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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

v8mark Wrote:Do the MR changes affect smite? I always thought it did true damage...

I have found that the MR changes did nerf Smite, by precisely the amount you would expect from the math.

I don't know anything about Udyr, but experimenting with Warwick after patching last night I've come to the conclusion that Wraiths -> Wolves -> Blue -> Wraiths may make more sense when the enemy lineup has no jungler. I just don't like fighting Blue wraith at level 1/level 2 without smite.

On this route, cloth armor seems to be superior to the sword, because the pipeline starves when you come back to wraiths the second time.

Note: these experiments are at summoner level 24 (running 11-3-10), using a generic physical page (armor pen/magic resist/health).

Guardsman Bob does weird masteries on Udyr, something like 1-18-11, and does well with that. I think its more of a matter of not getting help with blue, and ending up taking a tad bit too much dmg. Without help, you might need to run 0-21-x, or run armor blues.

I find that going wraith-wolf-golem isn't nearly as good as starting at golem, only because udyr at lvl 2 struggles to solo blue if he's took some dmg, and low on mana(which will happen if he tried to do wraith+wolf before golem). You can get probably the same amount of exp faster with udyr going blue golem first.

I've played a decent amount of Udyr and I find that 1/X/10 is the best mastery set-up. It's really painful to not have the extra neutral buff length as a jungler since it really limits the amount of ganking you can do.

A.Speed makes a huge difference in speed of jungling too. Best runes are, IMO, ASpeed Reds, Dodge Yellows, Cooldown blues, Health quints. You could probably swap the yellows for armor or health/lvl and the blues for magic resist without much change.

One very safe set-up I sometimes run if my runes aren't set-up correctly or I want to run tankier runes (stupid rune page limits) is to go 1/X/11 with a point in greed. Buy cloth armor + pots and go wolves -> wraiths (smite the big one) -> minigolems. You should use 2 pots during this. Quickly recall and buy boots. If you didn't take the greed mastery you will waste 20 seconds at base now. Now go do a complete jungle circuit (golem->wolves->wraiths->minigolems->lizard). This should go pretty fast and you'll finish at level 5 at around 5:30. With both buffs and boots you are now a fierce ganker, even if it's slightly delayed.

One other Udyr tip I've found is that you should always take ghost. Ghost on Udyr is his ganking initiation, not a chase or escape tool. Exploding out of the bushes in bear stance with ghost active will catch anyone without a hard CC.

Amelia Wrote:Also, i'm trying to main Lux, but should I ever be upping W instead of QE? I find that damage > shield all the time, especially in the early game.

I play a lot of Lux and I only put one point into Q because the root component is all you really need for that skill. The damage it does at max rank is fairly negligable whereas the shield at max rank is somewhat more useful. It isn't great, but it can make the difference between life and death if you aim it properly and block 300 damage.

Basically I max E first because that does a lot of damage as it scales well with AP (especially if you detonate her passive as well) and is great for harrassment early game. I put the one point in Q at level two then level Ult>E>W. Only put more points in Q at the later levels.

Edit: I just watched Roku's Lux game and he plays her the same way I do, which I believe is the most effective (combo heavy, focus on E, use Laser to either score a kill on a fleeing enemy or even to initiate a teamfight when it's at max rank + max cooldown reduction [24 second cooldown so it can be spammed]) so there ya go.

Yup, i switched from maxing Q to 1 point, and now she's playing better.

Also, with my new account in SEA (all characters free for the holidays), i had like 15 wins 1 loss with Lux....

Then because the game was shocked at my current ELO, they threw me against a team of 30s who said they got quite high in a tourney. =(

It's pretty embarrassing being a level 6 among a group of level 30s lol.

Also, after that i tried a variety of champion, including my former main, Trist. Surprise, i had around 9 straight losses. Then i switched back to Lux and got another 7 straight wins.

So yeah, i call this the Curse of Lux, or CoL, simply because i cannot win with any other champion =(

Does anybody have any suggestions on running Taric?

Current problems
(a) farm
(b) stun only seems to be helpful during the laning phase?
© heal doesn't seem to do squat

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Does anybody have any suggestions on running Taric?

Current problems
(a) farm
(b) stun only seems to be helpful during the laning phase?
© heal doesn't seem to do squat
[Image: icon_look.gif] smile
His stun is pretty damn good in a fight for taking out the carry, use it combined with a flash/ghost for taking out runners after a fight also.

Farm: Max Shatter first.
Hit each creep once or twice, use shatter to nuke the entire wave.

Heal isn't amazing agree, but useful when one of those "all in the middle poking fests" are taking place.

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Does anybody have any suggestions on running Taric?

Current problems
(a) farm
(b) stun only seems to be helpful during the laning phase?
© heal doesn't seem to do squat

Learn taric's right click. There is little reason to use Taric's Shatter to nuke creeps in early laning phrase. Stun is godlike. Heal is better if you go spirit visage, and build a little bit of ap after the support items.

Taric in teamfight is e carry, walk up with r up, w, q anyone you can, and right click. Keep on hitting e,w, and q as needed.

R>Q>W>E IMO, with taking one level in e at lvl 1, and one level of w at lvl 3. This is because the stun duration doesn't increase with levels(I think(, and Shatter doesn't come in handy until mid-game. There are situations where maxing Shatter against too heavy melee dps may be better however.

Tips on Shaco? I tend to be slow at leveling, but I think I'm doing the "get behind a squishy, 4-hit him, get away lololol" aspect well... but I don't think my enemies were too good so I could use some tips.

Taric doesn't need a lot of farm. Ionian boots/Merc treads, Chalice, defensive item of choice (Aegis/Sunfire/Spirit Visage) and you're set for a while. Max heal and shatter first in whichever order you need depending on how the lane is going. 1 point in stun. Stun is great in team fights to protect your DPS or to keep theirs in focus fire, and the heal saves people more than you'd think. Watch the heal cooldown because meleeing reduces it. If their team has lots of physical dps wait to Shatter until they've used their abilities. If they're magic though, Shatter as soon as possible so it'll cool down for later.

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