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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

woo 41 kills in an ARAM with MF, that was some crazy stuff
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Man this was a really fun puzzle to figure out. Thanks Gustaran for running the contest! Ok here's how I did it:

Fiddlesticks, 9/0/21 masteries. Smite and Flash (Teleport would also probably work)
MPEN reds and flat CDR blues (plus irrelevant armour and HP)
Elixir + 3 mana potions

(Blue side)

Drink the elixir.

Kill blue wolf with drain/autoattack drain, don't use smite here. Once it dies, ignore the small wolves. Drink a mana potion while running to blue golem.

Drain blue golem, Smite while draining, autoattack once and move east, drain, autoattack once and move east again to the tree wall, drain.

Ignore the blue golem's minions. Flash east over the wall and run to mid lane. Drink another mana potion. Take a level in Dark Wind.

If executed correctly (it's tricky) you should arrive at mid lane in time to get XP from 3 caster creeps in the first wave just as the next creep waves arrive.

Drain a melee creep not being attacked by allied creeps, burn down the wave with spells and autoattacks as fast as possible. As the last 1-2 creeps are dying disengage and run towards dragon to save another couple of seconds, make sure to be in XP range when allied creeps finish the enemy creeps off. This gives exactly enough XP for level 3.

Smite dragon and repeatedly drain until it dies casting 1 dark wind every 2 drains. (the 3rd mana potion is needed here)

The earlier 3:5x times happened when I had to wait for a creep or two from the 3rd wave in mid lane, the key to getting sub 3:40 was figuring out how to get all the required XP on the 2nd wave.

I tried to level 2 kill with Revive mastery (suicide and revive for +maxhp, kill purple side golem and minions, dragon) but couldn't get it to work.

Well done!

I'm amazed that our different routes (jungle vs lane) were so neck-in-neck for a while. Although I guess that's what Riot is going for in balancing the jungle.


Ok now I don't feel bad getting beat. 8D

uberfish and Sir Bruce, do either of you have a replay from your best runs? I'd love to put them up on YouTube and explain what you did, comparing the approaches. Really interesting stuff. nod
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[Image: chogath.png]
First game playing Cho Gath XD

Sullla Wrote:uberfish and Sir Bruce, do either of you have a replay from your best runs? I'd love to put them up on YouTube and explain what you did, comparing the approaches. Really interesting stuff. nod

Here's a replay of my best time:

The 9/17 soul stealer mundo is pretty funny there Jowy. tongue (Though not as funny as the poppy with out boots 1 hour in! :O)

I don't have the replay software but I could try getting it and and replicating the run.

uberfish Wrote:I don't have the replay software but I could try getting it and and replicating the run.

That would be awesome. smile
IIRC the link for the software is

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the contest!
If you are interested in more, I am planning on running a second one - again with the chance to win RP and utilizing some suggestions made by you in this thread - after a little break around Easter.



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