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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Tyrmith Wrote:The community on the internet in general is terrible, but I really only play with RB people so it's not nearly as bad.
Yeah true, but LoL hits the rock bottom! Wasn't bad the first few games, probably because I was up against others just starting the game, but now that I've leveled up a bit, every single loss turns into a QQ fest. I've been trying to recruit some friends to join me and we'll probably be able to play 3vs3's starting from tomorrow smile That should help. Anyway, if anyone here still plays, my summoner name is Leon Silverberg and I'm always up for some civil games.

We had loads of games last night, so there are plenty of us still playing. I'll add you next time I'm on (possibly tonight, probably tomorrow)

Sullla, you should make a comment post on your page when a video shows up on TBM channel. Post a little message and a link so your subs can go easily see it. Your comment will show up at the top of 'recent activities.'


PS. Might also want to check what sort of comments they edit into your video as overlays. LoL
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Thanks, I'll make a note to do so. I didn't realize that they had posted my first video until this morning.

I'm also going to have a word with Gerry about not putting crazy overlay comments into my videos. Apparently he has this habit of referring to the viewers as "slutnuggets", and perhaps that style works for his videos, but those sort of comments are wildly out of context and inappropriate for what I'm doing. Apparently I'm one of the very few LoL commentators who doesn't feel the need to swear up a constant storm of profanity. Then again, I'm also one of the very few LoL commentators who's older than 20. lol
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Maintenance soon :O Is that when the weekly free champions change?

Nah, the maintenance only occurs when there's an actual patch, which normally happens every two weeks. Abnormally, maintenance can occur if Riot is having issues with the game or servers that they need to fix.

They've patched it and servers are already back up.

There's no new champion this time, patch notes are saying this champion has been delayed until April 1st.
That's fueling the already rampant speculation that this new champion is actually an April fool's joke.

Jowy Wrote:The community in this game is terrible.

You think LoL's bad? Try HoN/DotA.... bangheadbangheadbangheadbanghead

Well, when I'm actually not dying to school and playing, you can find spellman23 on the US servers. Haven't played enough to hit lv30 like the fail noob I am though. Even though I've played since Beta (and got a cool Rammus skin for it).

Anyone know a good up-to-date item build guide?

For which champs?

For most ap carries catalyst-deathcap, most ranged ad carries rush a bf sword item(black cleaver, bloodthrister, ie), then its up to the player(zeal, wits end, sotd, last whisper, even rushing banshee's next all viable). On tanky dps champs in lane either rushing wriggles or going for 2+ heart of gold's. For supports, aegis should usually be rushed, unless you have a champ like Shen who typically wants to build it, but going stuff like hog, stack doran ring, and even philo stone(if you go the cheap mana regen item that cost 180, 2 wards, pots start). On tanks in jungle going for wriggles is good on tanky dps bruisers like olaf, but on tanks like amumu going hog with the cloth armor is usually best.

As for item starts, I wouldn't recommend doran item start especially on ranged dps champs if you take a solo lane. If you get harassed in lane the pots help out a LOT to let you farm up+stay up till high hp until you want to go back. It helps you from getting zoned out, and lets you stay high enough hp so that a jungler can't come out and kill you in 2 shots. Cloth armor+pots, mana crystal+pots, boots+pots/ward, even the cheap mana item+wards+pots are all viable starts on champs. However, if you're comfortable with your champ or if you're a healer(taric, sona) then going dorans wouldn't be such a bad idea. Also if you're doing the ranged dps/support duo lane in which going doran blade is actually not that bad a start imo.

It really varies on champ to champ, as well as how well you're doing, how much dmg enemy team is doing, what kind of dmg enemy team is doing, who you're laning against etc. There is no "one right build" in LoL.

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