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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Dantski Wrote:I mean how much IP do you get from playing on Summoners rift vs the AI compared to playing on TT with humans? I can only assume the IP rewards are very low for coop vs AI or we just have a new way to IP farm right?

I played one quick game and got 35 ip(It was from a lost that only happened because it was a 2v5) so I would guess same as custom so they just spead up the ip farming.

Bots still fail so their attempts at letting people make new builds will only work if they lane against soraka bot who is the only decent bot. the LOVE to dive like its the only thing keeping them alive.

Dantski Wrote:I mean how much IP do you get from playing on Summoners rift vs the AI compared to playing on TT with humans? I can only assume the IP rewards are very low for coop vs AI or we just have a new way to IP farm right?

Here is the result screen (Riots recent IP boost active):


Edit:fire&ice was faster wink

Edit 2: As you can see, the bots "cheat" when it comes to buying items. Their CS score is way to low to afford all the stuff they have.


Yeah, Cull and Seyruun and I just did a game, and the AI cheats like a beast. We had a 0/16 Shen bot with Aegis, Sunfire Cape, Guardian Angel, and Frozen Mallet. Not exactly the fairest setup...

Not that I begrude the AI their cheats, as even with them it's not too hard to win. I'm still miffed over how Riot has advertised the whole thing - don't talk about how awesome and amazing your bots are if they're cheating enormously the whole time.
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Heh, if the rioters can fight for 35 minuetes in a 2v5 bots game I say let them cheat they need it badly. Note this was on the hardest bot setting at present.

I played again with Teemo and I had a surprisingly "hard" time. huh
Laned 1v2 against Nunu and ChoGath and in the beginning they actually zoned me pretty well with snowball and rupture. The problem with the gold cheat is that even if you score a bunch of kills after some time I couldn't engage 1v1 anymore. Annie burst me from 100 to 0 in one second, even though she had 1/3 of my kills and 35 CS.

Of course it's still a win with decent score but I am starting to think melee champ with lifesteal is the way to go for an easy win. lol


The key for Teemo in lane is to be extremely mobile, or to use your stealth passive with the combo of the brush to constantly ambush and then run away before they can respond. Teemo is extremely squishy, so if you just stand and fight you'll probably take too much damage, especially in a 2v1 lane, though going pretty far in defensive masteries and taking a doran's shield will help quite a bit. If you can get in a q + a poison auto attack you'll do a large amount of damage, especially if they can't respond. Taking boots first + pots also works really well with this style.

Teemo's shrooms also mean that you can prevent people from using the brush (or at least only at a large health cost), and prevent you from getting ganked. If you can place some shrooms where they won't be hit you can watch people come up to you from far away, and then shrooms close in where they will hit there's no way for them to get you with the slow on them + the w passive and active on you.

Teemo may not be the best choice in a ranked game, where all teams do everything possible to maximize their advantage, but in lower games, where people never ward, take team comps that people don't know how to deal with (such as all tank, or one with stealthed champs), and also where the laneing phase lasts much longer, Teemo works well.


Your latest video is great! I loved seeing the coordination of a premade team and what they can accomplish.

I was wondering why you didn't run Cleanse on Janna though. Seems like Cleanse->Monsoon is such a strong counter to Amumu and his ult which is pretty scary in teamfights. I guess giving up either Flash or CV would be too costly?

Cleanse isn't a bad choice, but flash is still the best escape spell and CV is probably more useful than cleanse if you can use it competently vs enemy junglers
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

As Dantski said, Flash is just generally more useful than Cleanse. I didn't even use Flash all that well in this game, probably could have avoided a death or two with a Flash over a jungle wall. And if playing a support Janna, Clairvoyance is pretty much a must-have summoner skill. Someone on the team should have it, and that someone should be you.

We usually have some excellent premade teams in Normal as well as Ranked. The biggest difference is that in Ranked you can see what champs the other team is picking, and make your own counter picks. Riot should really, really, really open up draft pick mode for non-ranked games. There's absolutely no reason not to have the option available for normal games, and draft mode is simply a much superior way to organize a game. So... what's the deal again, exactly? huh I have no idea.
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Yeah I really don't see why there aren't draft mode normal games... it's infuriating to get blind counter-picked.

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