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RB goes medieval - a CK:DV succesion game

Sylon Wrote:Why would you want to swap to Popular Law? Considering you're looking to vassalise Lithuania and half of the Baltic, surely the boost to vassal loyalty from Feudal Contract would help?
Mongol insurance. Mongol invasion can either misfire and be stomped by Cumans or start rolling over people and conquer everything in sight. And since Mongols use hordes of horse archers we want troops that have plenty of usefull light troops ( light cavalry, archers, light infantry ) and not a lot of the heavy ones that will be shredded to pieces ( knights, heavy infantry ). Thus Popular Law.

Ichabod Wrote:Where can I find a list with the effects of each of the Law options? I can't find one in the game or even in the Internet...
In the manual. Appendix D.

Mist Wrote:In the manual. Appendix D.


Gamersgate hasn't provided me with one... That's one of the problems with online buying (steam manuals never works, albeit they give you a broken link...)

Report coming soon!

Are you sure about that? My copy from Gamersgate has manuals with it- It's under the My Games tab.
Playing as the Mayans in PBEM9
Dedicated Lurker to the Byzantines in PBEM12

Excellent - you have a crazed gerontocrat as your first ruler! Looking forward to continued adventures of the dynasty.

On rebellions - when you put down a rebellion, suggest that once you take all the rebel provinces, and negotiate for peace, that what you do is ask the rebels to become your vassal once more, but at the same time recognize them as the rightful ruler of their provinces (this will clear your reputation a bit, and if they are to rebel later, you'll automatically gain a claim to their title anyway).

On alliances - in my experience, they are non-binding; your allies won't always come to your aid, and you get a choice whether to come for theirs. I'm not sure what the penalties are for refusing to aid an ally - prestige hit, perhaps? Haven't really noticed.

Mist Wrote:Arbitrary seriously sucks. If there's a trait that can break a character, it's arbitrary.

Can you explain why? Are there events connected to it? Is it bad when your ruler has it, or the ministers too?

Maksim Wrote:Can you explain why? Are there events connected to it? Is it bad when your ruler has it, or the ministers too?
It's worse on ministers than rulers. Out of various things it breaks :

It makes best education outcomes 1.5 times less likely to happen. All of them.
It removes wise.
It's a generally disliked trait with average hurt of -.2 per month
It makes large realms harder to keep together.
It makes bad courtier events ( like cruel steward ) more likely.
It makes all things nasty during regency more likely to occur.
And so on.

It's kind of academic since she died anyhow.. if only Vselav would follow her example. frown

The turnset should be interesting.. looking forward to it!
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw

@Ichabod: bump? Let's get this moving!

Yup, posting tonight. I was delayed because of an unexpected little cousin visit yesterday.

REPORT NUMBER 3: 1090-1100

Ok, guys, first things first: I'm a total noob who thought that Crusader Kings had a function like that of Civ IV, which saves screenshots when you press the printscreen key. Apparently, I was wrong and I wasn't taking any screenshots during my turns. So, I'll do my best to recreate what happened during my turns.

When I loaded the save, I saw quite a bit of problems:

1st. The Court

Our court was in very bad shape. Our courtiers had very bad attributes, so I decided to change things.

Here's before:

[Image: screen1.png]

And here's after:

[Image: screen2-1.png][/img]

What I did was try to marry every guy from our court (grandsons, fosterlings, etc) with good brides. I didn't manage to find a diocese bishop, unfortunately.

One of this happy marriages was between our own magnificent count Vseslav Rurikovich. Since he was a widower, I decided to marry him with this beautiful, several years younger, midas touched girl:

[Image: screen3.png]

Yeah, guys, love is beautiful......

Or it was supposed to be....

Here's what happened. Our dearest wife quickly proceeded to become one of our rivals. Here's one question to everyone that is a noob like me: what happens when you put your wife (the one who hates your guts) as the kingdom's steward?

Unfortunately, I lost the screenshot. But you get an event that says that a lot of cash (350 gold, in our case) suddenly dissapeared from your treasury.

Since this game is very good with the player, they give you a suggestion when this event happens, It's something like "you should change your steward, noob".

Well, I changed the steward alright. But, she was my wife, I couldn't let her to rot in some dark place of our court. I decided to put her in charge of the spymaster position, since her intrigue was alright.

So, let me ask you again, my noob friend: what happens when you put your wife (the one who hates your guts) as the kingdom's spymaster?


So, we don't have a claim on the province of Kiev anymore...

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...

2nd. Revolts:

See this icon:

[Image: screen6.png]

Well, get used to it... We have it in most of our provinces. Besides making the income from the province get a major hit, it can lead to some events.

Here's the good one:

[Image: screen4.png]

I always chose to end the revolt and lose prestige, since our guy was supposed to die (and, believe me, the bolded, underlined word apply here) very fast, losing all his prestige. But our depressed, crazed Vseslav is one though cookie... HE. JUST. WOULD. NOT. DIE.

Ah, and here's the bad one:

[Image: screen5.png]

The problem is that our peasant loyalty is very low. I decreased the census taxes as much as I could without changing laws but it still won't go up. Since the revolt status gives a -0.50 peasant loyalty per month on the province, we are actually losing loyalty everywhere... Well, not losing, since 0% is the lowest it can go lol

Here's an example:

[Image: screen7.png]

And here's something that caused it, if I'm not mistaken:

[Image: screen8.png]

This is a screenshot from the save I received. Notice that the peasants have 0% power in the province. IIRC, Mist said that this shouldn't get lower than 15% to avoid revolts. But the power distribution on the provinces was very, very crazy... I changed them a lot, trying to balance as much as I could (while maintaining high % of Clergy power in the pagan provinces).

3rd. Events:

GAHHHHHHH!!!!! banghead

Seriously, I'm the unluckiest ruler in the whole Europe. It's a shame I lost the screenshots, because I had a lot to show regarding bad events. It's peasant revolts, nobles revolting, vassals demanding that we change our sucession laws (I got this one 2 times in less then a month... to avoid changing laws we lose a lot of vassal loyalty and a lot of other stuff... and I got it 2 TIMES IN A ROW banghead), vassals revolting, religious revolts, peasant revolts, stability drops, our wife robbing our gold, our wife robbing our claims... did I mention peasant revolts and revolts???

We even had an event because of the Crazed trait of our leader that said he was trying to build the Babel Tower!!! We lost 350 gold with that!!! BABEL TOWER, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!

I'm sorry that I'm repeating myself, but I just have to do it:

banghead banghead

I tried to recreate some of the events that happened to post some more screenshots, but it's not easy... I managed to get the one about changing the laws:

[Image: screen9.png]

Well, unfortunately, that concludes my turnset. I'm really sorry about making it so short and without details, but the screenshot issue kind of owned me...

Just out of curiosity, our ruler hasn't died yet, but he managed to have another daughter during my turnset (despite being crazed and having a wife who hates him... I suppose he wasn't depressed when it happened...). Here's the new kiddo:

[Image: screen10.png]

She's getting an ecclesiastical education, since it so hard to get a diocese bishop.

Well, that's it! If you have any questions, go ahead an ask... I was hoping to write a report based on the screenshots, so I can't remember much of what I wanted to say...

I can't find the saved games...

I'm looking at the scenarios/saved games folder, but they aren't there... But I can open them through the game... Any ideas?

Edit: Nevermind, I've found it....

I can't upload it since it's too big... You guys used dropbox?? I'll try to get the hang of it and upload it...

Here it is:

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