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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Cull Wrote:But can MF harass/deny Ashe OUT of lane. When I said =, I didn't mean that they were identical copies, but rather that in laning they are about the same. Probably should have used a squiggly =, lol. A good Ashe just doesn't stand in a way for a double up to hit, and volley's MF when possible. I've played the Ashe v MF as Ashe a decent number of times. The last time I played ashe v mf, we were both around 70-70 CS at 13ish min, and the only way we broke the stalemate was Amumu gank. I honestly think they are about the same in the lane if you can avoid MF q/Ashe w. But meh, I really don't know that much about/play ranged dps to really be certain.

Yeah, I kind of agree. The way to deal with MF if you're Ashe is to play super-defensive, only last hit creeps and hope to keep up with MF in CS (or better, if she's a poor last-hitter). Trying to harass her, or engage her in any kind of combat, is usually a poor decision.

Of course, if Ashe is playing any other way than super-defensive, MF will come in and engage, and just do more damage, because she has an attack speed skill, a free shot in double-up, and an AoE slow. She's just a straight-up better fighter.

We were talking about this in a game a few days ago: Guardsman Bob is playing a SoloMid Warwick right now in a competitive tournament and streaming if anyone wants to check it out. His team is currently playing a much lower ranked team so perhaps he's just screwing around, but I imagine that they're at least somewhat in tryhard mode since it's a tournament.

Link to stream for the curious:

EDIT: nevermind, they're destroying the other team. Probably not worth watching for a good example of Midwick.

Iainuki Wrote:Depends on the role WW needs to fill on a team. I'm not the strongest WW player, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I think the right way to go if you're jungling is to get Madred's Razors early and then start buying tank items. I don't like Spirit Visage after they nerfed it the last time, and in general I try to stack items that have MR or armor so in effect Q and WW's passive heal for more---exact items depend on what the enemy team has, but for MR I use Banshee's since Force of Nature overlaps his passive and Blood Scent, and Sunfire or Randuin's (I'm not sure how these items compare to each other after the latest Randuin's nerf); Guardian Angel also deserves a mention. Build the razors into Bloodrazor eventually when the enemy stops focusing you to make yourself more of a threat.

Caveat: these are based on observations, not any pro-ELO gaming.

Jungle WW needs the Razor ASAP to keep up the money. Turn it into Wiggles for the free vision unless their team is HP tank, in which case Bloodrazor is amazing.

Really the question is whether WW is you initiator or your dps carry hero. If he initiates you need serious damage + Lifesteal to stay alive, plus MR and HP since you'll be focused. That's why Guardian/Sunfire/etc are popular to tank it up, get in the middle of a fight, and do serious damage while healing yourself. If you're going more dps, grabbling wit's gives amazing IAS and damage, it way cheaper than most tank items, and combined with your ult can do serious spike damage from the mana burn and potentially make mana dependents unable to do anything in response after their first volley.

I haven't played/seen as much midWick, so can't comment on that.

In case anyone is curious to hear, I just got back from a day at PAX East where they had a LOL area to demo the new champ Nocturne. I didn't watch too much about the new champ because frankly I don't care about new champs these days, but nocturne is another assassin champ. The demo was fairly boring as they were playing 5v5 with 9 bots and one person, the players started out with a sword of the occult and boots of swiftness I think and basically skipped levels 1-5.

The more slightly interesting thing is I got to talk to the Riot rep (I think he was a champion programmer) there briefly between him setting up the matches. I asked him about the lack of maps and if they were going to finally be adding anything different. He gave the party line that he couldn't comment specifically on that, but that the was definitely something in the works. You can take that to mean whatever you want, maybe a year from now, maybe never.

I also asked him about what they thought of their new player vs AI mode, and how ridiculously easy it currently is. He said they (riot) were pretty happy with how well it worked out, and that if you had a reasonable idea how to play the game, the players should still be winning. He also said that they had more difficulty levels in the works as well.

Obviously his answers were pretty standard corporate ones that didn't give much, but I feel some info is better than none so enjoy everyone.

Ashain Wrote:The more slightly interesting thing is I got to talk to the Riot rep (I think he was a champion programmer) there briefly between him setting up the matches. I asked him about the lack of maps and if they were going to finally be adding anything different. He gave the party line that he couldn't comment specifically on that, but that the was definitely something in the works. You can take that to mean whatever you want, maybe a year from now, maybe never.

They still have a fully designed map that they have not yet released to the general public I know not many people would play on a one lane map but it is already there wo why not just release it.

What do you guys think about the Nocturne spotlight ? For the first time in ages I really like a new champion's design smile


Seems to me like it'll be an even more annoying version of shaco.

`Nocturne q seems decent, although somewhat iffy on projectile speed(have to play against him in game), his w is a steriod AS AND an active spell shield that when used to block a spell doubles his steriod AS(this is basically xin's w but instead of decreased CD on spells per hit, a spell shield), his e is a slight dps early game(dmg is minimal late game because it scales off ap I think), but constantly a one target fear about every 10 or so seconds(based off spotlight 15 sec at lvl 1 I believe). His ultimate at lvl one doesn't seem that strong, because seems small dmg as well as needing a stun to be used to the strongest. I could see something like Ashe+Nocturne ganking being strong, but in a lane like Kass with no real stun+Nocturne(actually nevermind that. Kass dmg lvl 6 too insane D: You get what I'm saying..)

Best thing about Nocturne for me is the ability to draw smiley faces on the ground.

Looks very similar to a Sandwraith from HoN, but more assassiny, and with Dark Lady's ult for vision.

Gonna really mess with teamfights.

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