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Civilization 5 Announced

If the game wasn't the 50 or 60 bucks that it's selling for I'd be more willing to give it a shot, maybe I'm just too cheap, but it's too much for something I'm just not sure how much use I'll actually get out of.

In my honest opinion, past the basic level of play in sc/sc2, multiplayer is the ONLY way to play outside variant play. Single player is like playing only on Noble and lower, while MP gives you the option to play against lvls higher than that.

A problems about sc2 is that unless you aren't hardcore into the genre, the fast paced, click fest RTS game, it probably isn't worth your time. Plus, in general, the sc2 community is very against the mostly really polite, nice(at least my internet standard) rb community, closer to the stereotypical xbox angry teenager profile. The game can also be kind of a click fest and micro fest at time, but I find it super enjoyable. I'm not sure how rb would take playing sc2 though.

Comparing the complete community for a hugely popular game to a small side community for a 6 year old game (mostly) is a pretty poor comparison. There are plenty of great SC2 communities but with anything where you play randomly with the full community you will run into those without manners. Civ is different simply because you choose who you play with before hand (which you could do in SC2 if you wanted but it's not what you're comparing).

Anyways as with any game you get what you want from it. You can challenge yourself in single player against multiple AIs, do online custom games, do coop games again the AI, play team games or get right in to the 1vs1 ladder. Ultimately you'll end up roughly playing against people your same skill level once you hit about your peak on the ladder and can enjoy challenging games. You don't actually have to be that fast to get pretty high up the ladder (platinum or diamond)

On topic, you can now make your version of Civ5 more imbalanced for the small price of $5 USD:

Have fun ICSing islands!
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

From "related news" on that same site -

Couple months old, but hasn't been mentioned here: where Jon Shafer went after Firaxis was to Stardock to work on Elemental. Wow, so he can ruin both of the two most promising strategy games of the last year?

Because Civ5 doesn't need to worry about silly things like balancing civs, fixing diplomacy, reworking the city states, improving the combat AI, or ensuring that the "February" patch releases before the month ends. But it certainly does need to keep trickling out downloadable content civs on a regular basis!

Makes you wonder why there are currently a whopping TWO active succession games in the Civ5 forums. lol
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I get the distinct impression that Shafer should stick to programming fun mods and stay the heck away from any sort of game design. Some of the decisions made with Civ5 make me question if he has any clue how game design/balance works. I'm sure he's a talented programmer and has a creative mind, and his body of work proves that much, but I wouldn't want him anywhere near the decision making process for the designing and/or balancing of a strategy game.

I always thought that Civ5 felt like it was designed by people who sucked at Civ4.

T-hawk Wrote:From "related news" on that same site -

Couple months old, but hasn't been mentioned here: where Jon Shafer went after Firaxis was to Stardock to work on Elemental. Wow, so he can ruin both of the two most promising strategy games of the last year?

I'm actually still following Elemental forums somewhat. From what was said by Stardock Shafer is mostly responsible for exposing the engine to moding. Design is done mainly by Derek Paxton ( a.k.a. Kael of FFH fame ) and one other dedicated person. And yes, hiring him was quite polarising for the fan base over there too.

T-hawk Wrote:Couple months old, but hasn't been mentioned here: where Jon Shafer went after Firaxis was to Stardock to work on Elemental. Wow, so he can ruin both of the two most promising strategy games of the last year?
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Fortunately the coming year looks a lot more promising for 4X fans than last year did. smile

Though you'll want to look towards Paradox rather than Stardock for your fix.

Love the games Paradox puts out; however pretty much as a rule they all have serious problems until the 2nd or 3rd expansion. I guess the upside being they do tend to support their games and work on fixing them after release, just don't count on a new release being what you want.

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