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I'd get some primary mana regen per level runes if I was you. Just looking at your runes, I'd guess that when you play an AD carry you have to keep going back to base every 5 mins to refill your mana. However given how the game is balanced at present, the extra defence you currently have is fine.
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I would say the key runes are as follows, agreeing with Dantski about mana regen yellows:
Reds (marks):
Armor Penetration
Magic Penetration
Attack speed (much lower priority - mostly junglers only)
This is really all you need. Perhaps attack speed on some builds, or armor/magic resist on a super-tank build... but honestly those first two will cover you well on virtually all champs.
Yellows (seals):
Mana Regen/Level (not flat)
Armor (flat)
Health (flat)
You have the most choice here. Mana Regen is my default for most champs, really good on casters and ranged carries alike. Armor is excellent on junglers and tanks. I think the flat bonus at the start of the game is best, some people prefer the per level runes. Flat health seals can also be good on any number of builds. Dodge seals are very expensive, but also excellent on certain champs (Jax and Sivir come to mind) to stack with the Nimbleness mastery in the Defensive mastery tree. I only have the first two sets, and feel pretty good about my runes.
Blues (glyphs):
Magic Resist (flat or per level)
Cooldown (flat)
Ability Power (flat)
Magic Resist gylphs are the ones you should get first, since they can be successfully applied to pretty much any champ. I prefer the flat ones, but the per level ones aren't bad either. (Armor is better flat because you need it for your jungler at the start of the game. MR you can kind of pick either.) Cooldown glyphs are very good for casters, not so useful on other champs, and also super-expensive. 7400 IP for a full set, so only get them if you play a lot of those champs. Straight AP runes can also be useful; with them and an Amplifying Tome, you can start the game with about 30 AP, which works really well on certain assassin type casters. I would strongly recommend the flat AP runes if going this route, because by taking AP runes you are trying to get kills in the early game. 20 extra AP at level 18 isn't going to do much of anything.
Health (flat)
Just get the health quints. Very good on every champ, and quints are extremely expensive in IP. If you've really got IP to burn, then you can try getting movement speed quints, or more AP quints for a pure early game assassin build, or whatever. But these are specialized, character-specific builds. Health quints work on everyone. Health quints work well enough in 95% of situations.
On a side note, I hate that this game only gives you two rune books by default. They should give you at least five for free, since you already have to buy the runes themselves! Making people pay an obscene 6300 IP for a single rune book page is just ridiculous. :mad:
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You have a good base set sunrise. Other strong runes that you're currently missing:
Reds: Attack speed. Very strong, a must have IMO on almost all junglers.
Blues: flat CDR. Useful on every champ, but pretty expensive.
-scaling mp5. I agree with Dantski here. Very useful on most champs, especially solo laners that are pretty mana-dependent but not enough so to buy a mana item on. So good for Ashe/Sivir, less so for Corki/Ezreal. Can't go too wrong with your defenseive runes, though.
-scaling health/lvl. I prefer these to flat health but it's really a matter of taste.
-dodge. A lot of people like these, but I prefer the certainty of armor or health.
-HP5 are probably about equivalent to flat health quints after the nerf to health quints and the increased cost of Doran's items. Having a large base health regen really helps stay in lane for a few extra minutes early.
-MOVESPEED. These are expensive but super fun. Any champ where movespeed is important loves these. Singed, Teemo, Alistar, Janna, Master Yi, Udyr, etc, etc.
Roku (high-rated player/streamer) wrote up a detailed Rune analysis that you can find here: It's slightly dated, but still pretty informative.
EDIT: Cross-posted with Sullla: I totally agree that two rune pages is ridiculous! 3 is the bare minimum to be able to pick a champ to fit your team comp (AD, AP, Jungle).
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Sullla Wrote:On a side note, I hate that this game only gives you two rune books by default. They should give you at least five for free, since you already have to buy the runes themselves! Making people pay an obscene 6300 IP for a single rune book page is just ridiculous. :mad:
Sir Bruc Wrote:EDIT: Cross-posted with Sullla: I totally agree that two rune pages is ridiculous! 3 is the bare minimum to be able to pick a champ to fit your team comp (AD, AP, Jungle).
You guys are so right, one of the first things I bought was a rune page bunde. I think even 3 isn't enough. If you play Vlad, you need an additional caster page without mp5. Taric needs some rare build with attack speed reds, but mp5 as well.
If you want to go further, you could even build 2 different runepages for the same champ, depending on the situation.
As for quints I am not sure that health quints are the best anymore since they have been nerfed some time ago. When they gave 99 health they were almost a must, but right now attspeed, armorpen, magicpen and movespeed seem to be popular as well.
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On ad carries, the additional armor pen is huge on quints. It gives you so much more out of your base dmg early game, and it good throughout the whole game. I used to use health quints, but now I only use them on ap carry. Once you start using apen quints, I find most people never look back.
I would use:
-attack speed(jungle use)
-flat hp/hp per lvl
-mana regen per lvl
-attack speed(ONLY if you play very specific junglers)
-flat mr/mr per lvl
-flat ap/ap per lvl
-mana regen per lvl
-attack speed(jungle use)
-health(most universal by far)
-armor pen
-magic pen
-movement speed
Doublelift, probably the #1 blitz, posted this on reddit less than a month ago:
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^also useful, Spreadsheets on how powerful the runes are.
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Awesome. Just, awesome. We're 60 minutes into the game, and then my connection entirely malfunctions. 8/7/20 Alistar game labeled as "Leave" is a kick in the teeth, especially since I basically just wasted sunrise, Dantski, Atlas and Cull's time on a game that we could have won if it weren't for my idiotic modem. True, we had lost 3 base turrets and X inhibitors before my modem decided to screw me over, but all we needed is one ace...
(Also - I'm very very sorry for that fiasco.)
Oh yeah. I'm checking the profiles of all the high ELO players I know. They don't have any leave on Ranked. (That wasn't ranked, but I hate getting leaves.)
Now I feel inadequate.
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Deceptus Wrote:Now I feel inadequate.
Over at reignofelementz, stonwall has an interesting writeup "How to pick your jungler" for those of you who play ranked :
And TreeEskimo has two videos with the new champ Brand up on his channel
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Epic backdoor just now with Master Yi!! Noticed lots of our minions at enemy second most outer turret, teleported there, got it down, moved on and got the base turret down, inhibitor down, one nexus turret down, second nexus turret down, nexus down GG Yi wins!
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Once you get a few levels (and runes) more I will be molesting you to jungle with Yi cause that's where he is awesome.
Join me, my disciple, and together we will rule the galaxy... er, jungle.