While we wait yet again for Sunrise to play his turn, I've decided to toy around with some calculations re the barb city.
The city will probably be garissoned by two Orc Archers (2/4), and up to four Orc Warriors (3).
Do Barbs built in cities get free experience as on Immortal diff? (we're playing Emperor)
Let's assume they don't.
Tile bleed confirms the city is built on flatland.
Let's assume full fortification bonus.
Archer (4) + 25% (fort) + 25% (city defense bonus) = 6 effective strength.
Now for attack:
Top unit will be a C3 Kilmorph Priest:
Priest (5) + 60% (Combat 3) + 10% (shield of faith) = 8.5 effective strength.
If I'd have to guess, I'd say around 80-85% odds to win.
I really need to ask Cyneheard if I can borrow his odds calculator sheet one of these days...
But the Priest will not be the first to be sent in ofcourse, that honor will go to the Tigers!
All Priests of Leaves should be at least Combat 2, so that's Empower 2 for each Tiger.
Tiger (4) + 20% (Empower 2) + 10% (Shield of Faith) = 6.4 effective strength
Hmm, wow, even the Tigers would have odds against the Archers... (again, assuming no promotions on the barb units)
Barb Warrior?
Warrior (3) + 25% (Fortification Bonus) + 25% (City Defense Bonus) = 4.5 effective strength.
Again, good odds for the Tigers, which should allow me to mop up with the Priests afterwards.
Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that no-one takes the city before I do!
Hunting - 1t
Way of the Forest - 2t
Save gold - 2t
upgrade + move - 1t
move to city - 1-2t
So that's eight turns, or ETA T103-104...
The city will probably be garissoned by two Orc Archers (2/4), and up to four Orc Warriors (3).
Do Barbs built in cities get free experience as on Immortal diff? (we're playing Emperor)
Let's assume they don't.
Tile bleed confirms the city is built on flatland.
Let's assume full fortification bonus.
Archer (4) + 25% (fort) + 25% (city defense bonus) = 6 effective strength.
Now for attack:
Top unit will be a C3 Kilmorph Priest:
Priest (5) + 60% (Combat 3) + 10% (shield of faith) = 8.5 effective strength.
If I'd have to guess, I'd say around 80-85% odds to win.
I really need to ask Cyneheard if I can borrow his odds calculator sheet one of these days...
But the Priest will not be the first to be sent in ofcourse, that honor will go to the Tigers!
All Priests of Leaves should be at least Combat 2, so that's Empower 2 for each Tiger.
Tiger (4) + 20% (Empower 2) + 10% (Shield of Faith) = 6.4 effective strength
Hmm, wow, even the Tigers would have odds against the Archers... (again, assuming no promotions on the barb units)
Barb Warrior?
Warrior (3) + 25% (Fortification Bonus) + 25% (City Defense Bonus) = 4.5 effective strength.
Again, good odds for the Tigers, which should allow me to mop up with the Priests afterwards.
Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that no-one takes the city before I do!
Hunting - 1t
Way of the Forest - 2t
Save gold - 2t
upgrade + move - 1t
move to city - 1-2t
So that's eight turns, or ETA T103-104...