Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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XCOM - Terror From the Deep SG

Nice reports smile

I used to play this game ages ago IIRC I gave up after some crazy mission on a cruise ship which took forever because I couldn't find the last alien.
Just picked the game up again on STEAM, will keep lurking so I don't get stomped when trying to finish it this time lol



uberfish Wrote:The aquatoid was at pretty long range. Haphazard fired a gas cannon shot, missed, but hit the rock the alien was standing near and the explosion took it out anyway.

High explosives can be fun. jive

Nice work, uberfish. thumbsup

If no one else can get to the save, I can probably manage a turnset tomorrow evening (maybe 30 hours from now). But if someone can play sooner, go for it.

Mission 4 Roster update:

haphazard v2
David Corperial v2
Selrahc v2

Mission 4
Tatan - Ambushed by alien behind rock - loss of internal organs (Aquatoid)
Fire and Ice - ambushed from behind same rock as Tatan - loss of head (Aquatoid)

Mission 3
Sareln - Killed by shot of sudden appearnce of gillman
v8mark - Killed by gillman in response to Fire and Ice disgracing it with a grenade shot
ASM - killed by gillman who suddenly appeared
Zakalwe - Fried by deep one leading the charge between some buildings

Mission 2
Dazed - shot in chest by Aquatoid
Sunrise - shot in the back by Aquatoid when scrambling for cover
Cyneheard - killed by grenade by Aquatoid
Brackard - killed by grenade by Aquatoid
David Corperial - killed by grenade by Aquatoid
Selrahc - killed by grenade by Aquatoid

Mission 1:
Bob Chillingworth - Shot by Aquatoid ending in crumpled heap
Haphazard - shot between the eyes by Aquatoid
Man Behind the Mask - Reaction fire from hiding Aquatoid
Rego - shot in head by Aquatoid
Dave - shot in heart by Aquatoid inside ship

Brian Shnahan
edit: Seifer MD
On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

uberfish Wrote:Pling scored a direct hit with her gas cannon and killed it.

uberfish Wrote:Pling scored another direct hit with her gas cannon and blew the alien to pieces.

Looks like the gas cannon might almost be making up for no rocket launcher wink
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

Long long day at work, too tired to play tonight. frown

If anyone else can grab the save before this time tomorrow, go ahead. I did play just before uberfish after all. lol

I'd love to sign up for this if you're still accepting volunteers, I love TFTD.

Catwalk, I think we could use an additional active player as several of our regulars are unavailable at the moment. Unless the other team members object (and they would have to show up to do that! lol), welcome to our cozy undersea base!

Living Quarters module is over there, plenty of space available after recent missions just choose a free bed. Armory down the hall, grab yourself a sonic pistol or a gas cannon (your preference). We don't have any armor yet, sorry, so try not to get shot or blown up. lol

Uberfish played last, I was just before, and no one else seems to be active at the moment. So go ahead and grab the save and dive right in if you have time. yikes

Our tech is still pretty weak at this stage, hopefully you won't see lobstermen. And remember that pling likes weapons that go BOOM! lol Good luck!

Welcome, Catwalk! If you can play a turn that's great. This weekend I should be back on track for normal turn playing. TFTD takes a lot less big game thinking than a game of civ but a lot longer to play/write a report.

I don't think we should have any lobster men quite yet. We should be able to make it till March before they show up unless we get unlucky!

dazedroyalty Wrote:I don't think we should have any lobster men quite yet. We should be able to make it till March before they show up unless we get unlucky!

You just had to say it, didn't you? lol Now it's going to be all lobstermen for sure.

I would just like to make a note that the month is April, so making lobsterman by March....?

On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

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