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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

ELO hell in ranked, all from one game:

*Bans are Garen (!), Rammus, Nocturne, and Amumu, so not too crazy

*Our cap takes Xin. 2nd pick we take Janna (me) and Kassadan. 3rd picks we take Malphite and insta-lock Yi. Several of us type in chat questioning the Yi pick when we already have Yi, he says he can only play Yi (yes, this is ranked).

*Game loads, I notice Yi's summoner spells are Revive and Clairvoyance. Note: I'M playing Janna w/ Clairvoyance.

*In game Yi goes mia immediately on fountain.

*On teamspeak I tell others in channel that I just had an insta-lock Yi in solo queue who says that's all he plays. Ottiz asks "is his name Mathmind." His name IS mathmind! Ottiz says he remembered the name because how big of a deal he made about only playing Yi and how he either does really well or really bad. The rest of the team gets a kick out of this.

*I end up as mid Janna due to Yi afk. I still have triple creep kills at the 5min mark versus rest of team, who are all in the single digits.

*Yi comes back at 4:30 or so. He types that he's jungling. I ask if he can do that without smite. Malphite types "he'll be sure to Clairvoyance the monsters to death." Yi says he's fine since he bought 2 elixers with his gold.

*I type to all "So our Yi's strategy is to build double elixirs and jungle without smite, after taking double clairvoyance and starting at the 4min mark due to afk."

*Yi dies to a monster not 1min later.

*Other team types to all "don't worry, he'll be able to revive and finish it off."

*Massive feeding by everyone but me, their Shen is 7/0 at the 10min mark!

*At about 10 minutes Malphite leaves his solo lane and /dances in the baron area for several minutes straight.

*At 15mins Yi types "I'm not even sure we'll manage to surrender. That should be our new goal."

*Teamfight: Yi runs out of fountain as I finish buying, insta-dies, revives, and passes me at top speed before I even make it to the fight, dieing for the 2nd time before I arrive.

*Malphite does the 30 wards in base griefer strat, and we finally loose via surrender (success!) at 20:00.

And people actually take ranked seriously rolleye

Haha, great story sunrise. All it lacked was one player constantly harassing his fellow teamplayers for feeding and it would have captured the LoL-community perfectly.

Oh man, I only played duo queue with Cull and our additional teammates always sucked. Our enemies sucked as well, they just didn't have a 0:00-minute-mark-leaver Teemo and their Nasus wasn't forced to feed 10 kills at the bottom lane.

That's why there is no point in Ranked, running into a bunch of clueless idiots or simply bad players (note: a certain curmudgeonic British person [you know the one] plays lots of ranked and I wouldn't want to meet him in my team) is bread and butter for this game mode, in normal queue even if you get a baddie it doesn't matter at all, and decent players seem a lot more common. I mean, if we weren't normal queuing, we would never have the chance to play (and lose BTW) a premade game against Pendragon's Master Yi, for example.

Locodoco just bought a Sheen on his Alistar as evidenced on his livestream. His every move makes my victory more complete.

How much IP will a standard set of high tier runes cost?

I think a basic page of magic pen reds, mana regen per level blues + yellows + hp quints is about 13k IP

My recollection is that runes used to be cheaper than they are now, but I still saved a lot of IP until I made level 20
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

About 250 games+30+ champs brought is enough to get full 3 runes pages(ap carry, ad carry, as jungle)


LoL Contest #2 - Free Champion Powerfarming !

Since the last challenge was well received, I have used some of your suggestions to create a second one. Again you have the chance to win some RP and show that you are the uber-pro-farmer of our community wink

Starts: Now!

Ends: Tuesday, April 26th, 12:00 CEST (which is usually around the time for patch maintenance)

Conditions: Start a solo custom game on Summoner's Rift without any additional bots or players on either team.

Goals: Pick 3 out of the 10 champions that are part of the "Free Champion Rotation week #41".
The following champions are free this week:

- Amumu
- Ashe
- Caitlyn
- Garen
- Heimerdinger
- LeBlanc
- Master Yi
- Mordekaiser
- Morgana
- Rammus

Farm 100 minions/jungle creeps with each of your 3 picked champion and record the finishing time. Add the three results together - this is your total.

Winning condition: The fastest combined time wins.

a) Madred's Razor and Wriggles Lantern are banned. (Bloodrazor is legal if you buy it without having Madred's Razor in your inventory at any point in time).
b) The use of Blue and Red Buff is also banned !
c) You must use an empty rune page with no runes whatsoever. Failure to use an empty rune page on one of your attempts will result in disqualification ! On the other hand, all masteries are legal.

How to participate:
As soon as you reach 100 minion kills on one of your 3 champions, press tab and take a screenshot that shows your your minion kill number along with your finishing time. Report your times either in this thread or via PM to me. Upload your screenshots somewhere on the net (i.e. ) and send me the link via PM.
You may improve each part time of your total independently and as often as you like.
Once you report a finishing time with a champion, that champion is "locked" and while you still can improve that champion's time, the pick itself can not be changed anymore, so choose wisely.

You may deduct 1 second from your finishing time for every day before Tuesday you report your result (i.e. if you report Saturday, you may deduct 3 seconds). This is so we get some results flowing in and not have everybody turn in 30 minutes before the contest ends.
The bonus does not apply to your total but is applied to each single champion attempt you submit, so you can get a max of 21 seconds bonus for your total if you were to submit all three times on Tuesday! Your champion choice is made public upon submission.

What can you win:
If you win (aside from all the honor wink) you will receive a code from a Riot Point Game Card worth 10$.
In order to claim this prize, you must upload a replay of your winning results after the contest, so that players can learn from you. See if you haven't installed the client yet.

And since Easter approaches, there is an additional prize:
I will do a drawing from the pool of all members who participated, so this time submitting a valid result with 3 champions will give you the chance to win a 10$ Riot Point Card as well !

Good luck to everyone !


I want to see what the fastest time for rammus is. tongue

After trying it a couple of times I'm not sure why you banned razor + wriggles, it won't make much if any difference
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

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