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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Deceptus Wrote:Tips on Shaco? I tend to be slow at leveling, but I think I'm doing the "get behind a squishy, 4-hit him, get away lololol" aspect well... but I don't think my enemies were too good so I could use some tips.

Jungle with him and don't start at blue.

cloth+5hp pots into wriggles(lvl 1 boot generally after madred but before wriggles) into mob. boots

From there, you can go either madreds bloodrazor, trinity force, or ie. The typical Shaco builds you see go Bloodrazor, since it stacks on his clone. Because both madreds and bloodrazors proc on his clone, Shaco can solo dragon at lvl 6+ with Wriggles, his clone, no boxes, and red buff(at least at lvl 6) with ease. After that, its really up to you. Guardian Angel is viable on Shaco, since he can just decieve after he's been reborn in teamfights, as well the normal Banshee's, Black Cleaver, and Bloodthrister. Don't be afraid to use decieve to blink out of counter junglers ganking you. Don't be afraid to counterjungle if they have a weak jungler in early game(Amumu, Gragas, anything unconventional, even Xin) Shaco is super versatile. You can do jungle creeps and farm like a boss, gank like a boss, do dragon solo like a boss, 2-3 man baron really like a boss, and generally be the most loved/hated character on the map. Late-game, a meh shaco can backdoor, while a fed one can 3v1 easy.

This is the Reginald Shaco route/guide, which is considered superior to the blue golem-jungle rest route.

Oh, and never stop ganking after you get q at lvl 3/4. Shaco's power is in his ganking, which is superior to every other jungler, and only rivaled by Eve before she got nerfed. After ganks, stop to farm(either lane or jungle) and gank again. Always be aware if you are ahead or below in lvls, since if you're below in levels counter jungling/ganking a duo lane will get you killed/sent back to base real quick.

Cull Wrote:This is the Reginald Shaco route/guide, which is considered superior to the blue golem-jungle rest route.
That video is amazing, just imagine you have to jungle against him banghead.

BTW, did anybody see the 1v1 tournament at solomid ?

I think the idea is pretty cool, would anybody be interested in doing a tournament like this here among RB members ? Might be a nice change... jive


How many LoL champs can you name within 5 minutes?

I only managed 40
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

44, that's surprisingly hard!

I got 36... Missed several really easy ones lol.

I got 40, 44 if you count ones I knew and even tried to type but didn't get the right spelling.

Got 57. Missed Blitz, Cass, Eve, Ez, Heimer, Irelia, Kat, LeBlanc, Lux, Malz, Poppy, and Singed.

Spent about 20 seconds realizing it wasn't mundo, but Dr. Mundo. rolleye

Cull Wrote:Got 57. Missed Blitz, Cass, Eve, Ez, Heimer, Irelia, Kat, LeBlanc, Lux, Malz, Poppy, and Singed.

Spent about 20 seconds realizing it wasn't mundo, but Dr. Mundo. rolleye

I got only 38. I actually missed all those you named as well (except Evelynn).
Interestingly, sometimes I remember the champ, but not the name:
" Hm, what was the name of that floating Gargoyle tanky champion with the aoe taunt ultimate who was nerfed so bad recently..." lol


So, some community member developed a replay viewer before Riot did themselves lol. It apparently logs the actions from the player's perspective, and plays it in the LoL client. It doesn't record video or audio, just gameplay, which makes the files about 10MB for a 60min game. Granted, it's not perfect, since you can only see the viewpoint of the player's team, but it's better than nothing at all at this point.

Of course, this seems to be too good to be true, but someone has verified that it is completely clean in this posting:

I tried it myself, and it actually works great. I was pretty surprised.

Program is here if you want to try it:

That program can't possibly exist, because Riot has told us many times that replays are impossible to implement without a massive amount of time and manpower. Enough of this witchcraft! lol

Can you share replays between players with this program? That's one of the things I would most like to see.
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