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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

For anyone interested in the discussion of putting warwick in a lane a few pages ago, here is a video from the tournament last night.

Warwick takes middle lane against a corki played by a top 25 2100 Elo player.

As far as I understand it the principle behind putting warwick in a lane is to deny the other teams carry by abusing his q and his passive's healing. Then late game build tank items so you become effectively unkillable and still keep harrasing the carry out of the game.

Looks fun anyway.

Hehe, yeah Guardsman Bob is pretty cool. lol
What I find even more interesting is that roaming seems to be the new FOTM at high ELO level. In every other stream you see Alistar or Taric running across the whole map and ganking people...


Oh right, you guys all play EU server....

Majority if not all have their main accounts on the US server actually.

The problem with ww mid is that unless you are against a very bad in lane carry mid, they should simply be able to kite you as well as do = or superior dmg too much to you before you hit your threat phrase(lvl 6 with ingite for ex), and your passive healing really only works well if you autoattack or spam q on creeps, which means you aren't harassing their carry mid which means you fail as mid ww, giving enemy team free farm, and you doing zzz nothing in lane pretty much.

Gustaran Wrote:What I find even more interesting is that roaming seems to be the new FOTM at high ELO level. In every other stream you see Alistar or Taric running across the whole map and ganking people...

The problem with roaming is that it leaves your bottom in a 2v1 lane, which can be punished severely. If the other team is able to really deny the bottom lane then unless you're getting a ton of kills it really isn't worth it imo.

Tyrmith Wrote:The problem with roaming is that it leaves your bottom in a 2v1 lane, which can be punished severely. If the other team is able to really deny the bottom lane then unless you're getting a ton of kills it really isn't worth it imo.

IMHO, that may be a risk, but in reality it doesn't seem to play out that way. I.E. if the jungler & roamer come back and gank bottom, often they are able to pick up a kill.
But I agree that the roamer needs to cause a certain amount of disruption otherwise his team will probably fall behind.

Somebody asked Elementz about the current metagame a few days ago, and he replied: Wrote:The current meta game is one roamer, one jungler, one AD solo, one AP solo, and a support / off tank bottom lane soloing usually. It’s more roaming now then anything if I could describe the meta game though. Counter jungling and disruption of lanes is very popular now because if you’re successful you really boost your teams chances of winnings. We’re seeing a lot more ganking and a lot less farming which is a good thing for competitive play imo.


So uh which region do you guys play at?

Cull Wrote:Majority if not all have their main accounts on the US server actually.

The problem with ww mid is that unless you are against a very bad in lane carry mid, they should simply be able to kite you as well as do = or superior dmg too much to you before you hit your threat phrase(lvl 6 with ingite for ex), and your passive healing really only works well if you autoattack or spam q on creeps, which means you aren't harassing their carry mid which means you fail as mid ww, giving enemy team free farm, and you doing zzz nothing in lane pretty much.

Here's another Midwick game from last night where Bob's team beats Solomid's team: The organization and positioning of top teams is pretty impressive.

I'm not sure that anyone can pull off Midwick, but it is clearly a viable pick against even the best players.

Is there more game modes and maps than just the two?

Well, basically it's an open ended game with lots of minigames, from my experience. It might seem that there's a lot of strategy involved, what with "wards" and "teamfights", but generally we win games by Laning Back & Forth With Little Rhyme Or Reason Until Everyone's Level 11 And It's Past 25 Minute, then there's the entertaining How Long Can We Keep Dragon Warded Without Actually Taking It, then we relish in the Focus The Tank In The Next Teamfight Game, and while all of this is happening Seyruun does Karaoke Over Teamspeak Which Drives You Nuts, because he has an annoying amount of free time from How Long Can I Avoid The Need To Actually Learn Last Hitting game that he tends to play in the jungle.

At least that's with people like Cull or Terror Incognita. When for example Atlas is around, we're going tryhard. We skip the minigames (Sullla particularly seems to hate the one called Let's Put The Most Inefficient Teamcomp Possible Together) and just trying our best to deal with the enemy team's Nexus. Which isn't simple, but it's better than Listening To Pissed Off Mookie's HAL9000 Voice, which is... just scary. alright

So yeah, game offers a lot, and it's the same in the solo queue, because it's not like anybody cares about killing the other team's Nexus, it's more important to get that Legendary status or that dream 6 Phantom Dancers build in time.

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