(11:21:54 PM) Sareln: So... what's up with the Lurchuirp and Sheaim?
(11:22:07 PM) Iskender: hey
(11:22:39 PM) Sareln: you've got me insanely curious all day
(11:22:42 PM) Sareln: :D
(11:23:02 PM) Iskender: short version: serdoa commenced a trade mission with a GM and Square Leg is freaking out because of warriors upgraded to pyre zombies
(11:23:22 PM) Sareln: trade mission *to* squareleg?
(11:23:28 PM) Iskender: to me
(11:23:31 PM) Iskender: i let him
(11:23:35 PM) Sareln: ah
(11:23:47 PM) Iskender: could've killed the GM but serdoa's scout was on the pyre
(11:23:56 PM) Sareln: ah
(11:24:08 PM) Sareln: makes sense
(11:24:19 PM) Sareln: and squareleg looks like he's got the wherewithal to not die to the Sheaim
(11:24:25 PM) Sareln: so no harm no foul from where I'm sitting...
(11:25:00 PM) Iskender: i'm still mad at serdoa for exploring a barrow
(11:25:05 PM) Sareln: In other news, I've got a goblin archer on my borders now. Not sure whether or not it's a shakedown or the prelude to a rush..
(11:25:08 PM) Sareln: ah, what'd he pop with it?
(11:25:10 PM) Sareln: specter?
(11:25:16 PM) Iskender: that GM
(11:25:22 PM) Sareln: aaah
(11:25:35 PM) Sareln: okay, that would explain why I didn't see it in the log
(11:26:39 PM) Iskender: Bob is speculating there's an isolated "new world" out there and most of FtH units were converted in there
(11:27:01 PM) Sareln: yeah, he's shared that theory
(11:27:18 PM) Sareln: it makes some sense, since we asked for a preplaced acheron no?
(11:27:18 PM) Iskender: i don't think there's a whole another continent, but there's probably an island with acheron
(11:27:23 PM) Sareln: yeah
(11:27:38 PM) Sareln: though if that's the case, then Tredje's yield from For the Horde was quite good
(11:27:41 PM) Iskender: also, amazingly, sons of the inferno get converted by FtH
(11:27:53 PM) Sareln: I've got him with 6 gobbo archers and 5 nomal gobbos
(11:27:54 PM) Sareln: yeah
(11:28:03 PM) Sareln: Mist told me that in my thread (dedlurker)
(11:28:12 PM) Sareln: and I was like, naw, that can't happen, see, look at the code it's impossible
(11:28:27 PM) Sareln: to which Mist replies: that's the code for your mod dummy, go look at the code for the game you're playing...
(11:28:42 PM) Iskender: heh
(11:28:57 PM) Sareln: it happens b/c the barb player is an "orc" player, so untyped units automatically grab the orc promotion.
(11:29:00 PM) Sareln: at least that's my theory
(11:29:42 PM) Iskender: but the question is - were there any sons in acheron's city at the time of casting FtH
(11:29:51 PM) Sareln: it's possible
(11:29:57 PM) Sareln: they have the same power value as gobbo archers
(11:30:03 PM) Sareln: so I can't distinguish between the two
(11:30:36 PM) Sareln: I'd almost perfer it
(11:30:46 PM) Sareln: Sons on an Acheron Island won't come into play until late game
(11:30:50 PM) Iskender: you'd prefer sons? :O
(11:31:02 PM) Sareln: I have a world-spell which can turn them off for some number of turns
(11:31:08 PM) Sareln: so yeah, I kinda would
(11:31:18 PM) Sareln: now goblin archers on my border *right now*?
(11:31:38 PM) Iskender: oh. true
(11:31:46 PM) Iskender: arcane lacuna is awesome
(11:32:06 PM) Sareln: yes, much better than Veil of Night or whatever the Svart spell is called :P
(11:32:23 PM) Iskender: i'm playing amurites in an orbis pbem in CFC. once I cast it it's going to be game over for the rest of the folks
(11:32:52 PM) Iskender: yeah, veil is next to useless
(11:33:01 PM) Sareln: nice
(11:33:07 PM) Sareln: what do you think of Orbis btw?
(11:33:14 PM) Sareln: I've not had the time to delve into it
(11:33:25 PM) Sareln: and they might have some cool things to ... appropriate ^_^
(11:33:29 PM) Iskender: bugged and unbalanced
(11:33:37 PM) Sareln: ah, shame that
(11:33:46 PM) Sareln: any cool new art assets?
(11:34:04 PM) Iskender: summons start costing upkeep after they disappear
(11:34:16 PM) Iskender: 3 food/citizen economy is interesting
(11:34:29 PM) Sareln: hmm
(11:34:39 PM) Iskender: guilds are awfully unbalanced
(11:34:47 PM) Sareln: did they change what they do?
(11:34:56 PM) Sareln: or is it the FfH guilds with a 3 food / citizen eco?
(11:35:56 PM) Iskender: some guilds are like corporations, with guild of the 9 you can buy units, even adepts with random promotions, ie. metamagic, body etc.
(11:36:20 PM) Sareln: whooooa
(11:36:28 PM) Iskender: priests have access to chanelling 3 -> Heal
(11:37:10 PM) Iskender: imo orbis is good for a few SP sessions, playing with the new stuff etc. but not really suitable for MP
(11:38:42 PM) Sareln: that's the overall impression I was getting yes. A breath of fresh air though :D
(11:39:32 PM) Sareln: Also, I was a little confused by the tail end of your message, but then figured out that my casters could indeed buff your units
(11:39:34 PM) Iskender: yeah. i've got to try that master of mana or whatwasitcalled too
(11:39:38 PM) Sareln: yeah
(11:39:49 PM) Sareln: I started reading their feature list and stopped halfway through
(11:39:51 PM) Sareln: sounded cool
(11:40:14 PM) Sareln: (and if I survive this potential rush from the clan, of course I will happily buff your units
![wink wink](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/wink2.gif)
(11:41:12 PM) Iskender: it's interesting that clan has gone quiet after FtH, i expected a war declaration soon
(11:41:31 PM) Sareln: yeah, the extra units are killing his GNP. He *needs* to do something with them
(11:41:49 PM) Sareln: definitely a moment of high danger for me
(11:41:56 PM) Iskender: he lost/deleted some last turn
(11:42:01 PM) Sareln: yeah, saw that
(11:42:09 PM) Sareln: maybe stuff that's stranded
(11:42:29 PM) Iskender: could be that C2 wolf rider, there's a spider in the area where i saw the rider
(11:42:50 PM) Iskender: no, not possible. the spider was unpromoted
(11:42:55 PM) Sareln: ehehe
(11:42:57 PM) Iskender: and i saw it after the power loss
(11:42:58 PM) Sareln: maybe when you saw it
(11:43:02 PM) Sareln: oh
(11:43:04 PM) Sareln: darn
(11:43:12 PM) Iskender: was undamaged as well. and then killed my scout
(11:43:17 PM) Sareln: there is a spider between Luchurip and Clan which has snacked on at least 3 scouts
(11:43:21 PM) Sareln: 2 of mine and one of bob's
(11:43:51 PM) Iskender: i think i saw this one. definitely saw one few tiles west of luchuirp
(11:48:45 PM) Sareln: Ah. By the way, did Serdoa lose his scout before he could get to me?
(11:48:53 PM) Sareln: When did the GM/Scout thing all go down?
(11:50:03 PM) Iskender: i directed him to you, but after opening the barrow he went SE
(11:50:26 PM) Iskender: he used the GM last turn
(11:50:32 PM) Sareln: Alright
(11:50:38 PM) Sareln: he probably got killed by lizardmen then
(11:50:44 PM) Sareln: that desert is not particularly friendly.
(11:52:06 PM) Iskender: i hope he did
(11:52:46 PM) Sareln: heh
(11:52:52 PM) Sareln: his power number should tell the tale if he did
(11:53:02 PM) Sareln: you've met so you should be able to see his graph
(11:53:15 PM) Iskender: no decreases unfortunately
(11:53:38 PM) Iskender: only a 3k increase 2 turns ago
(11:53:49 PM) Sareln: that's a warrior
(11:54:08 PM) Sareln: pop points are worth 0.5k each iirc
(11:54:16 PM) Iskender: yes