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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Deceptus Wrote:and while all of this is happening Seyruun does Karaoke Over Teamspeak

yikes lol

Deceptus Wrote:So yeah, game offers a lot, and it's the same in the solo queue, because it's not like anybody cares about killing the other team's Nexus, it's more important to get that Legendary status or that dream 6 Phantom Dancers build in time.


Added to this, before entering SoloQ, I suggest having a decent amount of online gaming experience so you will nicely blend in with the team chat.
I highly recommend to comment with "WTF???" or "OMG!!!" every time something unfavourable happens on the battlefield. It is also important to never admit any form of mistake, but instead blame a player of your choice by the means of "FCKING NOOB", "L2P NOOB" or the more general "OMFG NOOB TEAM".
If someone questions your skill, build or champion choice, you tell him to "STFU DAMN NOOB FEEDER", followed by a "L2P".
Last but not least, if one of your teammates dies, do not hesitate to immediately type "STOP FEEDING NOOB". This way, in case you die, it wasn't your fault, and an eloquent "ONLY DIED CUZ U FCKERS FED HIM!!!!!" will end any discussion quickly.



Some crazy dude got a 42 kills 2 deaths last game lol.
For the record, second was me with 13 and third someone with 6!

I don't think any of my recent games have had 42 kills total. lol

Deceptus Wrote:Well, basically it's an open ended game with lots of minigames, from my experience. It might seem that there's a lot of strategy involved, what with "wards" and "teamfights", but generally we win games by Laning Back & Forth With Little Rhyme Or Reason Until Everyone's Level 11 And It's Past 25 Minute, then there's the entertaining How Long Can We Keep Dragon Warded Without Actually Taking It, then we relish in the Focus The Tank In The Next Teamfight Game, and while all of this is happening Seyruun does Karaoke Over Teamspeak Which Drives You Nuts, because he has an annoying amount of free time from How Long Can I Avoid The Need To Actually Learn Last Hitting game that he tends to play in the jungle.

At least that's with people like Cull or Terror Incognita. When for example Atlas is around, we're going tryhard. We skip the minigames (Sullla particularly seems to hate the one called Let's Put The Most Inefficient Teamcomp Possible Together) and just trying our best to deal with the enemy team's Nexus. Which isn't simple, but it's better than Listening To Pissed Off Mookie's HAL9000 Voice, which is... just scary. alright

So yeah, game offers a lot, and it's the same in the solo queue, because it's not like anybody cares about killing the other team's Nexus, it's more important to get that Legendary status or that dream 6 Phantom Dancers build in time.


My favourite game is "OMG My Computer's Spazzing Out At 10fps, I Can Hardly Move". Although I have been playing a disturbing amount of "OMG I've Actually Learned To Play This Game, I'm Carrying Competently" recently. In addition, Seyruun has been known to pull off an effective jungle gank, and once in a while I hit an Ashe arrow. But yeah, it's good fun. The best thing about it is that it's truly a team game, which makes solo queue far less fun than premade teams, IMO.

(I'm Terror Incognita, btw)

I just enjoy hearing sullla going "Noooo don't followwww! You're throwing the game awayyyy" as we attempt some insane thing tongue

Just had an epic 60 minutes 3vs3 game!
By far the longest and the most fun round I've had :P

Has own3d recently adopted a new design, or is it just my machine having trouble.

Because the current layout, menus, etc seem to be completely worthless for trying to find recently recorded games.

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Has own3d recently adopted a new design, or is it just my machine having trouble.

Because the current layout, menus, etc seem to be completely worthless for trying to find recently recorded games.

I had the same problem. They way it worked for me is that you click on the name of the channel owner at the top so you land at
instead of

After that, next to "Channel Videos" you click on "Recent" and you can see all recent games.


The community in this game is terrible.

The community on the internet in general is terrible, but I really only play with RB people so it's not nearly as bad.

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