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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

uberfish Wrote:Yeah I really don't see why there aren't draft mode normal games... it's infuriating to get blind counter-picked.

Mostly due to mismatches of who owns who. Or something...

Think uberfish is talking about getting counter picked like in lane or in team comp from the enemy team, not about the hassles of solo que.

ex. You have a team like MF, Amumu, Annie, Malph, and and Sona, and they have a team like Gragas, Janna, Ashe, Shen, and Kass, that counters not only your lanes(Shen/Gragas+Janna>Malph+Sona, Kass>Annie, Ashe=MF), but completely counters your AoE focused team with Gragas and Janna. Not only that, they have excellent intiate after you blow all your long cds, and there is very little chance of your team winning.

Umm Cull..... MF destroys Ashe and Annie should harass and deny Kass out of the lane and reach 6 first
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

IMO, in MF v Ashe, if Ashe just goes boots, 3 hp pots, and harass with q autoattack and volley, and uses nicemousework to avoid double up, I think Ashe wins because Ashe's range on right click is higher+superior kiting in 1v1. Kass doesn't really lose to Annie as much unless this is a super good Annie who harasses with right click, which in that case Kass would have to use q to farm in lvl 1-7ish, which does mean Annie wins.

The rest of the post is true though.

My tongue-in-cheek cast of a Co op vs AI game. This one was a lot of fun. lol
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I played against the bots a couple times now, and wow are they bad. In my first game my team had an MF who warned us that she had lost her last game against the bots and to be ready for a challenge. No one was too surprised when she proceeded to go 3/8/5 against the bots while Kennen (me) and Anivia had about 50 kills between us. lol

One big plus of the new mode, imo, is that it's a pretty fun way to try out new champs or screwy builds even if it's amateur hour. People are so much more relaxed and into having a good time while they play than a normal solo queue game. It's almost like they remembered we're just playing a game and can have fun and make jokes.

Cull Wrote:IMO, in MF v Ashe, if Ashe just goes boots, 3 hp pots, and harass with q autoattack and volley, and uses nicemousework to avoid double up, I think Ashe wins because Ashe's range on right click is higher+superior kiting in 1v1.

I don't think I'd be confident about this, as someone who plays both frequently. Their ranges are too similar (might even be the same) so you can't kite in the same way as you can with Ashe vs Sivir. If MF gets even anywhere near Ashe, she has double up (which does a ton of damage even if you don't double up) and her impure shots active, and her AoE slow, and more HP as standard.

As a fighter, MF is just straight-up better in too many ways for Ashe to cope with.

But can MF harass/deny Ashe OUT of lane. When I said =, I didn't mean that they were identical copies, but rather that in laning they are about the same. Probably should have used a squiggly =, lol. A good Ashe just doesn't stand in a way for a double up to hit, and volley's MF when possible. I've played the Ashe v MF as Ashe a decent number of times. The last time I played ashe v mf, we were both around 70-70 CS at 13ish min, and the only way we broke the stalemate was Amumu gank. I honestly think they are about the same in the lane if you can avoid MF q/Ashe w. But meh, I really don't know that much about/play ranged dps to really be certain.

How to build WW? The traditional build is rush Madreds Bloodrazor, but the CLG WW, as well as when I watch streams is usually wriggles/wits end for a core item build. What does RB think?

Depends on the role WW needs to fill on a team. I'm not the strongest WW player, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I think the right way to go if you're jungling is to get Madred's Razors early and then start buying tank items. I don't like Spirit Visage after they nerfed it the last time, and in general I try to stack items that have MR or armor so in effect Q and WW's passive heal for more---exact items depend on what the enemy team has, but for MR I use Banshee's since Force of Nature overlaps his passive and Blood Scent, and Sunfire or Randuin's (I'm not sure how these items compare to each other after the latest Randuin's nerf); Guardian Angel also deserves a mention. Build the razors into Bloodrazor eventually when the enemy stops focusing you to make yourself more of a threat.

Iainuki Wrote:Depends on the role WW needs to fill on a team. I'm not the strongest WW player, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I think the right way to go if you're jungling is to get Madred's Razors early and then start buying tank items.

I watched Guardsman Bob on the SoloMid stream a couple of times and that's basically what he does (he always seems to build the Razor into wriggles Lantern though, sometimes even on a mid Xin Zhao smile


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