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Adventure Six - The Cradle of Civilization - Info Thread

Hey everyone,

I'm new to the forum, but I've been lurking here for a month or two. If I'm reading things correctly, Blue Marble is not allowed, right? However, the game doesn't automatically disable it before like it did in the last patch. Given this, is there any way to easily disable/reenable it? Renaming a folder in CustomAssets, or something like that? I figure someone around here has an easy solution... smile

Geez ... I wasn't even halfway through the Dealing of Gems ... will find time to play this, I hope ... :sad:

@Armstrong: Yup, just rename your whole CustomAssets folder and clear the cache (hold shift while the game's loading), then rename the folder again when you want to go back to BMT - this also disables anything else which lives solely in your custom assets.
He may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!
MordorXP - freeware dungeon crawling remake in progress, featuring crazy ideas and descriptive text from the keyboard of your favourite Beefy.
Too Much Coffee Man

First post here from a long-time lurker. Finally feeling like this is a chance for me to step in and play for the first time. Hope my reporting skills aren't as bad as my playing ones! smile Look forward to comparing notes with everyone.

Game Complete.

Now to start working on that report....
On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

Noobie Epic question - how do you let people know that you want to post a game? Or did I just do it?

Most games don't require a notification that you're going to play. Some people do just for the enthusiasm, but you'll generally find that many people who didn't post interest will play and post reports.

When it's time to post the report, there will be a post letting you know it's time to post.
On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

ha, finished two in one day...within hours..nice!! time for adv7 and epic3!! dance

And I am done!!


Wrote my report out on paper and everything as this is my first RB game and report. As a Noble level player this was my first game to try at my level. It was very interesting indeed.


I'm being original: not a "game complete" post, but rather a "just started to play"...
RL is seriously getting in the way. I'm renovating a house together with my girlfriend and it has to be finished in two months. All my spare time goes in that project.

But I still hope to finish the game by sunday. If I post a summary on monday and post the actual report later, the game counts, right?

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