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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Yup, I have a replay. I uploaded it here:

Since I was jungling, I don't know how well the health bars will update or anything.

Generally people have two lines of thought for moving up in elo. Either you play a jungle who can carry, or someone who can just dominate a lane. Well solo que at least. Alot of people also just dual que a carry and a jungler to get there elo up. Some consider this cheating the system however.

Like the game but have a hard time playing it for too long continuously. Generally idiot teammates wear me out, even when we win. Took like 3 days off after a game last week.

I was Annie at first our Shen demanded mid. Then he offered it to our Kat. Then after I bought cloth armor they send me mid instead. Which was cool except I was expecting other teams Anivia mid and was gonna start mr cloak. Of course other team had Teemo mid who I destroyed. 3 kills and turret down around 10 minutes.

Usual solo que problem though nobody would initiate team fights. So I always had to do it as Annie. Which sucks because other team caught on after a few fights. So we'd win the fights but I'd almost always end up dead. Then our team would do stupid randomness. Like we kill them at their inhib our Garen decides he wants to buy his last item. So our team follow him and back even though we could end the game.

In the end it's a total stomp that still goes an hour. Every single fight is either them initiating on us, or me initiating with either aoe stun. Only fights we lost were the ones where after winning a fight people stick around and wait for enemy to respawn and die.

What champs do people here play. I like to play a lot of different champs. First few days I knew none of the free characters so just choose the coolest looking one. Turned out to be Anivia and that was alot of fun. Was 1v2ing while totally clueless lol

Since then I've kind of focused on junglers. So far my favourite jungers are Olaf, Udyr and Nunu. Trundle is good too but I just feel he adds less to a team.

Blitz is an absolute blast to play. Hell Blitz, Alistair, Singed pick 2 of them put in a lane together. Is just too fun. I went from feeding every game on blitz to carrying. By far my most insane game was playing as Blitz I hit my first 14 hooks. Never seen anything like it. Maokai and Udyr in lane against me would just stay way behind there turret to avoid getting hooked after awhile.

Recently been playing Morg but she just seems so dependant on hitting binds. Her cds also suck in most fights.

I've found using walls as casters to be so powerful. Most fun part of Morg is just binding and doting people at there turret when they think they are safe.

With the new creeps its sometimes better in solo que, in anything less than around 1800 ELO(which nobody from RB is really very close to), to farm/push cautious, and to farm drags mid game and then explode late game with what appears to be a slight lead(2-3 towers up, 2+ drags up, higher cs in general), which is actually a huge lead in gold and exp to win late game fights. In solo que late game, if you're playing a carry with no in built intiate(Flash-Tibbers, Flash-Sion stun, Ashe arrow, heck even Anivia wall), you MUST, unless you are a superfed snowball carry(Kass, Akali, etc.) rely on your tank who should be really tanky due to the multiple drags+cs/tower advantage your team has to intiate. If the tank doesn't initiate after a fight, there is quite literally no reason to fight. See that ward that reveals the 5 man enemy team at your red at 40 min baiting you. Hmm, if tank doesn't go and initiate to make sure you win, maybe keep farming and pushing ahead instead of fighting? Only reason to fight is to contest buffs/drag/baron/make it easier to push/try to stop other farmed team to pull ahead by keep on farming imo.

I'm only around a 1300-1400 player if that in normal, at 1000-1100 after bombing numerous games in solo que ranked, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. lol

Udyr is best jungler in game atm+he's super fun to play. In terms of my favorite character, its probably Kassadin, Amumu, or Udyr. Udyr is a very fun, very good jungler, who excels at the tanky dps+he's a good champ, while kass is a rofl champ who's, at this point, is pretty much untouchable past lvl 6 if you take cleanse+have mana, and Amumu is getting so much stronger lately its just nostalgia +funny stuff when you play him and land a max range bandage.

I just played the new coop vs AI mode on the European servers:
Final score was 49:6 in not even 20 minutes. lol

The best thing about this new mode is that it awards the "first win of the day" bonus, so even with little time you can throw in one of these and grab the ip...


How much IP do you get in coop vs AI compared to playing vs humans on TT?
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Right now it looks like you can only play on Summoner's Rift (same as with usual custom game bots).


I mean how much IP do you get from playing on Summoners rift vs the AI compared to playing on TT with humans? I can only assume the IP rewards are very low for coop vs AI or we just have a new way to IP farm right?
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Cull how do you know what your normal elo is?

Found a calc online that is somewhat accurate I think.

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