Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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wesnoth successive game

I played the turnset. Was pretty good able to clean a lot up, ended up losing only two units.

In the East I cleared the King and his last minions. I also discovered some bottles of ?. Holy water maybe? Whoever is next gets to explore that:
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-24at64015PM.png]

Also in the NE I killed 2ish skellies. Still cycling and stalemating there:
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-24at64009PM.png]

Great news in the SW. All the minions are dead only the king remains. I was also able to free the Druid in the south and the Drake in the north, plus it looks like a tunnel to the north? Maybe link up with our top units? Oh and I got some great dialogue involving the drake:

[Image: Screenshot2011-03-24at62835PM.png]

Great an abused Drake. F&I got indignant:

[Image: Screenshot2011-03-24at62842PM.png]

And we decided to have the Outlaw tell it:
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-24at62856PM.png]

At which point it wanted to kill skeletons. WHich we did, and now there is only the King left:
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-24at63949PM.png]

In the treasury area, we're down to one opponent. And I killed the King there too:
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-24at63955PM.png]

So all in all we're actually doing really well clearing this thing. It my just take us a while to get to Mallifor. Oh and shouldn't we explore the water area?

I hope Bruindane comes back frown RL must be busy.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

You might as well if you're clearing the whole thing. Tunnel as well.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Hm, sounds like I need to finish treasury, explore lake, and explore behind the abused dragon.

Also we need names for our 4 new loyals unless you named them already.

Lewwyn Wrote:I hope Bruindane comes back frown RL must be busy.

Yes, bruindane I hope you can come back soon however if you can't for the time being please post to let us know.
To all the lurkers out there a request for another player to join our ranks has been sent out. I would like to keep a mininum of 3 people rotating through and bruindane seems to be out for RL Issues.

[Image: ab1oxl.jpg]

[Image: 13yo70w.jpg]

[Image: 2n6rb6f.jpg]

Well I found another cave that held another set of 3 bottles of "toxic waste" although our thug called it "holy water"

realy do whatever you want with it I just didn't real like puting it on the footpad that could reach them during my turn set.

I set the drake plus 1 dwarf up the long tunnel behind his cage still haven't found anything.

I realized just now we still have one more boss to find in the treasury area.

Oh and we won't be going negative anytime soon rolleye 12k gold and growing.

a quick test shows we have another 500 gold to gather . . .

The posined troops in the north I stuck as far down the tunnel as they could go since they can't fight.

I also instituted operation bandage. All the troops that were injured were sent down tunnels with villages to heal and return to the back of the fight line.

I started sending the first naval search group down that path. I was going to send a mage after them but time ran out. Send "sister theresa" since she can move faster.
Keep the druid and the male dude near the front so we can start healing troops without a total withdraw.

Just so you know, this level may or may not be the most grindy.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Where'd the 12,000 gold come from????

That's a weird scenario design if it's an event.

ya it is an event all those boxes from last turn were filled with lots of gold

Yah, its pretty grindy. I'm okay with that. I haven't played the turn yet because I was hoping Bruindane would make an appearance. It's much less of an SG with only two people. smile

I think I'll play the turnset this afternoon though.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn put your turns up in the next 24 hours or I will just take it an play.

The grindy play I am okay with but, letting it sit and stew for a while it not ok.nono

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