I was wondering if any one has ever tried or would be interested in trying a no production variant. IE other then the one shield that the city produces in it's central tile, you can never work a tile that produces a shield. So the only means of getting anything done is the chop, the whip, rush buying and specialists.
Also, whether to leave in or take out production boosters like forges and factories?
Would this be MM hell or broken because most cities would rapidly run out of tiles to work as too many different tiles give shields and every time a city gained pop you have to make sure their not working the wrong tile? I do know that many improvements remove shields but would those work on plain tiles to make them usable for example?
Also, whether to leave in or take out production boosters like forges and factories?
Would this be MM hell or broken because most cities would rapidly run out of tiles to work as too many different tiles give shields and every time a city gained pop you have to make sure their not working the wrong tile? I do know that many improvements remove shields but would those work on plain tiles to make them usable for example?