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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Cull Wrote:*Rushing Sheen on Alistar is worthless

[Image: sheenf.jpg]



Hotshotgg: No reason to build sheen on alistar. Better to build tank.

Who better tree or hotshotgg? From a pure elo lvl, pure tourney lvl?

Cull Wrote:Hotshotgg: No reason to build sheen on alistar. Better to build tank.

The amount of tank I see hotshot getting (just checked some archives) amounts to no finished items at all which can work given his playstyle, but Sheen does scale with your base damage and gives you utility, and that's what I imagine most Alistar players going for. Because it works on him.

Also, how is that information dated? (Source?) Because a game from November 10 sees Hotshot going Locket (non-existant now) Visage, Merc Treads, Atma's, Null-Magic Mantle and Doran's Shield. That's not exactly tanky, that's CDR, health with some damage benefit. Why would Hotshot build Atma if damage isn't really that important?

Cull Wrote:Hotshotgg: No reason to build sheen on alistar. Better to build tank.

Who better tree or hotshotgg? From a pure elo lvl, pure tourney lvl?

Actually I think it's kind of silly to suggest that only one certain build is correct and all others are nonsense because a single pro player thinks so. I'd never claim that Sheen is always the best, but I just wanted to show that the item is not worthless.
As so often in LoL it probably depends on the situation: If you already have another main tank on the team it's likely the way to go, if you are the only tanky guy on your team, a full tank build is maybe better.



I really agree with gusterian here: your item build is almost entirely dependent on the game you are in. Is your team ahead? Does your team have little damage? Maybe the other team is really squishy- sheen might be a good idea. On the other hand your team might be getting demolished, just totally run over. Stacking doran's shields might be the way to go if you know you won't be building anything big soon especially with HoG nerfed.

There are SO many things wrong with this picture.

I'm so addicted to this game. After finishing DA2 it's the only thing I've played :O Been playing nearly a month now and I'm at lvl17. How long did it take you guys to get to 30?

Deceptus Wrote:There are SO many things wrong with this picture.

The user is loading Full Metal Alchemist movies in one of his FF tabs?
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

antisocialmunky Wrote:The user is loading Full Metal Alchemist movies in one of his FF tabs?

Depends if that's Brotherhood or the older (worse) show.

(Wait, what is this thread now about again?)

EDIT: There we go, Cull, CLG.Chauster, on the same team with Hotshot in a match no less, did buy a Sheen on his roaming Alistar. They won.

Sheen is by no means worthless. smile

Jowy Wrote:I'm so addicted to this game. After finishing DA2 it's the only thing I've played :O Been playing nearly a month now and I'm at lvl17. How long did it take you guys to get to 30?

Takes about 200-250 games. Not using XP booster.

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