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RB goes medieval - a CK:DV succesion game

Heh. I'm playing this game & I'm a little staggered how big our empire is wink

Got a chance to write up yesterday's playing session today, so without further ado here it is.

Jan 1180

A new day dawns over the great RussoLithuFinnish Empire, or something of that nature anyway. So what best to do first but have a look around and see what's in the sunlight wink

We've got loads of counties somehow or other under our control - 8 in our demesne (which is only 1 over what we can handle, 90% efficiency), plus 33 (33!) vassals. And a whole bunch of counties we can claim. We've got stacks and stacks and stacks of money, a smidgen of prestige and less than no piety (both are going up tho). We're unstable (-2) but making money like you wouldn't believe, and 100k troops with an honourable rep.

[Image: ourboytrifon.jpg]

That's our boy Trifon there (does anyone else think his name looks like it should be Teflon? I had terrible trouble typing it straight in my notes lol ). He's not bad, actually - Vengeful & Suspicious, kinda OK stats (not great, but accounting for realm duress & age I've seen worse). We've also got 10 listed heirs of the blood, so I can relax wink Court looks good - particularly our Marshal loves us, and our spy master nearly does. Chancellor, Steward & Bishop losing loyalty, but slowly. All best for the job. Vassals mostly gaining loyalty. Out of our demesne only Novgorod has the plague still, everywhere else is immune. Pereyaslavl is looted & in revolt, tho.

We're not at war the moment (*phew*). So maybe I'll be a very lucky person & duress will end soon? bow Despite TT's doom & gloom and bad luck, actually he's left the kingdom in a pretty good state thumbsup Nice for me!

The plan (such as it is): People keep talking about Mongols, I've not played out that far myself in any solo games, but I'm getting the impression that we need to be in fine form for when they show up. So I'm hoping to go for damage limitation here - we'll wait till the boy grows up before doing anything besides attempt to keep the peace, and even after that (5 years time!) we'll go for minimal disruption. There's enough claims that I might be able to fight some small limited wars ended with the Standard Peace Treaty™ and mop them back up, but other than that I'm hoping for Peace & Prosperity.

And luck, I'm hoping for lots of luck lol

Right, off we go!


The Catholics get bored & stop Crusading.

Feb 1180

A courtier dies of old age (not useless, but not useful enough to care).

Mar 1180

[Image: independentvassal.jpg]

Well, that wasn't what I wanted to see. It appears to be the count of Savolaks - a single county province up near Finland. In the end I decided to let him go in peace - gains Trifon some piety without wiping all our prestige. Trifon doesn't forgive him tho, even tho he's now somewhat more pious it doesn't stretch that far! (ie he doesn't get the trait).

Kiev starts to build a War Academy.

Apr 1180

Mine finishes in Chernigov.

Kenneth the Count of Nyland sees the light jive

[Image: nylandseesthelight.jpg]

Jul 1180

The Prince of Chernigov would like a feudal contract, I emulate my mother and tell him that "want doesn't get". Trifon doesn't get Proud about this (tho he's got negative prestige).

Sep 1180

An infant of the blood royal I didn't know existed dies. We still have 10 heirs, so he can't've been important.

Oct 1180

We can end the revolt in Pereyaslavl at the cost of prestige, so I take it. Hopefully no more prestige costing events for a while *fingers crossed*

Nov 1180

Trifon gets a new rival - Ivan Rurikovich, one of his vassals.

Jan 1181

[Image: pereyaslavlgetsthehump.jpg]

Pereyaslavl gets the hump. All 800-odd of them. I raise the troops in next-door Chernigov (all 7000-odd of them) and go kick some arse.

Novgorod is starving, so I fling some money at them (we've got plenty) as apparently that'll help.

Feb 1181

Pskov can piss off?

[Image: pskovcanpissoff.jpg]

banghead I raise up Novgorod (turned out not to be enough) and Tver and go kick some more arse.

However, in better news I defeated the Pereyaslavl rebels hammer and some random courtier recovers from leprosy (?!).

Mar 1181

Some lass finishes her education - not spectacular so I keep on ignoring her.

Pskov's army gets stomped and I start to siege them, whilst Pereyaslavl's peasants demonstrate they have the memories of a goldfish and rebel again (Chernigov's troops get another workout).

[Image: pskovpeace.jpg]

I send Pskov nearly the Standard Peace Treaty™. He accepts so fast the ink didn't dry on the offer ... and now we have
2349 prestige dance

Vyazma sees the light (voluntarily offers to become our vassal) jive

Apr 1181

Stomped on Pereyaslavl's peasants again ...

Korsun and Nizhny Novgorod see the light jive

Jun 1181

Hungary wants an alliance, but appears to be having issues with Germany at the moment, so I turn it down rather than getting dragged into that brawl.

Sep 1181

I'm poking around for things to build, and realise that some provinces have come out of plague since the builds were started, so can now finish things quicker than current time remaining. So I cancel & restart several builds coz we've got ooodles of money.

Should've done that earlier frown Also, screwed up and restarted Novgorod's church frown needs restarting when Novgorod gets immune to plague

dance :2dance: Woohoo! No more realm duress dance :2dance:

Only get +1 to stability, but still, this is still a lot better! Back to 100% efficiency. I ponder revising The Plan. But decide that I'll still wait till Trifon's an adult, just to be safe. He's 13 now, so not long to go.

Also - Kajanaborg sees the light! jive

Oct 1181

Trifon makes a friend, bless. No-one interesting tho.

Jan 1182

One of Trifon's sisters dies age 9.

There's a vassal feeling rebellious - the new Prince of Prussia is 10 years old and grumpy, but gaining loyalty rapidly so can be ignored.

Feb 1182

And now he's loyal enough for the dagger to go away.

Someone utterly useless tries to extort money. She doesn't get a bean.

NB all the court positions are gaining loyalty now. As are the vassals.

Palace finishes in Aukshayts.

Mar 1182

The Prince of Chernigov, never happy - I don't think it's my concern, however. Trifon still doesn't become Proud. So he tries asking the same thing in different words. Funnily enough, it doesn't work that way either rolleye

[Image: chernigovfeudal.jpg]

Someone who's sort of our backup Marshal joins the extortion racket, but frankly he's old and I think I'd rather not bother.

Apr 1182

One of Trifon's sisters gets old enough to marry, and comes out of education to be half-way decent:

[Image: veleslava.jpg]

Our current spymaster is better tho, so I decide to keep her on hand for now, but if someone asks I'll let her go.

The game gives me a dagger symbol but tells me Johan (whoever he is) "only has 100 loyalty" huh 2 days later the dagger went away.

War Academy completes in Kiev, I set it building a windmill.

May 1182

A boy (unrelated) I didn't know existed dies.

Templar House finished in Pereyaslavl, set it building a school.

Apparently the enemy of my enemy is my friend, friends are always good so Trifon tries buddying up to the Count of Pronsk (probably by not sniggering at his county name ... ). Guess he didn't hide it well enough as they don't make friends.

Woohoo! Pereyaslavl isn't looted any more.

Jul 1182

Trifon's friend Marko finishes his education, but is frankly useless. Friends are nice anyway, I guess?

Aug 1182

The Pereyaslavl Smuggling Ring gets hung.

Sep 1182

The Prince of Chernigov never gives up on this damn contract nonsense.

Mind you, he is crazy ...

[Image: chernicrazy.jpg]

Oct 1182

A useless courtier gets stressed.

Nov 1182

Trifon goes hunting (falconry) with the Bishop of Bz-something-unpronounceable and makes friends with him.

Dec 1182

Trifon has prestige to burn, so he's happy to lose face by getting help if it means a stable realm:

[Image: loseface.jpg]

So we're up to 0 stability (and he didn't get the trait) jive

Feb 1183

Some vassal thinks Veleslava will make a good wife for his steward. He's welcome to her.

The dagger returns! One very disloyal prince, but still gaining so hopefully will return to normal soon.

Mar 1183

Trifon gets another rival. He doesn't play well with others it seems.

Apr 1183

One of Trifon's sisters recovers from illness.

Jun 1183

The Prince of Muscovy sees the light jive

The King of Germany wants an alliance. He's at war with everyone, I decline.

Jul 1183

Some poor woman has a stillborn child. I didn't know she existed, let alone was pregnant ...

Kiev finishes its windmill. I start it building a medium castle.

The Catholics get bored, and go on Crusade again.

Aug 1183

Pereyaslavl finishes a school but has nothing else to build.

Sept 1183

Well, the dagger went away rolleye

[Image: war.jpg]

They appear to have 2 provinces and 1k troops total. This might be brief (once the men get there). I mobilise Aukshayts (5.5k) and Polotsk (3k) and send them one to each province hammer

Somebody in my court inherits money off someone else ... I don't know who either is.

Oct 1183

Sweden wants an alliance, they seem more useful - so I accept.

There's a new Pope & a new Controller.

The men of Lithuania in Sudovia are defeated, siege underway.

Nov 1183

The men of Reval are on the move to somewhere else, so I just start sieging there.

And our vassal Kajanborg is at war with the pagans, the Shiekdom of Hijaz to be precise, did we want to join in? Which appears to be somewhere in the Holy Land, so frankly I couldn't care less. I decline to get involved in such foolishness.

Dec 1183

Lithuania tries to retake Sudovia with about 0.3% the number of men I have.

It ends as you'd expect.

Reval is liberated.

A useless courtier gets stressed.

Jan 1184

Lithuania tries to retake Sudovia.

Trifon comes of age!!! He made it to adulthood jive

[Image: trifonofage.jpg]

Once the war is over, I'll find him a bride.

Feb 1184

Large Church finishes in Polotsk.

Chernigov becomes rich.

The Chancellor dies of old age. I appoint a new one, but her diplo is only 14, so I guess I know what sort of bride I'm after for Trifon. I try for a marriage with a young lass with good education & diplo of 22.

[Image: trifonbride.jpg]

Mar 1184

Finally finish the siege of Sudovia and give the Prince of Lithuania the Standard Peace Treaty™. Now Trifon has 4335 prestige!

Start Tver building a Large Church.

Apr 1184

Marriage agreed, and I take the duty (not like I needed either prestige or money).

And I appoint Trifon's wife as my new Chancellor.

May 1184

Highway Robber Band in Pereyaslavl are hanged.

Jun 1184

Polotsk Thieves Guild hanged.

And Trifon & his wife clearly get on reasonably well, she's now expecting.

Trifon's useless friend Marko gets a useless girlfriend.

Jul 1884

Pereyaslavl Thieves Guild hang.

One of Trifon's sisters goes into a court education.

Chernigov starts to build a windmill. Aukshayts starts to build a monastry.

Aug 1184

Trifon comes out of education - not bad, not bad, could do better tho.

[Image: trifongrownup.jpg]

Oct 1184

The Prince of Rostov & the Prince of Turov-Pinsk see the light jive

Sister Agafia matures into a martyr.

Dec 1184

Useless female courtier tries extortion. She's no good at that, either.

Oh rats. The bishop gets the plague frown


And that's where I finished my session - the other half will be played tomorrow smile And probably written up on Saturday (it takes me a while to produce all these words ...). Hopefully the Bishop getting the plague isn't the sign of my luck turning! bow
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

Great job so far pling! Lets hope your luck holds unlike mine!

Tbh the education results for Teflon Trifle were probably as good as we could have asked for in a way as we have a good level of intrigue to maintain provinces - any rich vassals break free & we can keep hold of another province or tow directly!

His wife looks like the oldest & most haggard 17 year old I have ever seen!
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Twinkletoes89 Wrote:Great job so far pling! Lets hope your luck holds unlike mine!

Me too! I'm a little worried that the Bishop getting the plague is the harbinger of DOOOOOOM wink

Twinkletoes89 Wrote:His wife looks like the oldest & most haggard 17 year old I have ever seen!

That's probably just as well - Teflon himself is pretty jowly for 16 lol
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

It seems like you proud line of conquering kings has been replaced with a puggy 16 year old with an equally lard faced wife. What has the kingdom come to?

It's OK, the wife changes to a less haggard one quite briskly wink

Jan 1185

Son of The Plan: We have 8 provinces in our demesne, and can control up to 12. So out of all our many claims, maybe I should nab a few for us along the way. Looking at the map it might be a nice idea to get a Finnish one or two, plus one or two to the northeast just for having troops on hand.

However, I don't want to bite off more than I can chew at any point and I don't want to ruin our reputation. So, looking round the claims:

* Claims on the SW are probably a no go, as they're part of Poland.

* Galich, to the south, looks like a good one to vassalise - 2 provinces, about a tenth of our troops. Save it for reputation rescue.

*Peresechen (on the SE) is part of Birlad, another easy force vassalise target. Ditto Belgorod, Olvia & Oleshye. Low troop numbers and single counties all (except Birlad).

*The Principality of Tver owns Mozhasyk, they're currently having "issues" with the Tribe of Cuman, so might be able to pick off this county (they also have a total of a tenth of our troops). Well, Tver has 1/10 the troops, Mozhasyk itself has even less. But equally, are Tver keeping the Cumans occupied and off my back?

*The Tribe of Bjarmia has 2 provinces, we've claims on both and they are pagan. Seems a good target to me, and they also only have ~2k troops.

*Kexholm in the NW is a single county, tiny. We've got a truce, but prestige to burn. Being tiny, maybe better for force vassalising.

*Savolaks (also in the NW), single county, bit bigger, maybe worth keeping.

*The next 3 are part of the Duchy of Finland, conquerable (3.5k troops) probably best for force vassalisation.

*County of Finland is on its own, 1k troops, so dealable with. Keep?

*The islands of Osel are part of Sweden, so not the best plan to go for them.

So, that looks to me like first up is the Tribe of Bjarmia. Then reassess, based on rep/time taken/random badluck, but probably Kexholm, Savolaks, Duchy of Finland, County of Finland in that order.

Off we go!


I raise the troops in Tver (5k) and Rostov (4k) to go to the borders of the two Bjarmian provinces, then will declare war.

Mar 1185

[Image: deadwife.jpg]

Rats banghead The wife dies, the baby dies, so now Trifon needs a new wife & a new Chancellor. My "spare" Chancellor only had a diplo of 14, so when all the high diplo ladies also turned out to be old I found a 16 year old with a diplo of 17 for Trifon:

[Image: newwife.jpg]

Marriage agreed later in the month, and I took the money and installed as Chancellor & crossed my fingers that she & Trifon get kids SOON.

Anyway, onward with our regularly scheduled war. I declared on the Bjarmian people, moved troops into Bjarmia and Zyriance.

A useless courtier defected.

Apr 1185

A boy needs education (unrelated) - I send him to court as he's a Catholic so can't be our Bishop.

Sieges are underway in Bjarmia & Zyriane (their troops were all elsewhere).

Trifon tries to buddy up with the Count of Pronsk again. Still no success.

Never seen one of these before:

[Image: sabotage.jpg]

After a bit of deliberation I decide to go for the sabotage option, we've gold to spare. And Trifon gets the trait - he's now Cruel.

May 1185

Bjarmia falls.

Sister Predeslava gets old enough to marry, she's in an ecclesiastical education, wait till it finishes to see how she does.

Liberated Zyriane.

Non-Standard Peace Treaty - I'm getting all these titles for Trifon. I can always give them away if it looks like it's a pile of rubbish wink Particularly as there's a brother coming of age soonish who is still top heir.

Accepted so fast I didn't have to unpause the game wink

Our reputation, however, is tarnished. I think that's the limit of my territory taking.

Bjarmia starts building a Moneylenders.

Zyriane has the plague frown I start it on a sawmill anyway.

Quickest way to get the troops home is to disband them. I'm now thinking force-vassalising everywhere else is the way to go, 10 provinces should do us fine. Galich might be next in that case, I'll need >10k troops for them. But first, I shall run through to next month.

Jun 1185

The dagger has appeared! I shall fling him a little money, so that I can go for Galich with no worries.

I raise the troops in Tver (9k) & Chernigov (8k), which should do us nicely. Little bit of movement needed before the war declaration. The the attack starts.

Meanwhile a Thieves Guild appears in Chernigov and while his army goes to war, Trifon goes on a falconry trip with the count of Vodi, but fails to make friends.

Jul 1185

Defeat Galich, and leave the 9kish there, while the 8k goes off to their other province.

Bad year at the fishery in Bjarmia, they're already after all our money!! wink

[Image: predslava.jpg]

Now why couldn't she be a boy? Or us be able to have women Bishops? Perfect replacement for the plague-ridden Bishop, and I can't use her cry She's not quite useful enough for a court position, I give her to the King of Poland instead to keep him happy while I concentrate on mopping up our claims.

Aug 1185

Trifon's brother Alexandr gets a personality:

[Image: alexandrpersonality.jpg]

He's still heir.

Sep 1185

Castle finishes in Rostov, nothing more to build.

Alexandr makes friends with a useful looking guy.

[Image: expecting1.jpg]

Thank goodness for that! Let's hope it's a boy.

Galich (province) is liberated, my army still hasn't made it to the other province (the Galich army keep interupting) but I send the Standard Peace Offer™ anyway. They accept - so we have a new vassal and our reputation changes to slightly tarnished. jive

An un-related child goes to (court) school.

Oct 1185

I spot a single county (Beloozero) in the middle of our lands that we're on good terms with & offer him vassalisation. But they decline, oh well.

I raise the troops in Tver - 5.7k and head off to some of these little Finnish places.

A child dies. (no-one important).

Windmill finishes in Chernigov, nothing else to build.

[Image: daddykiller.jpg]

A courtier wants me to help him knife his father in the back. It turns out that dear Daddy (Fergal) is one of my vassals, and is loyal and not a nuisance. So I have nothing to do with it. Which gives me piety, which was in rather short supply. But it doesn't make an honest man of Trifon.

Nov 1185

Troops finally on the doorstep of Kexholm. Time to kick off that war.

Dysentery in Tver (damn) and we now have a claim on the title of Lithuania (Prince of, I'd guess) one of our vassals.

Quickest Dysentery outbreak EVER. Gone now. Seriously, it lasted about 5 days or so. huh

Defeat Kexholm's troops, start the siege.

Dec 1185

A girl (unrelated) goes to court school.

Liberate Kexholm, send him the Standard Peace Offer™ and he accepts. Reputation still the same, damnit.

I send the Tver regiment off to the County of Finland now.

Jan 1186

Trifon gets a new rival. Another of his vassals.

And he goes for a falconry session with the Count of Vodi again.

Feb 1186

Finally on Finland's doorstep, time to stomp hammer

The dagger, meanwhile, has returned - Prince of Lithuania feeling twitchy. I send him some gold - he's actually losing loyalty, so I didn't want any surprises.

Aukshayts finishes a monastery, and starts a Templar House.

March 1186

Defeat the Finnish troops.

The dagger returns! Lithuania AGAIN. I give him more gold.

A young orthodox lad needs an education, so I send him to the monastery so he can be a backup bishop.

Someone stressed out & useless wants to retire, off she goes!

Apr 1186

Liberate Finland, and then send the Standard Peace Offer™. They accept, and now we have ~7.5k prestige, but our reputation is STILL slightly tarnished.

I leave the Tver troops there, and raise those in Aukshayts to come join the party. Should be able to finish off the Finnish soon.

Oooh, someone offers to heal the bishop, and the cost of his gold not Trifon's, I'm all over that. The bishop no longer has the plague jive

May 1186

Sister Agafia gets ill (again?).

[Image: fergalfeudal.jpg]

Maybe I should've helped to kill the Prince of Smolensk when his bastard asked me to? Damnit.

Jun 1186

[Image: daughter.jpg]

Well, I suppose at least the mother is still alive, still would've been nice if it'd been a son.

[Image: hatefatherinlaw.jpg]

And clearly Trifon blames his father-in-law. I decide that even if this is a vassal of the King of Poland, it's so far away that I don't much care, so I go with Trifon hating him. He gets the rivalry.

And brother Alexandr doesn't play well with others either, I don't want to risk the (still) heir getting stressed so risk the rivalry instead - he doesn't get it.

Jul 1186

All troops in position, time to pull the rug out from under the Duke of Finland's feet. hammer

Money lenders finishes in Bjarmia, and starts a library.

Aug 1186

Defeat one county vassal of Duke of Finland.

Realise that declaring on the Duke didn't declare on his vassals rolleye, but defeat the troops in his demesne as well and decide to not declare on the others unless he won't vassalise any other way.

The dagger returns! Pay the two of them gold just so I don't have to worry about them.

Church finishes in Tver, nothing more to build.

Sept 1186

Fergal Prince of Smolensk should treat his bastard better, I've had another request to help kill him. Despite what I said above, I decline as the piety is rather useful. Trifon still doesn't get the trait.

Two kids fail to get along, I let them have their rivalry.

Bjarmia gets prosperous.

I finally finish the Finnish, and now he's a vassal and we have a respectable reputation. dance

To tidy up, I shall force-vassalise the Count of Savlovaks, so move the troops into position.

Oct 1186

And that war is kicked off!

Our proto-bishop isn't playing well with brother Alexandr, but I'd rather Alexandr didn't have the rivalry and don't care if this lad gets stressed, so I go with the grin & bear it option. Thankfully, no stress.

Sister Agafia makes friends with sister Efimia.

Trifon tries, again, to buddy up with the count of Pronsk, and this time succeeds! smile

Nov 1186

Defeat Savolaks troops, start siege.

Dec 1186

Liberate Savolaks, send Standard Peace Offer™ which he accepts. Reputation is still respectable.

While I'm up here, there've been rebels in Karelen for ages and it offends my sense of tidyness so I shall stomp on them before disbanding the troops.

[Image: untidyrebels.jpg]

The dagger returns! I'm not at war, so I leave this one - he's gaining and if it becomes necessary a war will bolster our reputation.

Jan 1187

Stomp the rebels, siege to get rid of rebel control. Disband the troops.

The Return of the Son of The Plan:

[Image: theworld1087.jpg]

The holes in the middle of our lands are all the Prince of Tver, I think. The southwestern claims are all part of Poland, which seems a rather large thing to take on.

The southern claims are:

*Double province County of Birlad (4k troops, small ally).

*Single County of Oleshye (4.5k troops, allied to Germany).

*Single Bishopric of Olvia (1.5k troops, small ally).

*Single county of Belgorod (2.5k troops, small ally).

*Single County of Szekelyfold (1.5k troops, small ally).

Strikes me that we can pick off everywhere but Oleshye easily, but I shall wait for the dagger to go away for a bit of Peace & Prosperity. After a while I'll get bored and pay off the disloyal vassals, I'm sure.

Start Pereyaslavl building a medium castle.

Feb 1187

[Image: notamused.jpg]

Trifon is Not Amused (but actually doesn't care, 25 prestige? what's that matter?).

[Image: frown.jpg]

The guy who keeps trying to kill his father finds out that people frown upon that sort of thing.

Mar 1187

Ahha! a chance for Bjarmia to stop being pagan. But we lose the diceroll.

Jun 1187

The guy who'd been the second general everytime I raised 2 provinces of troops defects somewhere frown

Jul 1187

The only disloyal vassal left was the guy who keeps losing loyalty, so I flung money at him. (Ok, yes, I was bored too - 6 months with no war yikes )

I raise the troops in Pereyaslavl (8k) and Chernigov (6k) and prepare to kick some more arse. Off to the County of Birlad first.

Trifon's useless friend Marko? Even Trifon can't work out why he's friends with him so stops being so.

Fergal Prince of Smolensk wants a contract but doesn't get it, and the dagger returns! (Lithunaia tho, who gets money, like always).

War with Birlad starts.

Aug 1187

The steward tries extortion, she gets a little money.

Woohoo! Novgorod stops being plague-ridden dance I cancel & restart the large church there.

Sep 1187

Liberate Peresechen.

Kiev finishes a Medium Castle, no more to build.

Liberate Birlad.

Send the Standard Peace Offer™ and he accepts, we now have an honourable rep dance

Declare war on Szekelyfold as they're right there.

Oct 1187

Two kids don't play nice, I go with risking a rivalry (we don't much care about either). They get the rivalry.

Our daughter gets sent to the nannies.

Bjarmia loses prosperity to Normal.

Trifon gets a new rival and it's a vassal of the man in charge of the Tribe of Cuman.

The dagger returns! Hopefully not an issue, gaining and not much lower than 50%.

Polotsk prosperity raises to Poor.

Dec 1187

War with Szekelyfold is ended with the Standard Peace Offer™.

Declare war on Belgorod.

Trifon's missus is expecting again, thankfully. Fingers crossed!

Jan 1188

Bjarmia recovers from being looted smile

Feb 1188

War in Belgorod ends with the Standard Peace Offer™. And now I can make Trifon the Prince of Moldau, so I promptly do so. I declare war on Olvia to finish off that little job too.

Bjarmia finishes its Library, nothing more to build.

Somebody in the court loses his claim on the title of Duke of Bosnia, coz he's useless.

Mar 1188

Our Marshal falls ill frown

War in Olvia ended with the Standard Peace Treaty™.

We now have 50 vassals!

I've got ~20 months of time to run down, no more wars of land gains. Just concentrate on Peace & Prosperity. And pray for a son!

My thought on our new princely title is to give it to brother Alexandr or our heir, depending. But Alex won't come of age till right around time to pass on the turn so I shall leave it for uberfish to decide what to do with it.

Apr 1188

I get one of those events where the power of the factions in a province gets reorganised, I pick one then put it back as best I can. As a side note - I really don't have a handle on where the balance of power should be in our provinces, so I've tended to ignore it hoping that the rest of you are saving us from my lack of attention wink

May 1188

We hit 30k cash!

The Marshal pays a miracle worker to lose his illness, and there's a miracle, it works! wink

Trifon's useless ex-friend loses a claim on the grounds of being useless.

I give money to the Prince of Lithuania, again.

Jul 1188

The Catholics get bored, and stop Crusading.

Templar House finished in Aukshayts, start it building a School.

The Marshal dies even tho he was well again. The new one isn't as good, but is 45 years younger so is better in some ways wink

Sep 1188

[Image: son.jpg]

Trifon has a son jive dance

Oct 1188

Sister Agafia comes of age, she's ill and still in education. Waiting for results before seeing about marrying her off.

Nov 1188

Apparently I hate the son of one of my rivals, too!

I send money over to 3 disloyal vassals, one barely changes but the other two are less ungrateful & love Trifon now!

Dec 1188

Sister Efimia matures into a Bravo.

Jan 1189

A 6yo courtier turns into a prodigy - I'm hoping he'll make a good Marshal later, if he goes into the army (Davyd Vsevolodovich).

Mar 1189

And I send him to the army.

Apr 1189

I hand out money to vassals (including the Prince of Lithuania AGAIN) and the dagger goes away jive

Jun 1189

Steward embezzles frown

[Image: embezzler.jpg]

She was the best for the job by a long way, but I cut my losses and sack her in favour of someone with
worse stats but 100% loyalty. Probably best if Alexandr marries a steward?

Aug 1189

The bastard that keeps trying to kill his father wants to challenge his rival to a duel - the rival isn't much use, nor is the bastard, so I allow the duel. I don't think anything happened, so they were even useless at duelling.

Someone stressed & useless dies.

Trifon goes on a falconry trip with the Count of Rostov. And they make friends.

Sep 1189

Brother Alexandr comes of age. As it's so near the end of the turnset I'll leave it to uberfish to decide who he gets to marry.

Aukshayts finishes a school, nothing more to build.

Alexandr celebrates turning 16 by falling ill frown

Oct 1189

We get another smidge of prestige removed because a vassal has different ruling law. Aaaaaaaand the Prince of Smolensk tries to get a contract, again. Guess those're connected wink

Nov 1189

Davyd inherits from now-dead Mikhail - this is our proto-Marshal, he just inherits gold.

Agafia comes out of education, good-ish results, poor stats even accounting for illness. I'll leave her marriage to uberfish but she doesn't look worth keeping.

Dec 1189

Alexandr comes out of education, and isn't much use. Let's hope Trifon's son is a better bet.

[Image: alexandredu.jpg]

And that's the end of my go! Here's a look at the state of the world on the very first day of 1190. First the realm map:

[Image: realm1190.jpg]

The Tribe of Cuman off to our east may well turn out to be a thorn in our side soon - they've nowhere else to expand on their west except through us. And they've nibbled away at the Prince of Tver for so long he's turning into a bit of a non-entity.

And here's the relational map:

[Image: 1190relation.jpg]

Not much orange left smile

And here's the save!
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

Great job pling!
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Pling       ----> Just played
Uberfish    ----> UP!
Mist        ----> On deck

You about, uberfish? Or did the new XCOM aliens eat you?
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

I have to request a skip this time.

There are other things occupying me at the moment and I won't be done with recovering the previous state and improving security all around for quite a while yet.

Ouch, that's no fun at all, Mist frown My husband (and another friend) admin a server for a bunch of our friends, and Wordpress is somewhere at the top of their shitlist coz it's so woefully insecure AND targetted by attacks frown Good luck with tracking it all down and sorting it out!

Which makes us:

Pling       ----> Just played
Uberfish    ----> UP!
Regoarrarr  ----> On deck

TheArchDuke & Mist both hovering in the void of computer-related hell.
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

Oh I did play the turn on the weekend but didn't have time to write it up, my prediction of Pling having a nice productive peaceful turnset and me getting all the drama came true. Stay tuned. Sorry to hear about your computer security problems Mist.

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