January 26th, 2011, 03:42
(This post was last modified: January 27th, 2011, 01:34 by mackoti.)
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Just pushing infrastructure for now, so i can be redy when my Naps will end. World is on fire, Cyneheard preparing for something with his power build up, my neighbours not to chaty.
Relation with Tatan and Serdoa are very good, strange isnt it to be friend with 2 nation wich are worst enemy?
I will try a run for liberalism, i have to research alfabet to see wich is the main competition.
And i forgot to mention about a deal which i have with Tatana but i want to cancel that because the long distance between us. He will upgrade 3 of my galeys to east indianmans and i will give him 3 camel archers(ye i know is alot in my disvantaje but i believed in the beggining he is closer and 3 boats could be in handy, but seeing is taking 10 turns to get ther and 7 more to return i proposed to Tatan to cancel the deal, still waiting for the answer)
January 30th, 2011, 09:41
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Well, i didn't got the save, but i had something in my mail,from Serdoa , a message wich asked me to declare war on Cyneheard.As you know he is at war with Cyneheard and still at war with Tatan and seems that they are ploting this from some time now.
I realy dont know if i want to be envolved in serdoa's way of dealings with things.
This could be a good opurtunity to get back open borders with Cyneheard and his"mates".
I have to think, this is realy complicated Pbem.
What i am afraid is that this 3 will end up allied , you know Serdoa atacked tatan and now they are kind of allies .
February 26th, 2011, 08:28
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Well, long time no update sorry about that, but RL and some computers problems stoped me to update this thread.
And we are already at turn 120 sa o very good point to share with Meatbalz lurkers the situation of the great empire.Alot of things did happened but you allready found from others threads,but I supose you want to find my point of view about the things.
I will start with external afairs, Serdoa declared war on Tatan, Cyneheard jump in declare against Tatan(i was thinking good move from serdoa and Cyneheard they will share Tatan land,but noooooo),Serdoa declares on Cyn  at least strange for me,but thsi was a very good point of the game for me, actualy i blak mail Cyneheard to open borders with, and to sign a NAP with me until turn 140.After that i managed to get open borders and a NAP until turn 140 with ADhoc.
I still have a thing agains Cyneheard but politics and feelings are not going well togheder.
Which is the situation now, for sure the war is over between Serdoa , Tatan against Cyn,which is sitting on huge army righ now, and he has 2 allies(TT and adhoc), perhaps they plan to come after me.I must be sure that they will pay dairly for that.
With Serdoa i continued good relations and we have a Nap until turn 150,Tatan just open borders and nothing more because i think is some kind of Serdoa vasal.
The most interisting situation is with TT because our Nap is runing out in 5 turns and i have o very short period to try to get some land from him,I dont know if i have a party ready until turn 126.
Ok enough with the world lets take a look to the empire,and because a picture is worth 1000 words
Very strong city, with Oxford allready builded, getting me more than 300 beakers per turn,and wait to see after i will research contstitution and get reprezentation(yumii).To bad i will be forved to give up on burocracy for 5 or 6 turns to get some muskets.
This is the city wich is our main military center(has heroic epic) ,can produce a camel archer /turn and will be much stronger after chemistry and caste system.I think this one will produce any unit un one turn.
National epic city has a shrine in it , and some merchants hired and engineer(just temporary to finish bank in 3 turns not in 4).Why merchants you may ask, well GM are best great persons in this times: you can bulb techs(never done that), trade missions wich are just awesome, or settle them, only if i have reprezentation , and of course the time of corporations is getting closer and closer and Sid sushi will be great for firs there and surprize you need a merchant for that.
This is the second city for getting out an army realy fast,as you see will get Globe theatre for drafting purpose and because i have no better spot i think this one will get Iron works too(I know very strage combination but i am forced to do so)
My moai city another strong military center wich in golden age will be realy strong.I will not draft this city i want it bigger as i can.
![[Image: a%20nother%20city.JPG]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17338994/a%20nother%20city.JPG)
2 of my best cities, mainly for science.
Oh almost forgot the most important city for now
![[Image: A%20taj%20mahal.JPG]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17338994/A%20taj%20mahal.JPG)
Important because in 2 turns i will finish taj here and with MoM this means 9 turns of golden age(yei)
How the science is going : Well first bad news i lost Liberalism at 1 turn to Serdoa(he had 1 scientis in his slevee), but i got the merchant from economics.
In my opinion i am a litle bit in front to other but not enough to make a diference.
Lets see a tech situation
Well everyone has astronomy i will have that in 3 turns from now one just in time when my nap with TT will expire.
Serdoa is clearly leading the male group(all other leader are male  ), best science, best score, and looking carefuly i think is ahead of me too, but wait he already had an golden age, and i wil just get a free one(taj) and can get another one so i will catch no problem.
well this are the demos, and i am happy with those and in few turn it will get better.
Well midle term and long term plan is gainig some land , but i dont know if is posible, you see every war until now ran into stalemate (not realy for serdoa)
so will see.
Hope you'll enjoy this because took me a while to put all togheder.
February 26th, 2011, 09:45
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Hey mackoti, and thanks for an informative update.
Have you commited 100% to a war with TT at this point, or are you not decided yet? Also, what kind of army do you have at the moment? Do you know if TT has been building an army?
February 26th, 2011, 10:57
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I think is more like TT is comitted with a war against me, with help from his friends.About him building units,we have same power so ye he builded some of those but righ now i dont know how much is navy and how much are land units.
I have to speak with ADhoc to see what is he thinking about this situation to checgk if he can ally with me in this.
February 26th, 2011, 13:02
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Great update, thanks!
I have to run.
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Ty Novice, and to answer to Tredje question, yes i am commited for a war with TT , from which i want to gain minimum 3 cities: the midle island and the city on the sharing island.
But is not that simple because i have a big unknown here , and the name is:Adhoc, he is building an army too and i think he is targeting TT , and i dont know how to talk with him about because i am sure will hard to get to an agreement with him.And again and dont want like me to do tha havy lifting and Adhoc to get just the benefits.
The screenshot with the army is before ending turn and counting the drafts from this turn.
I can build like 3-4 units per turn and draft 4 muskets so in 5 turns i will have 35 more units .
Here is the military grafh
I used 2 great merchants to get me gold so i will upgrade all my navy to galeons frigates.
What can i say now i am number one in power and i did't finish my preparations , but still the problem with adhoc remanis.I see he dont upadate his thread perhaps he does't care to much about the game.
In diplomacy front got this from Tatan
Quote:Heeeeyyyyyy, so we still haven't really talked in quite some time, when we had fairly good relations before, so I was just wondering: what's up? I understand that you are having computer difficulties and such ATM, but any chance you could at least tell me whether the silence is due to RL or cold-shoulder?
Best wishes!
and i answer this
Is more RL and because is not much to say i saw how your score had gone down you lost cities, and i didn't feel right to ask you how is going because is was oviously for me that is bad.
Firs i belived you became Serdoa vasal ,but he explained me wich is the situation and now we are ok.
I was sad because Serdoa tokk liberalism from me at 1 mere turn.
I rest everething allright her just infrastructure and buiding an army.
and from Serdoa
Quote:hi mackoti,
sorry for no immediate reply. You are right with the war, I could finally get the island which I started that whole fight about. Just hadn't thought that it would need war with Tatan, Cyneheard and nearly Ad Hoc (he gifted / provided troops to Cyneheard) as well. Anyway, this is now over luckily.
Speaking of war - I hope you don't have any aggressive intentions against me? I mean, we have a NAP till T150 and are allies so I shouldn't be worried but some diplomacy in this game was rather unsatisfying so I guessed I rather tell you my worries directly. Anyway, as for your war with TT: TT is only now getting Guilds (I have research visibility on him). I still have around 20 Knights laying around waiting to get used. I might also get in time Military Tradition for Cuirs. So, I could potentially lend you those troops. I would request some sort of payment of course, but with your Golden Age and advanced techs you should make money like crazy anyway 
Kind regards,
and responded this
Quote:Wed, March 2, 2011 9:24:37 AM
Re: PBEM 10 - Greetings from Serdoa
Macedonus Cipri <macedonciprian@yahoo.com> [Chat now]
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To: Serdoa <serdoaciv@googlemail.com>
Hi Serdoa,
Dont worry, from my part I will never broke a NAP and how you can see my border with is ligh defended so i do trust you, lets stay at eace until the world will be to small for both of us(AI use to say this).
I tell you the truth i will try to get some teritory from TT, because i am sure that later Cynehear will prepare a 3(Him,adhoc and TT) against me and i want to completly criple TT .
I dont ask wich were tthe peace terms but you can help then?
Just let me know how much you ask for lending me 2 galeons full of knigs.
Ye i am just courios how much will ask Serdoa for the units.
And is very oviously this too are working close togheter they send mails in same day, asking mostly same things. 
Have a nice day,
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Question for lurkers, if i have a NAp until turn 125 i can declare on turn 125 or i have to wait until turn 126?wich is the usual custom?
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126 is the usual custom. But given you basically got railroaded into a NAP that meatbalz never intended, I don't think anyone would be upset with you if you declared on T125.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
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Well the war has broken , TT is under siege,and because i am a true 'diplomat' i sent this to him:
Quote:Thu, March 3, 2011 11:54:45 PM
pbem 10
Macedonus Cipri <macedonciprian@yahoo.com> [Chat now]
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To: Twinkletoes89 <jbtwinkletoes89@googlemail.com>
Starting from this turn we are at war, you knew very good that one day you'll pay for insolence to raze one of our cities and even more because you didn't want to trade with us.
have a nice day,
In first turn i took Lagash losing 3 camel archers(sorry no pictures, it was late and i forgot to prin screens, and replaying save is painfull took me 30 minutes to play first time).
After that i moved some units so like in 2 turns to get the island cities.
But wait can a man fight is war and no one poke his nose? No... I got this from Cyneheard:
Quote:As a word of warning, TT and I had agreed before you declared war that as compensation for him sending me gold during my war, which was what I needed, I would send him troops, which is what he needed. They will be arriving next turn on the central island.
As a first reply i sent this:
Like a warning i saw some privateer lurking near the central island i cant answer for their action.
and after that my serious answer
Quote:And now the serius diplomacy,
When you was at war i had no less than 14 camel archers wich i could sent against you, but i didn't do that , so choose carefuly what you do, last time when i therened you i didn't have the logistic to get you very fast, but now the situation is very diferent ,so just take care .
As Tokugava was saying my mighty fleet is waiting for an answer.
How many units do you wil lend him for 300 gold?(ye i know because i fallowed the relations screen)?
I f you want peace and still gave units to TT i want 50 gold for every unit you give to him if not then ....
I btw i will not broke the NAP , you'll do that directly helping my enemy number one.I didn't interfeer in your war so please do the same.
Some of toughts:
* first the war with TT will be over after i take the central island, and i will just keep my navy to pilage and blocade his cities, you may ask why?Well TT has on the main island lots of cats and lots of other units, evem i land 40 units after he hits me with with all that cats, my army will pe just easy pickings for his macemans horse archers and some knigs.
*Cyneheard is poking nose again and again in my bussines, first embargo against me after that helping TT , well this must be punished.If you remember i thretened him him like 20 turns ago, in that time his economy was better and almost everithing was agains me, but now my economy is strong,i belive i am the only one wiith oxford up and running , Globe teatre al the epics and with Military science researched, so this time will not be easy for him.I know i have a NAP with him but in my opinion he is acting in bad faith if he is lending units to TT.What the lurkers think?
Of course i could jus sent a stream a privateer to him and teoretical i will not breeak the NAP anyway:neenernee
Have a good day,