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League of Legends General Discussion Thread


Jowy Wrote:Smurfs?

A low level character created by someone who is already at or near level 30. People like to do it to screw around with builds and/or stomp new players.

The automated matchmaking probably quickly sorts out the low level smurfs / DOTA veterans from the new people tbh.

Yeah only tried 2 games, prob would have been through that quickly though.

Only reason I made acc was to play with lvl 5 at the time friend who didn't want to lane against lvl 20s or so as he just started playing moba games.

So, hey! I got to update my runebook a little bit! Let me fiddle around with runes and check if my jungle routes are still viable with the new additions. This can help me round out my jungle game and smoothen my playing experience!

Wait. What is this? "4 players minimum" needed on custom games now? Stupid hotfix, but it can be easily...

[Image: raaage.jpg]


Me. [SIZE="1"](Yes, I'm as handsome as Steve Carell.)[/SIZE]

What the hell were they smoking?!

EDIT: Whatever, it works now. I feel like I got trolled, lol.

It's a dynamic thing- if the servers get strained they start to limit the minimim number of people needed to start a custom game.

Sir Bruce Wrote:The best Ashe is Artillery Ashe. Rush CDR boots and Morello's Evil Tome. Sit in your fountain firing arrows down lanes every 45 seconds. Get tons of assists and annoy people on both the enemy team AND your team.


uberfish improves his time even further smile

Ranking updated:
1. uberfish 3:39
2. Sir Bruce 3:51
3. Cull 4:02
4. Dantski 5:01
5. Enoch 5:10
6. Gustaran 6:47
7. Jowy 11:12


Contest /closed

Congratulations to uberfish who won in convincing fashion. smile
Of course we all hope for some insight on how you achieved your time. wink

Your prize has been sent, check your PM!



Good job, uberfish! thumbsup I couldn't figure out how to drop anymore. I hope you have a replay for us to watch.

I'll say a little on my thinking: Fiddlesticks is the clearly the best champion for early dragons. In my tries, Nunu needed level 4 with one buy (have to run teleport) and Mundo needed 6. Fiddlesticks can solo dragon easily at level 3 with a blue potion, blue buff, and level 2 drain. I used MPen reds and CDR blues (whatever works for the others). My best run ended up taking smite/teleport, and going: big wolf, blue golem, small wolves, teleport to wraiths (this lets you use smite just as it comes off cooldown), dragon. Getting the timing right for microing creeps with Fiddle's E and autoattacks is worth 3-4 seconds.

Smite cooldown became the big limiting factor in my eyes. With the smite mastery and 21 in utility masteries, smite has a ~59 second cooldown. If you smite blue golem at 1:55, then the earliest you can smite 3 times is at 3:53 or so. However, to do this you need to smite at 2:54 which is hard because that's usually when you're walking between wolves and wraiths. Teleport saved me ~4 seconds here.

Things I tried but that I couldn't get to work:
- level 2 dragon kill. I tried this ~15 times. Run smite/teleport, buy a blue pot and ward, get blue buff, buy something (anything!), try to kill dragon. Bought health pots, red pot, green pot, cloth armor, etc, etc. Failed everytime. cry Level 1 drain is too weak and dragon hits Fiddles too hard.
- smite at 1:40. I'm guessing that this was uberfish's strategy, but I couldn't pull it off. This lets you smite 3 times by 3:38 or so, which fits with his best time. You have to smite a wolf for this to work, and I just couldn't figure out a way to kill the golem fast enough. Best I got was with ignite + ignite mastery.
- lane experience. If you quickly get to a lane after golem you could maybe get experience faster than the jungle creep, but I couldn't make it work.

Things I didn't try but might work:
- Buy 3 AP quints and 9 AP yellows.

Thanks to Gustaran, too! I had a lot of fun with this challenge and I hope everyone else did too.

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