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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Gustaran Wrote:Like you haven't pulled off crazy stuff before :neenernee

Oh, please, name some of that crazy stuff that is not related to all the ramblings on teamspeak, surprise me. :P

With the amount of roaming that you see even on lower ELO games, even in normal, a under 5:00 drag is so risky. And if the jungler is any good, drag will be warded v fiddles, nunu, etc on jungler first buy, which can be as early as under 4:00. Too risky even in most solo q games. Also if any support champions(janna, taric, even soraka) play is like some EU team do and start the cheap 180g mana item, and a combination of wards/pots, 0 chance to sneak a dragon.

Now if you see alistar roam+enemy jungler gank top lane, go dragon if you're near and drag's up, or pressure mid/bot hard

Cull Wrote:And if the jungler is any good, drag will be warded v fiddles, nunu, etc on jungler first buy, which can be as early as under 4:00.

Your are too skilled, at the level I play, it is rare that both teams even have a jungler at all lol


Don't worry, Gustaran, whenever we make a premade with the RB guys, we never have a good jungler, either.

Gustaran Wrote:Your are too skilled, at the level I play, it is rare that both teams even have a jungler at all lol

Pretty much my current ELO hell as well.

Hey, since the LoL client was enormously buggy/crashy tonight with the new patch, I'm going to try the usual Tuesday Game Night tomorrow on Wednesday, for those of you who will be around. Same time (6pm EST) only on Wednesday instead of Tuesday.
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New record 29 kills as Master Yi :]
How many have you guys got?

I got 21 kills as Shaco a few games ago... they had no tank so it was ezpz with Brutalizer + Triforce combo (Shaco build for melting squishies; your initial Deceive backstab deals a lot of damage and you bring towers down really really fast)

Don't know how many kills I've "EVER" gotten, I don't tend to play carry champions who get a ton of kills. At least when I started playing this game my first champion was Zilean and then I bought Rammus for tanking and supporting. Now I play a lot of jungler DPS, but they aren't really built out for carrying...

Speaking of junglers, rotflmao

Also, Guinsoo apparently announced on his Twitter that they're reworking Gangplank to remove his deny mechanic.

[Image: epicmatches.png]

<3 @ New Sivir skin

This is my highest kill number:
[Image: 40kills.jpg]
I miss the days when all the RB folk were level 5 and below. smile I had a 20-stack soul stealer in there, giving me about 800 AP or so. I died a few times toward the end so I sold it. But man did I hit hard when I had it. If only there was a deathcap back then; I probably could have broken 1000 AP.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

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