained? Solo lanes will already be level 3 and have ~10 minion kills by the time this extremely slow golem clear is finished. If you're going to take a solo lane, you will be well behind the other champ in experience and farm. If going to a dual lane, your partner will have been relentlessly denied by the 2 vs 1 lane and will be set back as well. If you're jungling, uh, why not just take Smite?! If you aren't jungling, congratulations! You have crippled your own team's jungler by stealing his blue buff! I don't see any way in which this comes out ahead.

This is really epic fail in every conceivable way. I would never suggest doing this under any circumstances. If you are playing solo queue and no one is jungling, then you should play that role. I mean, maybe this works in a low-skill game where people don't know what they're doing... but why would you want to take inspiration from that?

Apologies, but this is profoundly dumb. lol
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Common Sullla, where's your RB sense of adventure and overcoming obstacles? :D

umm PB never said it was viable, just a funny and somewhat unexpected way to play something
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

I think it's more about exploring what's possible. Not a good idea in a game, but I didn't really think it was possible without smite. Nice to know I was wrong, even if it's not practical.

Tyrmith Wrote:Common Sullla, where's your RB sense of adventure and overcoming obstacles? :D

He played Mundo today, he got it in spades already. lol

Those are supposed to be the leaked new patch notes.

Deceptus Wrote:EDIT:
Those are supposed to be the leaked new patch notes.

Official notes are up now as well, seem to be identical:

I still regret buying the Caitlyn + skin bundle duh



- big buff for Caitlyn (but her early damage has been scaled down)
- rework of Evelynn (a slight nerf overall I guess)
- slight buff for Garen
- buff for Heimer (I guess; I don't play him enough to authoritatively comment)
- slight buff for Jax
- slight buff for Kat
- nerf for Kennen
- buff for Nasus
- slight nerf for Panth
- slight nerf for Sivir
- Trynd's ult is now 5 seconds rather than 6 (looking forward to playing an unadjusted Trynd tonight)
- slight nerf for Xin

- vision wards now 125 gold
- silly hat is 100g more expensive

and finally...

- Fixed the silly bug we were complaining about last night with regards to monster camps!

v8mark Wrote:Summary:

- big buff for Caitlyn (but her early damage has been scaled down)

I seriously doubt this is a really "big buff" and that these changes are going to make her more popular.
Q deals less damage early game and but quite a bit more lategame now, but then again the penalty for hitting several enemies is even increased.
As for her ult: IMHO damage on rank 1 & 2 is still too low with an unchanged channeling time, and some of the changes are simple bugfixes: It was ridiculous that running into a brush or Panths passive would cancel the ult. Also I am wondering if changing the ultimate to a spell is really a buff huh Ok, in the early game people tend to have less MR, but later on that means that ArPen will not help with the ult damage. And you lose on-hit effects as well...

Ashe is still so much better hands down. alright I'm looking forward to test the Heimer changes though.


Dantski Wrote:umm PB never said it was viable, just a funny and somewhat unexpected way to play something

This is what I was thinking too. I know some of you guys are very good at LoL, but I think you're starting to take this game a little too seriously.

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