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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

The most important thing when playing as Master Yi:
Get the Chosen Master Yi skin! It changes the color of the glow of his sword whenever you use a skill! jive lol


Gustaran Wrote:The most important thing when playing as Master Yi:
Get the Chosen Master Yi skin! It changes the color of the glow of his sword whenever you use a skill! jive lol

Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle sparkle!

Jowy: Sure, sometimes Meditate during a fight might work. Right until Cho'Gath or Olaf flashes at you and laughs at your boosted armor/MR. wink

Singed, Nid, Sivir, even nerfed Teemo are much better split pushers. If you want to learn split pushing, these champs are a lot better than Yi.

EDIT: TF, Shen as well.

^ The man above me says Sheen is worthless on Alistar and advises to build him full tank (lolz) and didn't put up Shaco on his list

BTW I play a wicked carry if I listen to this during my games (recommended for Nidalee players especially)

If you like Yi, try Nocturne. Very similar attack speed champ: Good farmer, jungler, ganker, and can split push effectively.

Only downside is his 6300 IP cost. frown

Cull Wrote:Singed, Nid, Sivir, even nerfed Teemo are much better split pushers. If you want to learn split pushing, these champs are a lot better than Yi.

EDIT: TF, Shen as well.
Used to play Sivir, and she's pretty beastly, but so damn boring. Only reason I play Yi is because it's often incredibly fun and I'll probably continue to play him whenever I'm taking a break from Veigar :P

Deceptus Wrote:and didn't put up Shaco on his list


Deceptus Wrote:^ The man above me says Sheen is worthless on Alistar and advises to build him full tank (lolz) and didn't put up Shaco on his list

BTW I play a wicked carry if I listen to this during my games (recommended for Nidalee players especially)

*Rushing Sheen on Alistar is worthless. Building full tank is a lot better. Without build full tank, your early game is worthless as a tank. If the enemy team can force dragon early, you do nothing. Alistar does not need dmg, he need to be tanky. You can build him dmg, but simply no reason to in 95% of team comps.

+Shaco is less useful than yi late game unless fed early. Plus, he takes a decent amount of skill before ideal rune page/masteries, and even more once you hit 30.

Obviously the right way to play Alistar is Revive/Teleport, 9/20/1, all attack speed runes except death timer quints. Build Berserker Greaves, Recurve Bow (or dagger), Sheen or Brutalizer. Skills don't matter except R when you can.

As soon as you hit 6, hit R and start punching the nearest tower. You will die. Who cares - keep doing this. Revive/teleport when you can. Buy wards to make teleport easier. Keep punching towers until an inhib falls. Repeat in a different lane. Win.

(don't do this)

Cull Wrote:*Rushing Sheen on Alistar is worthless. Building full tank is a lot better. Without build full tank, your early game is worthless as a tank. If the enemy team can force dragon early, you do nothing.

Flash into Pulverize, Headbutt... no, nothing, aside from a great initiation without even counting your ult.
Cull Wrote:Alistar does not need dmg, he need to be tanky. You can build him dmg, but simply no reason to in 95% of team comps.

See that "R" button? It's your "I'm a tank now" button. Since you're going to be an initiator, you don't need anything else. Sheen is utility which helps you in the lane, helps you push turrets (just use Triumphant Roar or even Pulverize to proc the Sheen), and allows you to combo your damage (Q -> hit -> W -> hit -> E -> hit etc.). That's why you build Alistar utility (Shurelya, Soul Shroud, Randuin's, Spirit Visage, etc.), not a freaking full tank. The amount of wards I'm set to buy when I play Alistar (because Alistar does not need items to be a tank, that's the catch) wouldn't allow me to get more than a Sunfire Cape for midgame, and that's if I'm fed. And I guess that most of the Alistar streams and every other Alistar source I've seen agrees. You want tank items? Get Aegis, you're set.
Cull Wrote:+Shaco is less useful than yi late game unless fed early. Plus, he takes a decent amount of skill before ideal rune page/masteries, and even more once you hit 30.

I'm Seyruun and I sometimes carry as Shaco. Seyruun = bad, so Shaco doesn't take that much skill at all. Objectively, when looking at him from the perspective of "easy" characters? Yes, he looks hard.
Also, you wanted split pushers. What does Shaco do in the late game? SPLIT PUSH. Especially that it's pretty hard to kill a fed Shaco 1v1, and an unfed Shaco still has escapability.


Gustaran Wrote:*pic*


Dedicated to Cull

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