T81 played. We discovered Monotheism, and bulbed Theology. Christianity was founded in Big Slick. The free missionary moved to Pocket Bullets.
Next turn, start a Christian Temple in Pocket Bullets, and whip it the turn after (should cost two pop). Then run a priest from T84. That will give us a great prophet on T102 to bulb Civil Service. So we need code of laws by then. This turn I saved gold and researched Hunting with overflow from Monotheism. Next turn we can start Archery or Sailing.
The granary in Speed Limit has been chopped, I'm building a one turn warrior here, so we can send the axe to defog the coast to Pegasus. In the east I have a warrior out who can hopefully defog the coast to Ruff. Getting foreign trade routes + currency will be a nice boost.
Next turn work a flood plain in Speed Limit, then in two turns work the finished cow pasture to grow in 1.
I'm also doing my patented double granary chop in Sailboats. Pocket Bullets only has one dedicated worker at the moment, but will be whipped and will be running a priest anyway, so that's okay. The cities really short on workers right now are Big Slick and Dead Man's Hand. DMH will soon finish its forge and be at size 4, at which point it can whip a worker or settler. I set Big Slick to a library to give it something to whip, maybe that should've been a worker though. But it does need a library in the not too distant future.
After ending turn the borders of Kojak expanded. If we move our axe to the hill 1N of the copper, we'll have defogged the entire southwest and we'll be safe from barbs there.
I have to run.